Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 291 Sen Luo Temple

Chapter 291 Sen Luo Temple

Under the four statues, there is a square stone seat more than half a meter high.Xiao Ran thought he had lost his sight, so he quickly climbed up to the stone seat with the help of the wall, and carefully illuminated the gap made by Xu Er on the statue's head with a flashlight.

The arc shape inside was yellow, yellow and white, and the interlaced bones and teeth on it were clearly visible, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

"Brother Hu! There are people inside these statues!"

Hu Bayi's face was full of "predictably", after Xiao Ran jumped off the stone seat, he also climbed up to have a look, and nodded with a serious face.

Xiao Ran secretly asked Suo Hun Ding Lingzhu: "Suo Zi, there are dead people in these statues, didn't you hear anything?"

The soul-locking Lingzhu replied: "Bayan, I didn't hear any sound, but I felt the oppressive silence spread all around, as if all the souls were silenced..."

Xiao Ran thought for a while, and thought that these corpses might be the same as the brain-eating flies in the hall, they all lived by devouring and controlling the host's brain.The brains of the parasitized people became more and more empty, and naturally they could not make any sound.

There are so many mushrooms growing in the stone chamber, they must all have been drilled out of the skulls of corpses underground.This method reminded him of that vicious and inhuman Tianling Sanren once again.

At this time, Hu Bayi also cleaned off all the mud and corpse on the top of the statue's head, and he saw a bare skull exposed, and the severed corpse handle even broke the bone seam in the middle of the skull.

"This method is really vicious. I fed people to corpses, sealed them in mud statues when they were unconscious, and made them living imps. Judging from the size of the skull, the people inside probably Also in his teens."

After Hu Bayi inspected the statues, the fat man knocked off the tops of the other statues with his engineering shovel, and it turned out that they were all bare skulls and corpses growing from the cracks in the skulls.

"No wonder the poses of these statues are so awkward. They have no sense of appreciation. They were all made by living people. His grandma's..."

The fat man jumped off the stone seat, and there was a "boom" on the ground.

Hu Bayi waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the other side to see..."

They walked straight to the other side, passing by the collapsed stone gate, and Hu Bayi's flashlight shone on the wall opposite the gate.There is the main seat of the entire stone room, a statue of a clay statue next to a high place is sitting in the middle, the paint on the face has been peeled off, but from the outline, it can be seen that it is a ferocious and domineering ghost, and it should be the real master of the Ghost King Temple ghost king.

Fatty wanted to go forward to study it, but Hu Bayi greeted him: "Don't worry, come back later to see, you can stay and live with it if you want..."

The fat man just wanted to reply, but when he reached the position between the ghost king statue and the stone gate, he suddenly sank down, and one leg sank into the ground.


The fat man waved his hand and let out a scream, but fortunately Xiao Ran and Xu Er were very close to him, so they quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him out.He quickly took two steps back, raised the gun and raised the flashlight, and both the muzzle and the flashlight were aimed at the place where he fell.

"What the hell is a ghost king and slave, dare to play tricks with your fat man!"

Hu Bayi also turned his head and ran back with a nervous expression on his face. Seeing that the fat man was unharmed and still bluffing, he didn't worry any more.At this moment, all his attention was attracted by the place where the fat man's flashlight was shining.

On the ground between the ghost king statue and the stone gate, a small well was stepped out by the fat man.There are still many broken and thick corpse handles beside the well, which should have been broken by the fat man's big thick legs just now.

"Put down the gun! Just walk and watch for yourself... This seems to be a sacrificial well..."

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Xiao Ran and Xu Er looked at each other again.They had seen the sacrificial well once before in the underground hall, and had a fight with the devil toad inside.

Xiao Ran knew in his heart that as long as it was a sacrificial well, besides throwing live animals into it, there was a certain probability of throwing a few living people into it.The so-called sacrificial well, no matter how noble the intention is, is a thing that harms life after all. There are no evildoers underground, and evildoers will have to be raised over time.

The fat man put away his gun, swung his engineering shovel, and viciously cut off the handles of the corpses by the well several times, and lifted them aside.Hu Bayi knelt down by the well and took a picture down the well.This well is not too deep, about ten meters long, and you can vaguely see a lot of bones covered with black and white fungus fluff, both humans and animals.Among the bones, there were criss-crossing corpses, like gray and white pythons sleeping, bigger than anything they had ever seen outside.

"It seems that this well is the birthplace of the nearby corpse velvet, and I don't know who deliberately cultivated this kind of thing."

Feeding corpses into wells, and adding so-called immortality, sounds like the handwriting of Tianling Sanren.But with a radius of hundreds of miles and thousands of years of ups and downs, everything cannot be related to Tianling Sanren.

"Old Hu, let's not look at this well, can we still see the baby in it? Shall we still look at the other side?" the fat man asked.

At this time, several people had reached the middle of the stone room, and the flashlight was enough to illuminate the other wall.Hu Bayi raised his flashlight to shine on the other side, and there were also four dark statues with twisted and stiff movements.

Hu Bayi said: "Just now we saw demons and monsters on the other side, and the other side should be Kui Yao. These eight kinds of little ghosts represent the ghosts from all directions, and the middle is naturally the ghost king. This stone room is the Senluo Temple where the ghost king lives. The sacrificial well is naturally also dedicated to the ghost king. But this ghost king..."

Hu Bayi shone the flashlight on the statue of the ghost king. At this time, everyone looked carefully at the statue of the ghost king, and they all saw something strange.The whole body of this ghost king statue is wrapped with things like thick rattan, and there are small bones at the tips, no matter how you look at it, it looks like those corpses in the well.

The fat man wondered: "Old Hu, is this ghost king also got his brain drilled by the corpse?"

Hu Bayi shook his head and said: "I feel that what this statue wants to express is that the ghost king is the corpse, and the corpse is the ghost king. This ghost king temple is dedicated to the corpse. Let's stop studying here, and find the exit quickly. Get out. Although the Temple of the Ghost King is built underground, it also pays attention to the ability of ghosts to pass through and enjoy it. Otherwise, the wild ghosts passing by will have to rebel against the ghost king. The people who build the temple will be unlucky at that time, so there must be other exits. .”

After hearing Hu Bayi's words, several people didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly searched in this Senluo hall.Relying on their experience in Xia Niang Temple, Xiao Ran and Xu Er carefully searched for any possible protrusions on the wall.

Hu Bayi carefully inspected the four pillars in the middle of the hall, while the fat man circled around the statue of the Ghost King for a while, and knelt down by the sacrificial well for a while, shining a flashlight into it.

"Hey! Look! How things have changed in this well!"

The fat man suddenly yelled, and the others stopped their inspections and ran towards the sacrificial well.

(End of this chapter)

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