Chapter 276

Several people carried various tools and supplies on their backs, and turned over one "field ridge" after another.Hu Bayi lamented that such a terrain is not only poor in geomantic omen, it is not suitable for building a private house, and it is impossible to build a house or grow food. Unless there are mines underground, it is really a wasteland.As a cover for the Tibetan God Bureau, it is completely qualified.No normal person would have thought that it would be necessary to climb over such a complicated terrain to find a possible tomb.

It was already winter, but the fat man was sweating from climbing up the hill, his posture was not inferior to the one he had in the desert a few months ago.

But his spirit is still good, like a primary school student going on a spring outing, singing songs all the way, from the beautiful scenery of Shanxi to the soft wrists of wanting to kiss.

Everyone was infected by his full emotions, and they all hummed along with him.Xiao Ran asked: "Brother Fat, you still know a lot of songs. I see many songs that Xu Er, a local, can't sing."

"That's right, do you think Fatty and I have sold all the tapes for nothing for so many years? We are also the transmitters of the people's literature and art and spiritual civilization construction. How can we just sell those love and love and carry forward these traditional folk songs? It is an unshirkable responsibility of literary and art workers!"

When Hu Bayi heard the fat man bragging, he turned his head and teased, "You are still a literary and artistic worker with your virtue. Aren't you a university professor?"

The fat man immediately continued: "Yes, Comrade Hu, Mr. Hu, we are mainly engaged in academic research and sideline literary research, how can we just talk about it? We are not afraid of teaching good comrades who are poor and lower-middle peasants."

Seeing the fat man looking at him, Xu Er knew that the poor and lower-middle peasant was talking about him, so he quickly said with a smile on his face, "You guys are all knowledgeable in speaking, and your words are set, much better than ours... What do you mean? ?”

Seeing that both Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran were holding back their laughter, Fatty played tricks on purpose, and quietly said to Xu Er: "Ah, that's him, and he is ah, it's not mandarin, and we are not allowed to speak it in school."

Xu Er nodded half-understood. At this time, several people also climbed up the last small mountain ridge, and saw that the pine forest was close in front of them.The fat man asked Xu Erdao: "Do you still remember where you entered from when you came with the blind man?"

Xu Er looked into the distance, pointed to a pine tree that looked like a large pine cone, and said, "Remember, I walked in from that tree that day."

Hu Bayi let out a "puchi" laugh and said, "This kid is a quick learner! He's a good seed."

Xu Er triumphantly pointed at the fat man and said, "I can't do it, it's all taught by you."

When Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran heard this, they laughed even more happily. The fat man blushed, and patiently said to Xu Er: " said it to people who don't respect can't say your comrades anyway!"

Xu Er wondered: "Then why does Mr. Hu still call you Ya?"

"Because you're rude! Don't ask me, I'll help you..."

Seeing that the fat man had lifted a rock and hit his foot, he resentfully turned back and walked down the mountain, trying to find a place to put water.Hu Bayi laughed enough, and said to the fat man, "Then let's go down for a while to rest, and catch up later."

The three of them walked down a few meters and sat down on a relatively flat slope.Xiao Ran felt that this slope was a little strange, it seemed a little too flat.

He looked down the slope and found that the weeds on the entire small mountain ridge were distributed in many rectangular shapes.Grass is taller on the edges of the rectangle and shorter on the inside.

He held the engineering shovel in one hand, and carelessly scratched the soil under his buttocks.Because it was winter, the soil was frozen hard, so he had no choice but to dig out the roots of the weeds. A large piece of hard loess, together with the withered yellow weeds, was thrown aside by him.

Attracted by his actions, Hu Bayi asked, "Brother Xiao, what are you busy with?"

Xiao Ran said: "Why do I feel that there seems to be something under our butt..."

Hearing what he said, Hu Bayi also got up and observed the weeds on the entire small hill. Suddenly, his expression became serious, and he quickly ran to the top of the small hill and looked around.

Seeing this, Xiao Ranhe and Xu Er had no choice but to follow, but Hu Bayi sighed: "Why didn't I see it just now... so it's like this..."

Just as Xiao Ran was about to ask what was going on, he suddenly heard the fat man chasing up from below, panting, and shouted anxiously: "Old Hu! Brother Xiao... Below... There are below..."

Xiao Ran quickly reached out to support him, and asked, "What's down there? Fat brother, please speak slowly."

"Coffins. If I'm wrong, it's a whole mountain of coffins. No, these hills are full of coffins..."

Before the fat man could speak, Hu Bayi spoke first.The fat man nodded heavily at first, and then, like Xiao Ran and Xu Er, his eyes widened.

"Just now I was making jokes all the way, but I didn't pay attention to it. Look at the shape of these mountain beams, what do they look like?"

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, the three of them looked at these hills seriously, Xu Er was the first to react, and said in a stuttering voice: "Gen... Grave buns..."

Hu Ba nodded and said, "That's right, it's a tomb. I heard from my grandfather that he traveled around Sichuan when he was young, and he also encountered this kind of large soil that is tens of meters high and more than a hundred meters long. Hill. The locals say it is a ghost mountain. At night, the mountains are full of fire and fire, and the vicinity of the mound has become a cemetery for the surrounding people. On the second day he went, he caught up with the heavy rain and caused a mudslide. Half of the mound also collapsed, and as a result, the entire mound was filled with sarcophagi stacked one on top of the other. Later, he inquired more carefully, and it was said that in the Qing Dynasty, there was a small sect of evil sects that used all kinds of obscene sacrifices. Heresy method to worship the gods. This kind of coffin is used to build a mountain-shaped grave, it seems to be called the coffin of ghosts."

Hearing Hu Bayi say the word "gathering souls", Xiao Ran hurriedly communicated with Suohun Dinglingzhu: "Suozi, one mound is worth hundreds of corpses, and these seven or eight mounds may have thousands of corpses." , why didn't you say a word?"

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu replied: "Bayan, I didn't hear the voice of the soul. Since someone did it like this, the gathered soul will definitely not stay here, maybe it has been taken elsewhere..."

Hearing Suohun Dinglingzhu say this, Xiao Ran suddenly realized.It seems that before Ba Kun came, there were already people engaged in such evil things near this so-called Tibetan God Bureau.Gathering souls is definitely not for a party, but to use the gathered souls for some other ceremony.It's no wonder that there may seem to be many corpses here, but there is no voice of the soul.

He listened carefully again, let alone the soul, not even the sound of a funeral object.

This is the fat man, but he became anxious, and said to Hu Bayi: "Old Hu! There are coffins all over the mountain, so don't let them go... Excavate and protect them?"

Seeing his excited face, Hu Bayi said seriously: "Mr. Wang, there may be nothing in these coffins..."

As soon as these words came out, not only Fatty was stunned, but even Xiao Ran was stunned.He thought to himself, could it be that Hu Bayi, like him, has the ability to find out the contents of the coffin through the tomb?
(End of this chapter)

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