Chapter 277

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, the fat man thought that Hu Bayi was afraid of being suspected of his real identity because of Xu Er's presence, so he said in an official tone: "No matter what is inside, ah, or this corpse, it is because we understand history. The... important work. Mr. Hu, we are not tomb robbers. How could we not do rescue excavations because we suspect that there is nothing in the tomb? I think we have to hurry up to rescue it since we are here. Xiao Brother, what do you say?"

Seeing that the fat man threw the problem to himself, Xiao Ran thought for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Hu also said just now, what kind of ghosts' coffin is this thing? The corpses are probably ordinary people they cheated and kidnapped, maybe there are live pistons in them, and they are not buried in Fengshui treasures to protect future generations. Where did they come from... Funeral objects, there is no research value... "

When the fat man heard this, he saw Hu Bayi nodding silently, and he wanted to understand what Xiao Ran said.

"Not only are there no funerary objects, I remember my grandfather said that he saw the locals open a few coffins, and the corpses inside were all incomplete, either missing an arm or a leg, and there were many coffins in the lid. Scratch marks. I guess those crooked ways of offering sacrifices to gods may be just like Brother Xiao said, they are probably suffocated to death inside, so that the resentment can be maximized."

After hearing Hu Bayi's last addition, the fat man felt like a deflated ball, and suddenly felt dull.But he looked at the corner of the sarcophagus he found under the hillside, always a little bit unwilling.

"Old Hu, even though I said that, we can't... look again? What if we find anything? Academic discoveries!"

Seeing that the fat man couldn't hold back his curiosity, and even started to make up things again, Hu Bayi sighed helplessly and said, "If you really want to, just open it, and I'll take it as a study. But let's make an agreement in advance, open the coffin." From now on, no matter what is inside, after reading it, it will be left intact and covered.”

Seeing that Hu Bayi finally nodded, the fat man excitedly took out his compass, ran to the side of the sarcophagus and found the southeast corner, and then turned it up in his backpack.

Hu Bayi's original intention was to have a look at the shape of the coffin of the Hundred Ghosts, and satisfy the fat man's curiosity by the way, so this kind of coffin opening is not an inversion, and there is no need to follow those forms.

But before he could speak to stop him, Xu Er had already handed over a stump of candle and a matchbox.

When Xu Er did this, Hu Bayi and Fatty were dumbfounded. They looked at Xu Er, looked at each other, and turned their gazes to Xiao Ran in unison.

Xiao Ran said with some embarrassment: "Well, we also opened coffins under Xia Niang Temple before. This procedure... He is familiar with it."

The fat man suddenly realized, and said to Xu Er: "Dare you kid, you know what we are doing, right? You let us waste a long time here, why didn't you say something earlier?"

Xu Er laughed and said: "I don't know what you guys do, but you are definitely not university professors. I have met university professors in the county, and there is no such thing as you. But I know, you are definitely not bad people... Bi The black blind man is better."

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't compare us with that blind man, it's bad luck. Besides, are we better? Are we much better?"

The fat man got angry when he heard about the black blind man, but he had no other choice but to get angry.Seeing this, Hu Bayi smiled and said: "Brother Xiao, you didn't say it earlier, since you have all the cards, you don't have to go around the corner. Fatty, this time we just opened the coffin and opened our eyes. It is really purely academic research. What? Nothing to take, no need to light candles."

Fatty originally wanted to fish in troubled waters, but he didn't expect that Hu Bayi didn't even light a candle, because he was determined not to touch things, so he could only vent his anger on Xu Er.

"Did you hear that? What are you still doing? Dig!"

Fatty and Xu Er picked up the engineering shovel, and Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran also went to help.After a while, a very rough sarcophagus was exposed to everyone's sight.

The sarcophagus was simply sealed with rammed earth and filled with weeds over many years.With the growth of these weeds, the coffin lid and the coffin body have been slightly separated, so there is no need to worry about any poisonous gas in the coffin.

"Stay back and back! Look at my fat man!"

Fatty saw that the lid of the coffin was a little loose, so he drove the others away, picked up the engineering shovel and inserted it into the gap of the sarcophagus, weeds and broken loess splashed down one after another.

Regardless of what was in the coffin, or whether there was anything, opening the coffin itself was a very exciting experience for the fat man.Xiao Ran completely understood his mood, so he stood by the side with the other two, quietly watching the fat man pry open the coffin lid bit by bit.

With such a big blind box, maybe some hidden money can be opened.

The fat man didn't use much force, he just shoveled around the sarcophagus a few times, and with the last effort, the sarcophagus lid fell to the side.He excitedly stretched his head in to look, but his face instantly collapsed.

"Come on! It's nothing to look at, it doesn't even have a skeleton, it's so boring..."

Xiao Ran, Hu Bayi, and Xu Er also moved closer and looked into the coffin.I saw that a layer of loess had already accumulated in the coffin, and there were even a few weeds that had taken root, but they had withered and died in the coffin.

In addition to the loess and dead grass, there was also a headless skeleton in the coffin. The body had long been weathered into bone fragments and was wrapped in a layer of tattered cloth.

This blind box really has a hidden version, and the hidden part is the head.

On the fallen coffin lid, as expected by Hu Bayi, there were desperate scratches.

"This is strange. The corpse is headless. How did you carve the coffin like this? Could it be that the corpse is a fraud?" the fat man asked.

Hu Bayi shook his head and said: "That's impossible, I guess, the person should be suffocated in the coffin first, to arouse the resentment before his death, then open the coffin, cut off the head, and then hastily cover the coffin. Now that this is the case, let’s open two more.”

The four of them panicked, and opened two more sarcophagi, and sure enough, the situation inside was exactly the same, with broken skeletons without heads, and scratches on the coffins.

"It seems that the heads of these corpses have all been cut off, but I don't know where they were taken." Hu Bayi said.

Xiao Ran and Xu Er looked at each other, they remembered, under the Xia Niang Temple, in the tenth gate, those heads were planted in clay pots like farming.It's just that the sarcophagi in these mountain ridges should have been earlier than the Tianling Sanren's expansion of the Xia Niang Temple's underground palace, and people should have done this kind of human heads and crops before that.

In this way, the words of locking the soul and setting the spirit beads are also correct. It seems that the souls of those people were taken away along with the severed heads.

Fatty satisfied his curiosity, and Hu Bayi had finished researching the coffin of ghosts. They put the lid back on and buried it again, bowed symbolically, and headed towards the pine forest again.

(End of this chapter)

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