Chapter 290
The fat man hurriedly squeezed in between the tree trunk and the door frame like a stupid bear eager to dig into the tree trunk to get honey.Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran took him with one hand and pulled him in. Seeing this, Xu Er had no choice but to reach out and hug the fat man's huge head. The three of them pulled the fat man in like a big white radish.

After a lot of pushing and pulling, the fat man's howling almost overwhelmed the sound of the roof collapsing outside.The three of them were afraid that the fat man would be broken by the falling roof, so they simply shouted the slogan: "One, two, three, pull!"

After two calls, with the fat man's wailing, he knocked the three of them to the ground like a big watermelon that was buried in the ground and pulled out raw.

Lie on the ground, Xiao Ran saw that the part of the tree trunk outside the door was completely buried by the fallen ground, and a large amount of broken soil poured in from the door, it was completely impossible to return the same way.

"Damn Xu's second child, Fatty, this is my head, you grabbed my neck and pulled it hard, and I almost suffocated you to death before I came in..."

The fat man was lying sideways on the three of them. Xu Er was in the middle, bearing most of the weight of the fat man's upper body.

Hu Bayi and Xiao Ran quickly got up and pushed the fat man away.The fat man didn't prevent the two of them from getting up suddenly, and rolled down to the feet of the three of them like a pot-bellied jar.

"You still scolded Xu Er, how many times did you tell you to lose weight, because you played more laps than others every time. It wasn't Xu Er who helped you, half of your body is buried in the ground now."

Hu Bayi staggered to his feet while patting the dirt on his body.After hearing what Hu Bayi said, the fat man said with a "hehehe" smile, "Then why don't I know? I'm just joking with my little brother Xu Er. Are you okay, Xu Er?"

Xiao Ran pulled Xu Er up, patted his chest and back to calm his breath, and said to the fat man, "He was so close that you didn't crush him to death..."

Xu Er waved his hands and forced a smile, expressing that he was fine, but the repeated coughing and panting proved the weight of the fat man.

The sound of the subsidence outside gradually stopped, and the debris pouring in from the door mixed with the thick handles of the broken and crushed corpses, forming a pile of debris more than one meter high at the door.

Hu Bayi shined a flashlight around the house. He had just experienced a subsidence, and the dust was flying all over the sky. He could only vaguely see that this was a stone room with an area slightly larger than the hall outside. The walls and ceilings were all natural. The rock formation was repaired, and supported by four feet and a total of eight stone pillars in the middle, it is stronger and more reliable than the rotten wooden beams and rafters outside.

The only difference is that the floor has been carefully decorated and is made of stone slabs and a large number of semicircular pebbles.The edge of the stone slabs sandwiched between the pebbles walks and looks elegant.

Hu Bayi was afraid that other people would not notice the ground, so he pointed the pebbles and stone bricks on the ground with his toes and explained to everyone: "This is a common laying technique in tombs or various shrines. As a scale, it means riding a dragon. It seems that the people who built this Ghost King Temple not only understand the relevant knowledge, but also have a lot of money and manpower..."

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Xiao Ran glanced at Xu Er unconsciously, and found that Xu Er also turned to look at him.He knew in his heart that Xu Er was thinking the same as him at this moment, that he was the prince behind Tianling Sanren.I just don't know if this underground ghost temple hidden in the deep forest is also a masterpiece of the Tianling Sanren group.

Hu Bayi led a few people to one side of the wall first, where there were corpse handles and bones of different thicknesses and lengths almost all over the place, which were soft and slippery to step on, and all grew out of the gaps between the pebbles and stone bricks.If it is said that corpse antlers use corpses as nourishment.It's hard to imagine what Hu Bayi said about the wild ghosts paving the road, and how many human and animal corpses were buried underground in this stone room.

They walked carefully to avoid accidentally slipping on these piles of corpses.Although Hu Bayi's statement and Xu Er's grandfather's story both proved that only eating dead mushrooms can produce adverse consequences, the few people still instinctively did not want to have any close contact with these dead mushrooms.

Apart from the stone pillars, there seemed to be no redundant furnishings in the stone room. Except for the occasional slippery corpses, they approached one of the walls of the stone room almost unimpeded all the way.

Amidst the dense fly ash, a few shadows of pitch-black bacteria suddenly appeared beside the wall, waving their claws as if they were about to pounce on the dead man.The fat man yelled a curse, and raised his shotgun to shoot, but Hu Bayi pressed it down in time.

"Calm down, don't cause trouble..."

The gun was held down, but no one blocked Xu Er's slingshot.Before Hu Bayi could finish his sentence, a slingshot suddenly protruded from Xu's second hand and shot at one of the dark figures.

With a "snap", the slingshot smashed the big mushroom on the figure's head, and also opened a hole in the figure's head, and a large amount of gravel splashed onto the wall behind.

Hu Bayi walked in the front, and he actually saw that although the figures stretched out their hands and legs, they didn't really intend to rush over, so he stopped the fat man from firing.But with such a catapult by Xu Er, I am afraid that the beam will be knotted, and these dark people will definitely rush over.

Hu Bayi quickly bent his knees and raised the gun, assuming a ready-to-shoot posture.The fat man also raised his gun, and shouted, "Open...or not?"

Xiao Ran and Xu Er also took up their weapons to guard against them, preventing those people from rushing over suddenly.But the flashlights of a few people flickered again and again, and the figures on the other side of Feichen still kept their original shapes, especially the one whose head was punched with a gap, as if he was obsessed with posing and forgot about the pain generally.

Only then did they suddenly realize that the figures in front of them were not monsters, ghosts, and living people, but rather strange statues.Hu Bayi put away his gun cautiously, and walked up to the statues first, holding a flashlight.

The fat man put the gun on his back, and said cheerfully, "This is really a dead clay statue, Huo Bayi... Huh? Huo Bayi, Hu Bayi, hehe..."

Fatty Wang was once again immersed in the homophonic stalks he had come across.

Following Hu Bayi's flashlight, Xiao Ran looked carefully at the statues with mushrooms. These statues were lifelike in terms of body proportions, and the carvings were very meticulous. However, the whole body was covered with black mold, like black hairy rice dumplings. , can no longer see clearly.Their hair is all soaring to the sky, and their movements are all raising their hands and feet in a threatening attack, but no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel a little stiff.

There are four such dark statues on the wall on this side. Hu Bayi looked carefully for a long time, then took a step back and said: "These four are ghosts and ghosts. If I guessed correctly, there should be more statues on the other side." Four..."

The fat man asked: "Four ghosts and monsters on one side? Are there still pairs in this Ghost King Temple?"

Hu Bayi shook his head and said, "The other four are not ghosts..."

At this time, Xiao Ran's gaze stayed on the gap of the statue whose head was broken by Xu Er.Fragments of the statue's surface flew away, revealing a smooth grayish-white thing.

He walked up to it, took a closer look with the flashlight, and suddenly found that there was a crooked bone seam on the smooth gray thing.

(End of this chapter)

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