Chapter 296
With the help of three other people on the way up, it will be much faster.Xiao Ran held back his breath, and returned to the outside of the well within five or six seconds.

He exhaled slowly, allowing his body to slowly return to its original shape.It was the first time for him to perform the bone shrinkage twice in a row. At this time, he felt pain and numbness in the joints all over his body, as if there were many bone-eating ants stuffed into the joints.

Seeing that his joints had returned to their original positions, and he began to shake his neck and make a "click" sound of relaxation, Xu Er quickly picked up his clothes and put them on him.He didn't feel it when he was busy with work just now, but at this moment some cold clothes touched his body, Xiao Ran suddenly felt the chill he should have, and shivered uncontrollably.

The fat man handed the flagon that he kept in his pocket all the time to Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran took a few sips of the wine, and felt that it was as cold as cold water when he first drank it, but soon there was a tingling warmth in his esophagus and stomach , The heartbeat also increased slightly, which made his body temperature recover a little bit.

"Steamed sweet potatoes mixed with Erguotou, mixed with some vodka from Lao Mo's Restaurant, Fatty's homemade cocktails, how do you feel? Drinking it makes you feel refreshed?"

No wonder the taste of this wine was strange, Xiao Ran frowned and nodded, exchanged the jug for the fat man, and then showed everyone the copper key with green rust in his trouser pocket.

Xu Er saw the ant-shaped human-shaped mark on the key handle, and instantly opened his eyes wide and said, "God...God..."

Seeing Hu Bayi and Fatty's puzzled faces, Xiao Ran added: "This mark is exactly the same as the one we have seen several times in Xia Niang Temple before. I shouldn't have guessed." Wrong, this Ghost King Temple was also created by the group of Tianling Sanren."

After all, he briefly explained to Hu Bayi and Fatty how many times he saw this sign in Xia Niang Temple, and Xu Er kept nodding and interjecting to add.Finally, Xiao Ran concluded that the Xiansheng and Empress Xia believed by the Sanren of Tianling, as well as the human flies he produced through experiments, are all six-handed and four-legged things.This mark is definitely the pattern of the Tianling Sanren group.

Although Tianling Sanren lived hundreds of years ago, Xiao Ran felt that he was always following him like a shadow, playing games with him time and time again across time and space, it really felt like a haunted ghost.

"Since this old reactionary has been making things difficult for you, let's fight him to the end. Brother Xiao is right. If there is a chance to find his tomb or bones, we must give him a setback, or we will be sorry for being punished." Those innocent people he killed." Hu Bayi said.

The fat man also half-jokingly echoed: "Yes, yes, brother Xiao's enemy is our enemy, who will let Faqiu Zhonglang be the direct leader of our Captain Mo Jin? What does the leader say, we will risk our lives to fight where!"

Hearing what Fatty said, Xiao Ran quickly waved his hands and said, "Fatty Brother said it's too far away. If there is no leadership, then Cao Aman has been dead for a thousand years. Who cares about the old calendar. If our team really has a captain , that is Big Brother Hu, there is a deputy captain, and that must be your fat brother. How many times we were born and died, you were the first to charge. I was lucky enough to follow you to see the world. Don't let me down, brother... ..."

A joke made by Fatty reminded Xiao Ran that the old-fashioned Second Uncle mentioned from time to time that he should take Hu Bayi and Fatty as his subordinates, so he felt awkward and couldn't help but take Fatty's joke seriously.Seeing that it was really embarrassing to say it again, Hu Bayi raised his elbow and slapped the fat man and said, "Look at you scaring Brother Xiao, is there anyone like you?"

The fat man chuckled and said, "Yeah, I'm the one who pulled it off. But it's also thanks to brother Xiao's ability, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to go out today."

Seeing that Xiao Ran had packed his luggage, Hu Bayi arranged for everyone to open the mechanism and prepare to leave.He instructed: "Let's come in order, first open the statue of the ghost king, and then insert the key to open the stone door. According to brother Xiao's speculation, as long as the door is opened in time, the statue of the ghost king will not move again. In theory, we have enough time Get out. However, these mechanisms and keys have been worn out for a long time, and the Tianling Sanren are full of tricks. Just in case, you three go to wait next to the ghost king statue, and I will be responsible for opening the door. Once the door is opened, you should go out first .”

When the fat man heard this, he immediately became unhappy: "Old Hu, you don't have the conditions to create the conditions and you want to be a hero? That's no good. I'll be the cheap hero this time. Go behind the ghost king statue and wait. I'll do it." open the door!"

As he spoke, he was going to grab the key in Hu Bayi's hand, but Hu Bayi raised his arm to block him.Hu Bayi said: "In the face of honor, you don't obey orders, do you? Disobeying orders, how can you set an example for recruits?"

Seeing that the two were arguing, Xiao Ran walked lightly around behind Hu Bayi, raised his hand and snatched the key that he held above his head, and said: "Brother Hu is really thoughtful, I even forgot how capable that old bastard is." It’s a toss up. In this way, in terms of skill and ability, I am the most suitable to stay outside and open the door. Even if the ghost king appears to be a moth again, I will still have time to get out, so let me open the door!”

When Xu Er heard this, he nodded repeatedly. He had every kind of trust in Xiao Ran.But Hu Bayi and Fatty were unwilling to let Xiao Ran take risks, and they ran away first, licking their faces.But after arguing again and again, Xiao Ran's reason was really sufficient, and he also snatched the key, so the two had no choice but to give up.

Seeing that Xiao Ran had made up his mind, Hu Bayi thought for a while, took out a small can of solid fuel from his bag and said, "Brother Xiao, in fact, I planned to burn all the roots of those mutated corpses at the bottom of the well before leaving. No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing should not grow naturally, and keeping it is definitely a disaster. Since you are here to open the door, then you are responsible for this. This Senluo Temple is too closed, we have to burn it after opening the door, otherwise I am afraid Another surprise."

Xiao Ran agreed to Hu Bayi's suggestion, so everyone went to adjust the two switches at the bottom of the well until the bottom bones and roots were exposed.

Xiao Ran opened the solid fuel, first cut a small section of corpse antler from the wall, rubbed it hard on the fuel, and then poured the whole tank of fuel into the sacrificial well.

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Xu Er were already waiting beside the ghost king statue.Xiao Ran looked at the copper key wrapped in green rust, secretly praying that there would be no accidents, and then pushed the handle that controlled the statue.

The ghost king image moved in response to the sound, and moved forward in a "click, click", and when it reached the front of the secret compartment where the keyhole was, it made a "click" sound, and then stopped.

Xiao Ran quickly inserted the key into the hole and turned it slightly, only to hear the familiar sound of the stone door opening behind the Ghost King Statue, accompanied by the cheers of the other three who were relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a match, lit the corpse handle that had been stained with fuel, and threw it into the sacrificial well.

This whole set of operations is as smooth as if it had been rehearsed in advance.There was a "boom" in the sacrificial well, and flames shot up from the well in an instant, like an earthen stove flush with the ground.

Everything went well, Xiao Ran got up and prepared to run behind the Ghost King Statue.But suddenly there was a tremor, and he staggered and fell to the ground.He felt another gust of hot air coming from behind him, so he quickly turned over to hide away.

When he turned his head, his eyes widened involuntarily.A long black slender hand wrapped in flames is sticking out from the sacrificial well.

(End of this chapter)

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