Chapter 280

The knife in Xiao Ran's hand flew directly above Hu Bayi's head. Seeing Xiao Ran throwing the knife, the fat man also turned his head to look at Hu Bayi at the same time, and only had time to say: "I X..."

"Get down!"

Xiao Ran endured the pain in his back, and yelled when the knife was thrown.Relying on the instinct of years of military career, Hu Bayi quickly bent over and rolled, and dodged to the side.

Guan Shandao slashed on the tree trunk behind him with a "boom", stopping his spinning flight, a trace of red and green sticky blood flashed on the blade, and then disappeared instantly.

At such a long distance, although Xiao Ran couldn't hear him, he could guess that Guan Shandao must be scolding his mother again, because the liquid that was drawn on the knife was indeed too smelly.

When Hu Bayi got up, he saw a strange ape that was also hanging upside down, its head was already in a different place, and blood with a strange taste and color was sprayed from its neck, and it slowly fell from the tree.

Fatty left Xiao Ran behind, and hurried to Hu Bayi's side in three steps at a time.Seeing that Hu Bayi was fine, he turned his gaze to the strange ape on the ground.

The mushroom on the body of this strange ape is not as big as before, so its head still has complete facial features, and its appearance looks between that of a baboon and a human. There is also a bright red long tongue.

The fat man carefully touched the head with his toes, unexpectedly the head rolled towards him staggeringly, a pair of gray-green eyes fixedly stared at him, the original mouth opened and closed, as if wanting to screamed, but it was impossible to scream.

The fat man was so frightened that he yelled loudly and kicked the ape's head into the distance.

At the same time, the body that fell on the ground staggered up and groped around with its two sharp claws. The wound on the neck had been sealed with a white film at some point, stopping it. The stinky blood spewed out.

Hu Bayi and Fatty quickly jumped back. Although the headless corpse seemed to be alive, it had no head after all. It lost four of its five senses at once, and could only wander around like a headless fly.

Hu Bayi quickly changed the bullets, and together with the fat man, they raised their guns and fired at the chest of the dead ape.

There were two "bang bang" sounds, and within such a short distance, the shotgun shot exploded in the chest of the strange ape, blood, flesh and hair were scattered everywhere.The corpse of the strange ape was hit by a huge impact, and fell backward like a torn bag, falling a few meters away.

At this time, Xiao Ran was also clutching his waist, and came from behind the two of them, holding the Guanshan knife that had just been pulled from the tree in his hand.What surprised him was that Guan Shandao didn't complain that the blood of the strange ape had a bad smell, but instead said that the blood of the strange ape also had nourishing effect, and asked Xiao Ran to cut a few more.

It seems that the taste of Guan Shandao is really different from that of human beings.

The three walked forward cautiously, wanting to see if the headless ape was dead.But before they got close, they heard a strange, shrill throat sound next to them, and the three hurriedly stepped aside. It turned out that it was the strange ape who just wanted to attack Xiao Ran, but was hit by Hu Bayi on the shoulder, crawling from the ground. Got up, shook his head and roared at the three of them.

"Master, I thought I was beaten to death, but I just fell unconscious..."

Hu Bayi cursed and raised his gun, Fatty followed closely behind, and the two shot again, this time one hit the head and the other hit the chest, watching the strange ape's head burst like a crushed grape The pulp bloomed, and it also flew a few meters backwards.

"Fatty, hurry up and reload, this thing is a bit evil..."

The shotgun can only hold two bullets at a time, and it can only shoot twice, and it also has requirements on the distance. This makes Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, two good guns, greatly reduced their combat effectiveness.

"Boy, that smell is coming again, be careful."

Guan Shandao's voice rang in his ears. Xiao Ran was originally staring at the strange ape that had just been knocked down, but now he subconsciously turned his head to look at the one that was hit by Hu and Wang before, but was shocked by the scene in front of him. Gotta keep your eyes open.

The strange ape was on all fours at this time, and was crawling towards them silently and quickly. There was a hole in the middle of the big mushroom on its back, and a sprout like a tongue protruded from it, pointing to where the three of them were. direction.

"Brother Hu! We have to shoot mushrooms!"

As soon as Xiao Ran finished speaking, the headless ape had already crawled closer.At this time, Hu Bayi and Fatty had just changed their bullets, and before they could turn around and raise their guns to shoot, Xiao Ran quickly pushed the two of them aside, and jumped up by himself.

The headless ape crawled under him, and Xiao Ran felt a strange smell emanating from the opening of the mushroom, which was like the stench of animals and the smell of rotten moss in a rotten swamp.

Xiao Ran landed steadily, and before the strange ape had climbed far, he turned around and slashed at the connection between the big mushroom and the back of the strange ape, cutting off those vein-like connecting threads at the root.

The big mushroom swayed and fell to the ground like a large piece of fat, and quickly withered and shriveled as the liquid from the tendrils gushed out.The headless ape without the big mushroom also fell to the ground with a "bang", and there was no sign of getting up again.

"Get down!"

At this moment, Hu Bayi also roared, and Xiao Ran hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground, and immediately after the shotgun in Hu Bayi's hand "bang", Xiao Ran turned his head to look over, and saw that the strange ape who had sneaked up on him just got up, Turn your back on them.And Hu Bayi's shot smashed the big mushroom on his back into pieces.

Pieces of mushroom fragments fell off from the strange ape, revealing the bright red flesh under the skin.It seems that mushrooms are indeed the lifeblood of this thing. Like its two companions, this strange ape fell to the ground with a "plop", completely dead.

"I didn't expect it to be able to move without the head. Instead, the mushroom can be completely killed by smashing it."

The fat man looked at the corpse of the strange ape not far away, his face full of disbelief, and he carried the shotgun on his back.

Hu Bayi looked in the direction of the pine forest seriously, and said with a serious face: "All the tricks are on display, I feel that this matter is not over yet. Judging from the footprints just now, there should be more than these three..."

Fatty hurriedly raised the gun to his front again, and Xiao Ran gripped the knife tightly.Sure enough, the strange bird-like and monkey-like calls continued to come from the forest, and they were getting closer.

With a series of "swish" sounds, the canopy of the pine tree kept shaking, and in an instant, more than a dozen strange apes, large and small, had stopped on several nearby pine trees, screaming at the three of them with their mouths full of thorns.And behind them, there are still many strange apes gathering towards the edge of the forest.

The nearby strange apes twitched their noses, quickly climbed down from the tree, gathered around the corpse of the companion whose head had been smashed, let out bursts of shrill screams, and kept jumping around in place, looking extremely anxious .

"Be careful, shoot if you dare to move."

Hu Bayi held the shotgun in one hand, and threw away the folding engineer shovel with the other, ready to deal with the vengeful ape group at any time.

But the three of them didn't expect that the strange ape was not in a hurry to take revenge, but swarmed around the corpse, opened its mouth full of thorns, and began to bite the corpse of its eating companion.

The creaking sound of biting flesh came from the edge of the forest, and the horrific scene made the three of them not know whether to advance or retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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