Chapter 270

After a huge explosion, Xu Er felt that the Tiandi Mountain trees in front of him were covered with a layer of red, and the grave mounds beside him also changed from one to two or even three, constantly rotating.His stomach turned upside down, and he lay on the ground and retched.

Just that bit of compressed biscuits and water, at this time, it is estimated that it has already entered the depths of the small intestine according to the procedure, and is heading towards the large intestine.Xu Er vomited for a long time, and only spit out some acid water.

The blind man was squatting on the ground, with two fingers stuffed into his ears, and his mouth was still open.Hearing the sound of Xu Er retching beside him, he sniffled and frowned in a rare way.

He got up and patted the dirt on his head and body, grabbed Xu Er and said: "In the future, you have to learn to be smart, especially when the situation is abnormal, you can do what other people do. A pair of recruits Bai Chang It's..."

Xu Er shook his head, the revolving shadows of the graves gradually merged into one, and the world was no longer blood-colored. He heard some of the blind man's words intermittently, and he firmly remembered them in his heart.Later, when he followed Xiao Ran to explore the underground palace, it was by observing Xiao Ran's movements and learning Xiao Ran's action logic several times that he managed to save himself from danger time and time again, and even helped Xiao Ran find the mechanism to open the door.

Of course, this is all for later. Seeing that Xu Er had recovered, the black blind man patted Xu Er on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the burst photo spot just now.

At this time, the sky was still full of dust beside the big tree, and the black blind man stopped halfway, pointed to the place where it was blasted, and asked Xu Er, "What did you see?"

Xu Er's eyes widened, and he saw that the dust all over the sky was being swept by a wind blowing from the mountain wall and flying towards the position pointed by the crown of the tree.

"There is a wind... a wind is blowing from the mountains..."

After hearing this, the blind man nodded in satisfaction.Not long after, all the dust on the mountain wall was blown away. The blind man took out two masks, put on one for himself, and threw the other to Xu Er.

He walked slowly to the place where the explosion was just now. Most of the rocks that had been piled up before had been blown away, leaving only a mountain pass that was as wide as a person and about two meters long.

A gust of breeze mixed with a small amount of dust kept blowing from the mountain pass.Facing the wind, the blind man stretched comfortably, nodded to Xu Er, and took the lead into the mountain pass.

Xu Er quickly followed, and saw that the blind man had turned on the flashlight and was walking forward in the narrow passage in the mountain pass.About a few hundred meters away, there is a faintly visible bright spot, and the breeze blows from that direction.

Xu Er followed closely behind Hei Xiazi, carefully observing Hei Xiazi's every move with the help of the flashlight, for fear that he would behave like a monster suddenly and he would not have time to react.

After walking for about 50 meters, the narrow passage began to widen, and the sound of running water came from below.Xu Er felt that the ground under his feet was also greasy. With the help of the black blind man's flashlight, he found that the middle of the passage was full of round stones with moss, and a small amount of water could be vaguely seen flowing through the middle.

Not only the feet, but also the sides of the passage and even the top of the head are wet and slippery.

Xu Er only looked around, but didn't notice that Hei Xiazi stopped suddenly and almost bumped into Hei Xiazi's back.In Xu Er's eyes, this black blind man was more terrifying than any poisonous insect or beast.Xu Er would rather be in close contact with a live bear than stick to a black blind man.

He hurriedly stopped, but unexpectedly his feet slipped, and he fell backwards on his back.

Fortunately, the large bundle of bear skins was still carried behind his back, which acted as a good buffer and prevented him from being injured by the stone on his back.But the butt was not so lucky, the tailbone hit the stone, causing him to gasp in pain.

The black blind man in front shone a flashlight in front of him, and saw puddles of rags and broken bones, mixed with stenchy mud scattered all over the ground.

The blind man sniffled, turned to Xu Er and said, "Be careful, we seem to have broken into someone else's house..."

Xu Er didn't understand what Heixiazi meant, but felt that water was dripping from the top of his head.Enduring the pain in his butt, Ben was extremely impatient, so he picked up a stone and threw it in the direction of the dripping water.

In a daze, Xu Er seemed to see something moving quickly above his head.The stone didn't hit anything, but fell to the ground after crossing a parabola, and bounced twice, causing a weak echo.

The location of the dripping water also changed at this time, from his forehead before to his chest.Immediately afterwards, a greasy forked tongue licked towards his face.

Xu Er exclaimed, and quickly moved his head away.At the same time, Hei Xiazi also turned around, and the flashlight happened to shine on the owner of the forked tongue hanging above Xu Er's head.

Xu Er was taken aback for a moment, then screamed louder and louder in fright in an instant, got up on the ground with hands and feet and hid behind the blind man.

In the light of the flashlight, a dead man's skull hangs from a long neck, hanging from a raised rock above.The skull was obviously black and yellow and rotten, but the long tongue kept sticking out from under the upper jaw.

"Dead...ghost...hanging ghost!"

When Xu Er saw this combination of a long tongue, a long neck and a dead man's skull, the first thing he thought of was the hanged ghost.

The black blind man sniffled and said disdainfully: "The smell of death is indeed strong enough, and I don't know how much dead human flesh I ate."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blind man turned around and kicked Xu Er in the stomach.This kick was neither light nor heavy, and it wasn't strong enough to cause serious damage to Xu Er, but it was enough to make him sit on the ground.

The blind man also quickly dodged sideways, and the dead man's skull with the long neck rushed over at the same time.Under the skull, a jaw with thin scales opened suddenly, but it missed.

Xu Er hurriedly got up clutching his stomach, but in his heart he thanked Hei Xiazi for his foot.If the black blind man just dodged by himself, he would have been bitten off by the big mouth of the dead man's skull by now.

It was that moment just now that made Xu Er feel a little less fearful.Because the moment the dead head with the long neck approached the long mouth, he felt a fishy heat blowing towards his face, and the long neck was also covered with almost circular patterns.

This thing is not a dead ghost, but a living animal.It's just that the dead man's skull puzzled Xu Erbai.

The black blind man on the other side, taking advantage of the time when the dead man's head retracted, flew up and kicked the chin of the dead man's skull.The skull was crooked by his strong kick, and he took up the knife and chopped off the skull.

The long neck trembled, and quickly retracted into the crack above the stone.The black blind man looked at the skull rolling on the ground, raised his foot and stepped on it.

With a sound of "click", the skull was trampled into pieces, but it was still connected to the severed piece of flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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