Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 288 Ghost King Temple

Chapter 288 Ghost King Temple

Less than a second after falling from the edge of the tunnel, Xiao Ran felt that he fell on a pile of soft and elastic cushions.These mats were not very flat, he felt that as soon as his body tilted, these mats also tilted downwards, and he fell to the lower level of mats, repeating the previous tilt and fall.

He felt dizzy, although he didn't feel any pain in his body, but his head was dizzy due to the continuous rotation, so he had to close his eyes and let himself roll down.

After rolling off fifteen or six cushions, he felt suddenly grabbed by a hand, and his face seemed to be facing the ground in the air.He opened his eyes, and there was a flickering flashlight in front of his eyes, but the scene in front of him was somewhat doubled, and he vaguely felt that it was a person.

Xiao Ran shook his head vigorously, and when he opened his eyes again, he finally saw the face in front of him clearly, and his limbs fluttered in fright.

It was the skull of a mandrill or a mandrill. There was a layer of gray-white fungus attached to the surface. It looked vaguely fleshy, especially two black and gray flowers protruding from the eye sockets that should have been holes. At first glance, it looks like two big gray and black eyes.

At this moment, the hand that was holding him pulled him up hard, and only then did he distance himself from the fungus-covered skull.He managed to sit up straight and looked to the side, it turned out that Hu Bayi who had fallen one step earlier grabbed him.

At this time, with the sound of the collapse getting closer and closer, two shouts of babbling came with the wind.Hu Bayi quickly pushed Xiao Ran away, and he jumped to the other side, and then Xu Er and Fatty also fell down.


Following the fat man's muffled groan, Xiao Ran heard a muffled sound of "click", and he didn't know whether it was the fat man who crushed the skull, or his own bones were broken by the skull.

The roof of the tunnel obliquely above collapsed all the way to the hole where they fell, and there was a momentary light above, but then more debris and pine needle leaves blocked the gap caused by the collapse, leaving only Some tiny openings let in a few poor rays of sunlight.

A large amount of soil was flying in the air, and the fat man quickly got up, took out some goggles from his bag and handed them to everyone.

"Ahem... Fatty, do you have all these things with you? That's enough foresight!" Hu Bayi said.

The fat man put on the windproof glasses, rubbed his buttocks and said, "That's right, the loess plateau is in winter, the most indispensable thing is flying dust and coal ash, no matter whether it is on the ground or underground, I have already figured it out..."

Hu Bayi looked at Fatty's backpack, and said with a smile, "You can pull it down. This is the bag you came back from the desert. You just carried the contents without touching it. It's pretty accurate. You can blow it..."

The two were bickering, while Xiao Ran illuminated the surroundings with a flashlight.The visibility here is very low at present, but the place where they fell seems to be a row of stone steps. The steps are covered with gray and white mutant corpses, like small umbrellas, many of which have been destroyed. They bent and even broke.

It was also fortunate that these corpses acted as a buffer for them, otherwise they would have to be injured if they fell down more than a dozen steps.

Speaking of bones, Xiao Ran moved his flashlight to the bottom of the steps, and saw that the skull covered with a large piece of fungus just now had been sat on by the fat man and turned into a big face, which looked a bit like animation.

No matter what kind of skull it is, it should be very hard, so it won't be squashed by just sitting on it.Xiao Ran reckoned that the cracks in this skull might have been drilled full of holes by the hyphae of those mutated corpses to achieve such an effect.

Seeing Xiao Ran's flashlight shining on the ground, the fat man quickly lowered his head to look, but was so startled that he took a few steps back, drew his gun and pointed at the big face on the ground and said, "What kind of evil is this!"

Hu Bayi quickly put down the muzzle of Fatty's gun, and said: "He died well here, but you crushed him. If you shoot him again, it will be over..."

The fat man patted his butt, thinking of what he had caught in his butt when he just fell, he suddenly understood, and put away the gun with a smirk on his face.

Hu Bayi raised his flashlight and looked in all directions. Although the visibility was still low at this time, he could vaguely see that this was a space of about [-] square meters, with a height of more than ten meters. The foundation is reinforced with stone slabs. There is a tall stone pillar supporting the top at each of the four corners of the space. There are also two stone pillars in the center of the space. The six pillars are arranged in the shape of two characters head to head.

On the top of the space, you can see beams and rafters made of interlaced thick wood, but countless tree roots and fungi have already protruded from the gaps, and it may not be many years before they will completely collapse.

"Hey! Old Hu! Coffins are all coffins... coffins made of stone slabs..."

Everyone looked at Fatty, it turned out that when others were observing the entire space, he had already investigated those tall steps first.Xiao Ran also found it strange before that if these steps were taken from the large corpse above, each height would be about one meter, which would not conform to ergonomics at all.

After being called out by the fat man, everyone went up to take a closer look. It turned out that these so-called steps were all made of coffins made of stone slabs.It's just that these coffins are too familiar, almost the same as the coffins of ghosts they saw before, so there must be nothing good inside.

It's no wonder that Fatty's tone suddenly became less enthusiastic at the end of his speech.

Looking carefully at this time, the velvet on these coffins also grew out of the gaps in the coffin lids. It seemed that the corpses in the coffins, like the skulls squashed by the fat man before, had become hosts for the growth of velvet.

"Old Hu, these coffins are piled up like this. I guess there is nothing valuable in them. Why don't we go up and dig them out? I think there is still light on them, so we should be able to get out."

Hu Bayi shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the tunnel has just collapsed, and the rotten beams and rafters above our heads are just in balance with the tree roots above. If we dig so rashly, the entire roof may collapse. We will all be buried alive."

The fat man got a little anxious when he heard that, and said, "Then according to what you said, we won't go out yet?"

Hu Bayi ignored him, but carefully looked at the ground.Under a layer of floating soil, you can vaguely see many kinds of dead bones, both animals and people, and most of them are covered with a layer of fungi.

He walked all the way to the wall on the left side of the coffin stairs, and several others followed him consciously.Hu Bayi's flashlight carefully shone on every corner of the stone wall, and Xu Er suddenly called out, "Ghostface! There's a ghostface on the wall!"

Hu Bayi's and Xiao Ran's flashlights flicked and pulled on the wall at the same time, and finally fixed on the same position, where there was indeed a not-so-obvious green grimace.Looking down at the grimace, it can be seen that it was originally a mural, but the discoloration is too serious. If it weren't for Xu Er's long-term bird-watching eyes, it would not be easy to see it immediately.

Hu Bayi led the crowd to rush to the opposite wall again, and illuminated the wall with a flashlight.This side of the wall is more discolored and peeled off, but there are also a few mottled patches of color that can be vaguely seen, one of which is reddish-yellow skyrocketing hair.

Hu Bayi's eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "This the Temple of the Ghost King!"

(End of this chapter)

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