Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 282 Mushroom Mandrill

Chapter 282 Mushroom Mandrill
Xu Er hastily rushed over to pull Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran held his hand and jumped up, looked at the unharmed Xu Er, and shouted: "Where have you been? I fucking thought you were dead! What? You just came back! You haven’t grown ears after blowing the whistle for a long time?”

Xu Er was taken aback by Xiao Ran's eyes widening and roaring, he stammered and said, "I'm going... to look at the trees and pick up firewood... I didn't hear you blowing the whistle, I just heard the gunshot... I saw it when I came back ...what is that?"

Hu Bayi and Fatty also patted the dirt that was sticky from the fight, walked over and looked at Xu Er, and said, "Thanks to your boy coming back in time, otherwise your Brother Xiao's face would be kissed by that weird mushroom monkey." Yes. Look at you, you have left the camp so far without authorization, how anxious is it for Brother Xiao?"

Xu Er looked at the three people who were still embarrassed, and said, "Xiao Gang, I'm sorry for making you worry. That mushroom monkey..."

"The mushroom monkey scared you away. It seems that the thing on you is really useful. Those strange monkeys smell it, and they probably think it's a tiger." The fat man said.

Hu Ba nodded, and said: "So, we have to thank that black blind man, after all, he gave this thing."

Seeing Xu Er's innocent face, Xiao Ran knew that he had indeed overspoken just now because he was too impatient, so he patted Xu Er's shoulder and said gently: "It's fine, otherwise I really don't know how to explain to your mother. You want If something goes wrong, I can only compensate Liu Shengli to her."

Xu Er scratched his head hehehe, then turned around and carried over the dry branches he had picked up.Hu Ba took a look at the stone stove that had been extinguished, and said to the fat man: "Squad leader Wang, we have another class in the cooking class, hurry up and get some hot mats for the big guys, and hurry up when you are full." .”

The fat man said, "Come on! As long as you're not afraid of bringing those things in again, I'll really be starving after a long time."

Hu Bayi patted Xu Er on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, don't we have a little tiger here?"

Xu Er smiled and went to re-light the stove. After clearing the ashes, he found that there were still two huge black roasted sweet potatoes inside.

The fat man next to him almost dripped out, quickly took the whole roasted sweet potato from Xu's second hand, broke off the small half and handed it to Hu Bayi, while his own half patted the soil, and swallowed it without peeling the skin. Stuff it in your mouth, and breathe out hot air while eating.

Xu Er also handed over half a sweet potato to Xiao Ran, and the four of them made a little cushion first, and they finally felt less panicked.

Taking advantage of the time when Fatty rebuilt the stove and opened the can, Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran took Xu Er to clean up the battlefield.They couldn't afford to eat while guarding the corpses that had lost their skin and flesh, and had been eaten to varying degrees.

The three of them first used engineering shovels to pull away the relatively loose layer of pine needles and loess on the ground at the edge of the forest in the distance, cleared out a shallow pit, and then piled up the corpses that were damaged to varying degrees. thrown into the shallow pit.

Xu Er looked at the corpses of those strange apes, and frowned, as if he was thinking about something.However, the strange smell from those corpses made people unable to stay longer, so Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran shoveled the pine needles and broken soil beside them, and hurriedly buried these corpses.

The aroma of the canned food from Fatty's side drifted over again, and there seemed to be another indistinct "swish" sound in the woods not far away. It seemed that at least one or two strange apes hadn't gone far, or they were still there. Attracted by the scent once.But they are afraid of Xu Er, a two-legged creature with a tiger's breath, so they can only make noise in the distance unwillingly.

The fat man got excited, and used the engineer shovel as a fan, but he fanned the scent in the can into the woods vigorously, and shouted while fanning: "Don't miss it when you pass by, braised pork with braised dace in black bean sauce, and sugar water Hawthorn candied pears, you can eat your last meal and look forward to your next meal..."

The rustling sound in the woods was even worse, it sounded very anxious, but as soon as Xu Er and the other three came back, the woods immediately fell into silence.

The fat man hurriedly asked the three of them to sit down, surrounded by the warm stove, eating fragrant and warm canned food, no one was given a couple of baijiu, the fat man ate and drank deliciously, and started to sing again, even Xu Er didn't hear it old local folk songs.

Ever since Xu Er saw the corpses of those strange apes, he had been thoughtful and had been thinking about something seriously.Just when the fat man sang "I want to eat mushrooms in Renyi Mountain", Xu Er suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "I remembered! I know what those things are!"

His shout startled the three of them, and Xiao Ran asked, "What? Those monkeys? What do you remember? Don't be surprised."

Xu Er hurriedly stuffed the piece of beef in his mouth into his mouth, took a few more sips of water, wiped his mouth and said: "That thing is called mushroom mandrill, also called mushroom mandrill. When I was young, I heard from my grandfather that these People change things!"

The three of them looked at Xu Er with big eyes and small eyes, and motioned Xu Er to continue.

It turns out that Xu Er’s grandfather was a rich farmer in his generation. His family owned an oil and tofu shop. He was very conscientious in his business. Reasons for school literacy.

According to Xu Er, his grandfather was also a restless person when he was young, and he liked to wander around.One year, I also heard that there are mushrooms in the mountains, which can be sold for a good price in the surrounding counties, so I brought dry food and tools, and went to the mountains with a few companions to pick mushrooms.

According to the rumors, they ran to a mountain forest more than ten miles away from the village to look for mushrooms. On the way, his grandfather suddenly suffered from abdominal pain, so he found a place to relieve his big hand, but after finishing the matter, they found that their companions had left without waiting for him. Far away, no matter how he calls, he will respond.

Renyi Xu wandered around in the forest by himself, trying to find a way into the forest.But it happened to be raining at that time, and the whole forest was covered in fog. Not to mention the way out, it was difficult to even walk on flat ground.

He begged for a way out, so he knelt on the ground and begged the grandfather of the mountain god to show mercy and let him find a way out.At this moment, a bolt of lightning fell in the distance, rumbling and splitting a small tree.Second Grandpa Xu was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, but looking in the direction where Lei Luoshu fell, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a cornice protruding from the dense forest in the distance.

He felt that it was the mountain god who answered his prayer, so he quickly kowtowed a few times and touched the cornice in the distance.

Bypassing one after another dark green and silent tree like a black-faced King Kong, and stepping over the trunk that was knocked down by lightning, Ren Yixu finally saw the place in the forest where the cornice was.

He couldn't help but marvel in his heart, it was really Grandfather of the Mountain God who appeared. He didn't expect that in the dense forest, there would be such an obsolete and dilapidated temple standing helplessly in a clearing.

(End of this chapter)

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