Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 281 Battle Group of Apes

Chapter 281 Battle Group of Apes

Watching the large group of strange apes mouthing up and down at the corpse of their companions, the sound of biting and chewing and the stench came from time to time, tormenting the nerves of the three of them.Especially those strange apes who were blocked from the outside and didn't snatch the corpse, turned their faces to the three of them from time to time while jumping anxiously, which made them extremely nervous.

At this time, more and more strange apes gathered around, and there were already more than twenty or thirty of them.Hu Bayi instructed the two of them: "We have to hurry up while we're at it, and use the other two corpses to lure them away. Fatty, come and help..."

Hu Bayi and Fatty raised their hands and feet, picked up a dead body, shook it twice, and threw it to the edge of the forest.Several nearby strange apes were taken aback by them, but they gathered around in an instant and started to have dinner with the new corpse.

On the other side, Xiao Ran did the same, threw another corpse to the edge of the forest, and led away a group of strange apes with mushrooms growing all over their bodies, and then the three hurriedly retreated to the side of the small camp, packed their backpacks and put them on their backs Prepare to evacuate.

"Old Hu! Where shall we retreat?"

Fatty's face was full of reconciliation. Although the strange looking things in front of him looked extremely dangerous, they had already walked halfway, and he was still thinking about going to see the hidden god bureau.

Xiao Ran was also full of anxiety at this time, besides the Tibetan God Bureau, he was more concerned about Xu Er.Looking at the gestures of these strange apes drinking blood, he faintly felt that Xu Er had already encountered an accident, but he still had a glimmer of hope, and he didn't want to just turn around and leave like this.

Hu Bayi gritted his teeth and said, "Go inside, I don't believe I can be broken into the hands of these beasts today. Isn't it just those big mushrooms? It's much easier than starting, go!"

Hu Bayi pointed his gun at the strange apes gnawing on the corpses. Fatty and Xiao Ran each carried a bag and Xu Er's bag, and were going to retreat into the forest under the cover of Hu Bayi.

But Hu Bayi suddenly stopped them and said: "That's not right, there is a group missing..."

Xiao Ran and Fatty looked at the group of apes that were gnawing on the corpse before, and found that the corpse that was gnawed first had turned into a bone, so clean that not even a little red meat could be seen.And the dozen or so strange apes surrounding the corpse had disappeared.

Fatty felt something at his feet, looked down, and saw a strange ape about half a meter tall, obviously still young, squatting beside him, staring at him with gray-green pupilless eyes, the mushroom on his shoulder was also Wriggling from time to time, sprinkled some off-white powder.

Sensing Fatty's gaze, the little monster ape suddenly screamed, turned the thorn out of its mouth, and bit Fatty's leg.

The fat man screamed in fright, stepped back to the side, and kicked the little monster ape to a tree in the distance.At the same time, Hu Bayi also fired at the branches above.

A big monster ape fell from a tree. The mushrooms on its thighs had been blasted into pieces. It lay on the ground and twisted twice before losing its breath.

"Be careful! You guys are up there!"

Several screams came from above, and the fat man also raised his gun and looked up, only to see that the dozen or so largest strange apes were already sitting on the tree above their heads, and they might pounce on them at any time.

And the other two groups of strange apes also finished eating the corpses of their own kind, and came jumping and coming from a distance, and surrounded the three of them.

This time it was really a net, Hu Bayi hurriedly changed the bullets, the fat man saw the nearest big guy was about to jump off, he raised his gun and shot at the mushroom on its shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the strange ape just jumped down from the tree. The bullet just grazed the surface of the mushroom, but the shotgun covered the two strange apes above. down.

This blow completely blew up the pot, and the strange apes rushed towards them from all over with strange screams in their mouths.Xiao Ran went out with a knife, and chopped off the two strange apes at the waist, and Fatty and Hu Bayi could only abandon the shotgun as much as possible because the distance between the three of them was too close to each other.

The three of them were back to back, and they put their backpacks half a meter in front of them as a barrier. If any strange ape wanted to get close, they had to lift up and jump, which gave the three of them time to prepare for a counterattack.

For a while, the engineer shovel and Guanshan knife kept swinging up, chopping those strange apes with flesh and blood, squeaking and screaming.Hu Bayi and Fatty saw the timing right, and only fired at the three or five strange apes when they gathered together, so that the shotgun had the best effect.

The strange ape's movements were quick, and the attacks were too frequent. The three of them didn't even care to lock the big mushroom as the target of the attack.After a while, there were many strange apes with missing arms and legs, or even half of their bodies, and five or six unlucky people whose mushrooms were smashed and died on the ground.

Although the strange ape looks crazy and brainless, he also has instinctive reason in the face of life and death.Seeing that the three of them had firearms and weapons in their hands, and they cooperated seamlessly, they didn't dare to get closer for a while, so they could only surround themselves and continue screaming.

But the situation of Xiao Ran and the three of them was not so ideal. During the siege just now, they were caught in several places more or less on their bodies. Fortunately, they wore thicker clothes in winter. Except for a scratch on the fat man's hand, the three of them All clothes were scratched.

"Fatty, are you okay? I think the nails of these strange monkeys are very dirty. Don't get rabies and tetanus or something. At that time, we can only tie you to the entrance of our alley and watch the gate."

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, the fat man gave a disdainful "tss" and said, "Only these deformed Bi Mawen can't hurt me, the fat man. The cut on my hand was ground on the stove when I was carrying the bag just now. .”

Hearing what he said, a slight smile appeared on Hu Bayi's serious face.Although he said that he hurt the fat man, what he said was what he was really worried about.

"Brother Hu, be careful!"

Hu Bayi's tense strings were slightly relaxed because of chatting with the fat man.But it was this moment of relaxation that was taken advantage of by two big strange apes.They quickly climbed to the opposite tree, then swooped down and rushed towards Hu Bayi and Fatty.

At this time, Hu Bayi and Fatty's guns were out of bullets, Xiao Ran quickly pushed them away, and the two flying strange apes directly jumped on Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran rolled and fell into the group of strange apes .

"Xiao Ran!"

Hu Bayi and Fatty threw down their shotguns and rushed towards Xiao Ran with their engineering shovels. The strange apes surrounding them also saw the opportunity and quickly surrounded them.Hu Bayi and Fatty had no choice but to turn around and block the rushing besiegers.

Seeing a big strange ape crawling up on him, turning its mouth full of thorns, Xiao Ran rushed towards his face, so he had no choice but to raise his arms to block it.But the strange ape suddenly withdrew its mouth, raised its head and twitched its nose to sniff around.

With a "snap", a stone flew from nowhere and hit the head of the strange ape.Although the strange ape was not fatally injured, it still let out a scream, as if it had been frightened.

Immediately afterwards, all the strange apes suddenly scattered, quickly climbed up the pine trees, and disappeared into the depths of the pine forest with the swaying of the tree crowns.

A figure ran out from the woods, saw Xiao Ran lying on the ground, and hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Gang!"

(End of this chapter)

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