Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 289 The Temple Gate Opens

Chapter 289 The Temple Gate Opens
According to Hu Bayi, the so-called left yaksha and right rakshasa, ghosts from all directions will take over the king; wandering soul steps and wild ghost roads, people dare not complain.This is not an ordinary ghost king temple, but it was built specially for the purpose of gathering Yin Qi.

In the usual ghost king temples, although the main statue in the temple is carved with vicious green faces and fangs, they are all worshiped by the surrounding people with incense and incense, so that the ghost king can use the evil to dethrone the evil, which is also the meaning of "Bodhisattva's heart and vajra's glaring eyes".

But this kind of hall paved with real dead bodies is built underground. The purpose is not to ask for the blessing of the ghost king, but someone is using some heresy method to achieve the purpose of gathering yin and nourishing evil. It is the "King of Raising Ghosts".

Hu Bayi said: "I used to be in the army, and I heard from a comrade-in-arms in the southwestern region that this custom of raising ghosts has legends in them and in neighboring countries, but at most it is to find a room in your own home to gather ghosts. The layout of the law, raising an ordinary ghost to transfer oneself, is similar to the previous sayings of the five ghosts to make money. I didn't expect that in this northern region, there are people who do this kind of thing, and I have opened my eyes today."

The fat man took a picture with his flashlight and said, "We don't know about raising a ghost king, but I don't understand, and I feel very aggrieved when I look at this place, like a large living coffin Same, there are little ghosts watching on both sides..."

Hu Bayi turned his head and walked in the direction of the stone steps made of coffins, and said at the same time: "This method of raising ghosts is similar to the Fengshui we usually talk about. To put it more generally, we choose and arrange the Yin and Yang houses according to Fengshui. It is to ventilate the air and guide the transportation, and the focus is on sparseness. To raise ghosts and gather yin, it is to gather energy to block the luck, and to block the main. Regardless of humans, ghosts and animals, if you stay in a place where the luck is blocked for a long time, you will breed evil thoughts. It is not suitable to stay in this place for a long time , we have to find a way out quickly."

The four of them walked up to the stone steps of the coffin while talking, looking at the little sunlight above, Xu Er said: "I am the thinnest and shortest among us, why don't I dig it out for us? Maybe go out."

Hu Bayi looked at the corpse antlers and tree roots of different thicknesses growing on the surrounding walls, nodded helplessly and said: "We can only try, I thought this road would give us a shortcut, but I didn't expect It is a dead end. In this matter, I have to take leadership responsibility..."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ran raised his hand and said, "Then I am responsible for the decision."

The fat man quickly followed suit and said, "I'm in command?"

Xu Er looked at several people and said, "I... I will be responsible for digging the road for us."

Hu Bayi's face was full of self-blame, but he was so relieved by everyone, his brows were relaxed, and he said to Xu Er: "Let's go up together, if there is any problem, we can take care of him."

Xu Er moved nimbly, and climbed to the unburied sarcophagus within a few strokes. After carefully looking at the gap outside, he turned to Hu Bayi and said, "It seems to be a big tree with roots. Shall we dig it?"

Hu Bayi, who responded after two steps below, thought for a while and made up his mind: "Dig! If we don't dig here, we can't find any other way out now."

Xu Er carefully manipulated the engineering shovel and cleared the soil around the roots of the tree. Sunlight shone in from between the roots of the tree.Hu Bayi repeatedly told Xu 2000 million not to touch the soil under the tree, but to dig the gap along the two sides little by little.

Xu Er held his breath, carefully followed Hu Bayi's instructions, and cleaned up the broken soil on both sides of the tree root bit by bit.

A low murmuring sound suddenly came from outside, Xu Er stopped his hands and looked out through the gap between the roots of the tree, when suddenly a dark face appeared in front of him, facing him There was a series of sharp howls.

Xu Er was taken aback, and instinctively stepped back, almost stepping on the air.Hu Bayi quickly reached out to support him, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Er said: "Mushroom...Mushroom mandrill..."

The calls of the mushroom mandrills outside became more intense and sharp, and Hu Bayi wondered, "Shouldn't they be afraid of you? How dare they face you face to face?"

At this time, the soil on both sides of the tree root suddenly fell continuously, and at the same time, the whole tree trunk stuck at the entrance of the landslide shook violently.

Xu Er glanced outside, and said to Hu Bayi with horror on his face: "They startled me! They are pushing soil into the hole! They want to bury me!"

After Hu Bayi heard this, the tree trunk sank down suddenly.He shouted to Xu Er nervously: "Get out quickly! It's about to collapse!"

At this time, the tree trunk sank again with a large amount of broken soil, and Xu Er's cotton hat was immediately covered with dirt.He climbed down on hands and feet, Hu Bayi caught him, and the two ran down while shouting to Xiao Ran and Fatty below: "Get out of the way!"

The two people below are in the dark, but the light above is enough to illuminate everything clearly.They watched as the fungus mandrills kept stuffing the soil in, and a few others jumped and chirped on the fallen tree trunk. The delicate balance of the tree trunk was finally broken, and it looked like it was crooked, with a lot of debris. The soil slid down.

Xiao Ran and Fatty had already hid on both sides of the steps of the sarcophagus, but it was even more dangerous to face Hu Bayi and Xu Er above them.Fatty and Xiao Ran yelled at them: "Hide to the sides, the tree is about to fall!"

Seeing that Hu Bayi and Xu Er were only two or three sarcophagi away from the ground, and the tree was aiming at their backs and sliding down, Xiao Ran and Fatty didn't care about their safety, so they jumped up and pulled the two together. The human clothes pulled Hu Bayi and Xu Er from the sarcophagus.

The four fell to the ground on both sides, and the fallen tree trunk was accelerated by the sticky corpse below, like a huge battering ram, it rushed towards the wall opposite the sarcophagus steps.

There was a loud bang, and the tree trunk slammed into the wall full of corpses with thick handles.

Driven by the shock, the roof of the underground hall finally couldn't bear the weight of the ground above. The decayed beams and rafters made a series of cracking sounds, announcing the premature end of their historical mission.

A large number of clods also fell, and the whole hall seemed to be raining.Those mushroom mandrills seemed to have won the "tiger fight", and they kept roaring excitedly from above.

The top of the hall along the top of the sarcophagus steps collapsed little by little, and finally completely blocked the breach, and the sounds of those fungus disappeared instantly, leaving only the roaring sound of collapse.

A sense of despair suddenly rose in the hearts of the four of them. It seemed that they were really going to be buried here today.They retreated instinctively, Xiao Ran bumped into the tree trunk, and touched the branched roots with his hand, thinking that he had touched some strange creature.

He turned his head with a flashlight and took a photo, suddenly igniting the hope of surviving the desperate situation.He quickly patted the four of them, pointed to the back of the tree trunk and said, "The door! This is a door!"

A few people looked back, and it turned out that the place was covered with corpses before, blocking the door on the wall.They always thought that this hall was the whole Ghost King Temple, but they didn't expect that the tree trunk that fell down knocked open the real temple door.

The four hurriedly climbed up the tree trunk, and got in through the gap between the tree root and the door frame.The hall at the back completely collapsed the moment Fatty got through the door.

(End of this chapter)

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