Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 272 This is Luoyang Shovel

Chapter 272 This is Luoyang Shovel

At this time, Heixiazi and Xu Er were in a valley between two hundreds of meters of cliffs. The river in the valley and the dark pool at the end looked like a huge thermometer.

Xu Er felt an indescribable sense of oppression, as if the mountain walls on both sides might close together at any moment, pinching him into a meatloaf.Just looking up at the top of the mountain above the valley made him feel dizzy and suffocated, feeling like he was about to fall down on his back in a matter of minutes.

He quickly lowered his head and closed his eyes to regain his senses.When he opened his eyes again, he saw the blind man squatting by the pool, carefully observing the situation in the dark pool.

When the flashlight shines into the pool, most of the light is absorbed by the mud and unknown black water plants in the pool, and it is basically impossible to see the bottom clearly.

Xu Er suddenly felt thirsty at this time, so he imagined that he would bend down to drink this natural mountain spring water like he was in the village.But the black blind man suddenly raised his arm to stop him, looked around, turned around and said to him: "Child, don't rush to drink water, go and find me a stick. Branches are fine too, long and thicker ones." .”

Xu Er had no choice but to walk in the opposite direction of the water pool, looking for something that met Hei Xiazi's requirements.

He walked all the way, and the more he walked, the wider he walked. Although the mountains on both sides were still towering, the river in the middle became thinner and thinner, and the land on both sides gradually became flatter and wider. Some grave mounds with grass but no monuments gradually appeared. in view.

It seems that this is indeed the big stone ditch. These grave mounds are the places where the poor people buried their bones, and there is no way to care about Feng Shui, dry or wet land, etc. It would be good to have a place to bury them.But the good thing is that it is absolutely remote and quiet enough, so you don't have to worry too much about being disturbed by people or wild animals.

But Xu Er felt troubled at this moment. Although there were occasionally a few small trees as thick as arms above or beside some grave mounds, he didn't have the tools at hand, so he couldn't cut them down.

While worrying, he suddenly saw a relatively larger tomb in front of him. There was a half-drawn tombstone standing in front of the tomb, and half of it was broken and fell on the ground next to it. It had been embedded in the ground after an unknown number of years.The inscriptions on these two remnants of steles have also been wiped off by the wind and rain, making them completely unrecognizable.

It seems that before this big stone ditch buried people indiscriminately, it did bury some country gentlemen and village rich with a little family wealth.However, such a tomb, among these grave mounds without tombstones, is too outstanding, and it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be missed.

Xu Er walked by the slightly larger grave, and he saw an obvious pothole behind the grave, and the surrounding area was already covered with weeds.

Although he didn't know much about things like Daodou'er, there was a hole next to the grave mound, and its shape was so flat, it was obviously formed by manual work. Just thinking about it with his toes, he knew that someone dug the hole and went in.

Xu Er suddenly became curious and wanted to take a closer look.He walked cautiously to the side of the robber's hole, made a gesture carefully, and found that the robber's hole was at best the same size as his waistline, and he didn't know whether the hole's entrance had shrunk with age, or the person who went down to the tomb was too slender and slender.

But when he thought about how he would get stuck in the middle of this narrow hole and suffocate to death, that kind of despair immediately made him take two steps to the side.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the second foot landed, he felt that he stepped on a round object, and then lost his balance on both feet, and fell backward with his face up.

Fortunately, here is a relatively loose pile of soil and weeds. When he fell, he instinctively pushed up his hips, which saved his butt from suffering a second time.It's just that when I looked up at the mountain before, the feeling of falling down on my back finally came true.

He rubbed the back of his head and got up, feeling that he had fallen to the ground, but the back of his head was a bit soft, even weeds shouldn't feel this way.

He turned his head and found a cloth corner exposed under the loose soil.He pulled the corner of the cloth and pulled it along the way, and a coarse cloth bag was pulled out from under the loose surface debris.

The coarse cloth bag was rotten and tattered in many places, and contained hemp rope and some clothes of old styles in the pocket.It was these things that cushioned Xu Er's head.

Xu Er thought about it carefully. This probably belonged to the tomb robber back then. After dumping the tomb, he put on clean clothes and put the other things in his pockets. As long as he was careful, others would think he was a peddler.It's just that after so many years, this pocket has been covered with a layer of virtual soil, so it can't be seen from the outside.

But he changed his mind, since the tomb robber's things were outside, it meant that the tomb robber...

He glanced at the narrow and deep hole again, and couldn't help shivering.The suffocating feeling of being suffocated alive came to my mind again.

This time, he carefully avoided the robbery hole, and when his eyes turned to the side, the thing he tripped over also entered the realization.

It was a stick with a long handle and a half cylindrical thing inside, like a half-split bamboo tube, but it seemed to be made of iron, with mottled rust on the surface.

Xu Er picked up this thing and looked at it carefully. He felt that this thing seemed to be a shovel with a strange shape, but the shovel head was so long and narrow that it couldn’t turn over the ground, shovel mud, cultivate land or build a house. I don’t know what it could be used for. .

Who cares, a strange man is equipped with a strange shovel, this thing is thick and long enough to meet the requirements of the black blind man.Thinking of handing over this strange thing to Hei Xiazi, Xu Er inexplicably felt a bit of joy in his heart, as if he could watch Hei Xiazi embarrass him and make a fool of himself.

At this time, a mountain wind blew by, and he heard rustling beside him.Turning his head, he saw the weeds swaying around the robber's cave, and there seemed to be a mournful whistle coming from the cave.He felt his scalp go numb, and hurriedly dragged the strange shovel and ran all the way to the pool.

The shovel head rubbed against the ground, making a sharp rubbing sound from time to time. It was clear that it was a sunny day, but Xu Er was too frightened by the fear in his heart to look back, so he could only keep pushing his weak legs forward quickly. run.

It wasn't until I bypassed a few half-person-high boulders and saw the black blind man squatting by the pool that I felt a sense of security in my heart.

Hei Xiazi heard the noisy rubbing sound behind him, turned his head and said to Xu Er: "It's so hard to find a stick..."

But in the middle of the conversation, the blind man stared at the things in Xu's second hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly froze.Xu Er was overjoyed, feeling that he was about to see the blind man make a fool of himself, so he held back a smile and threw the strange thing in his hand to the blind man.

Unexpectedly, the black blind man picked up the strange shovel and knocked the rust on the ground, but he seemed to smile more happily, and said to Xu Er: "Luoyang shovel, where did you find it? It really doesn't cost anything time……"

Seeing that the black blind man actually knew what it was, Xu Er froze a little, and explained how he found the burglar hole and how he picked up the shovel.

The blind man laughed and said, "It seems that the unlucky one fed himself rice dumplings..."

Xu Er didn't understand Hei Xiazi's words, but from his skill, courage, understanding of this Luoyang shovel, and those inexplicable words, Xu Er felt that Hei Xiazi was definitely not a writer of style.

"Get out of the way!"

The black blind man suddenly yelled, and then used the Luoyang shovel in his hand to fish out something from the deep pool in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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