Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 273 Chapter Village

Chapter 273 Returning to the Village
Fortunately, Xu Er reacted in time, and quickly stepped aside after the blind man shouted.The things that the black blind man fished out were thrown beside Xu Er with mud and water. Xu Er took a look, and suddenly there was a burst of sour water in his stomach.

It was a corpse that had been soaked in water until the bones were gone, but the clothes and hair were still attached to the yellow-brown corpse, which really looked like a ghost.

Exclaiming in surprise, Xu Er took a few steps back, seeing the two puddles of green water floating in the eye sockets of the corpse, he couldn't help retching twice.

The blind man smiled and said, "Child, let me teach you a little more. Don't stuff your mouth with water from unknown sources. Thirsty and hungry are better than eating and drinking."

After the blind man finished speaking, he turned his head and looked into the pool.Xu Er felt his hair stand on end at this moment. The so-called black water plants under the water were probably the hairs of floating dead people. I don't know how many such corpses are still standing and floating in the water at this moment.

"Stones come out of the water, and the gods hide the mountain..."

While repeating what Xu Er's father said, the blind man raised his head to look at the half circle of cliffs surrounding the pool, and suddenly muttered: "It seems that it's not the time..."

Xu Er didn't know what he meant, but his eyes were still fixed on the corpse.He saw that the clothing of this corpse was different from that of modern people. Although it was also a short jacket, the style was like the clothes of ancient people in the county pictorial.

Seeing that Xu Er was interested in the corpse, the black blind man said to Xu Er: "The people in this pond are the group of Ba Kun that the elders in your village mentioned. Many of his subordinates died as sacrifices..."

When Xu Er heard the black box say that the corpse was a sacrificial offering, he swallowed with a "gudong".Now he became more and more suspicious that this black blind man was not someone who could see the light, maybe later he made up his mind and threw him into the pool as a sacrifice.

He couldn't help but took a few steps back, but at this moment, the blind man suddenly turned to him and said, "My child, I want to trouble you with one last thing..."

Xu Er was preconceived by his own speculation. Hearing what the blind man said, he immediately fell to his knees and kowtowed for mercy, fearing that the blind man would throw him into the water.

The blind man went straight to him, pulled him up, and stuffed something in his hand.

Xu Er looked at the thing in his hand in shock, and saw that it was a hollow bone, about as long as his index finger, but as thick as two fingers, and a leather rope passed through the hollow in the middle.

This thing exudes a faint smell of blood and urine, mixed together exudes a primitive wild atmosphere, like the smell of walking in a forest where wild beasts are entrenched.

With a smile on the corner of the black blind man's mouth, he shook a photo in his hand.Xu Er took a closer look, and it seemed that the photo was taken on a mountaintop. There was a basin in the distance, and there was a huge boulder in the center, which looked like an egg in a big bowl.

"Next time, if someone brings a similar photo, remember to bring him here. You have nothing to do here, wear this thing and go home, and make sure that no beast on the road dares to approach you again."

After the blind man finished speaking, he pinched Xu Er's shoulder and turned him around on the spot, then pushed him lightly, and Xu Er stumbled a few steps towards the mountain pass he came from.

He felt that Heixiazi's actions were conveying the meaning of "don't turn your head", so he didn't dare to look back, let alone ask Heixiazi's real identity, so he could only obediently leave here.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly heard a "plop" sound from behind, which made him tremble with fright.He looked back instinctively, and saw that the black blind man was gone by the deep pool, only the long-haired corpse was still lying by the pool.The undulating water patterns in the pool hinted at the whereabouts of the black blind man just now.

Thinking of so many corpses in the pool, Xu Er felt that the black blind man was really a lunatic. Whether he committed suicide by jumping into the pool or went into the water to find something, it was not something normal people could do.

Hei Xiazi didn't leave him the flashlight, so Xu Er looked at the dark mountain pass, so he could only rely on his memory when he came, and carefully walked towards the distant light spot by touching the wall.

The fear brought by the darkness is so natural and pure, so after walking a few steps, Xu Er will be disturbed by the imagination in his mind, or be urged to speed up his pace, or be hindered to stop panting on the spot.He had to touch the bone pendant from time to time to make himself feel at ease.

After smearing all the way to the middle of the mountain road, Xu Eryi suddenly had an idea, he wanted to see the anaconda head chopped off by the black blind man again.While testing with his toes, he walked towards the small lake in the center.But until he stretched out one foot into the lake, he didn't find the anaconda's head as big as a bull's head at all.

In an instant, the fear in Xu Er's heart exploded to the extreme, he couldn't imagine himself facing the thing that took the anaconda's head away in the dark alone.Almost crying, he stumbled all the way to the mountain pass.

He didn't know how long he ran, how many times he fell, until he ran out of the mountain pass, and the sun hit his face again, before he collapsed on the ground, his chest heaving violently and panting non-stop.

When he sat up, he found that his trousers were covered with moss and silt, and the tree with crooked neck in front of him seemed to turn his head away and laugh at him.He got up, spat hard at the crooked neck tree, and quickly took advantage of the daylight to pass through the large mass of graves, and plunged into the large pine forest again.

He took a few breaths while leaning on a pine tree, and suddenly realized a problem.When he and Hei Xiazi crossed the pine forest several times before, they made mistakes, and Hei Xiazi calibrated the route by relying on his nose.But now that there is no Heixiazi, how should he cross this forest by himself?

Xu Er was annoyed for a while, and beat the pine tree twice.He felt a little wet on his hand, raised his hand and looked at the side of the palm, and found that there was a fresh cross mark there.

He suddenly remembered that on the way here, the black blind man had been scratching and pulling on the tree trunk with a short knife, and his seemingly careless movements were actually leaving road signs.

He hurriedly leaned on the memory of when he came, while observing the surrounding tree trunks, and sure enough, he found the nicks one after another.After walking for a while, the skinned red meat ball appeared in front of him again.

He carefully walked past the skinless black bear, and found that the internal organs of the bear that had been exposed to the outside had disappeared, and there were signs of being bitten on the edges of the tender meat on the chest and abdomen.Around the black bear's body, there are still many bloody paw prints. I don't know what kind of animal it is, but it seems that there are a lot of them.

Xu Er held the pendant on his chest. It seemed that the thing Heixiazi gave him was really useful. These beasts who ate the bear carcasses had obviously just left, and it was definitely not because they were full.

He didn't dare to stay longer, and hurriedly continued to walk along the notch on the pine tree.After walking a few tens of meters, the black bear's body was blocked by the woods, but Xu Er heard the sound of dense footsteps and the roar of scrambling for food from behind.

By the time he walked out of the pine forest and tried his best to climb over the embankment formed by the interlaced hills and mountains, the sun had completely set.He could only walk forward according to the memory of when he came, until he saw the lights of Futou Village and heard a dog barking from time to time in the village, and finally he was at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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