Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 297 Destruction of the Ghost King

Chapter 297 Destruction of the Ghost King
The black ghost hand wrapped in flames was slender and bony like withered, and each finger could move freely in different directions.The fire in the ghost's hand was thrown onto the statue of the ghost king, and the gray-white corpses attached to the statue of the ghost king also began to crackle and burn.

"Why is there light... Brother Xiao, you... My God!"

The fat man came to look for Xiao Ran in a hurry, but he didn't expect that as soon as he leaned out from behind the ghost king statue, he saw the huge ghost hand protruding from the well, writhing in the flames.

The ghost hand seemed to hear the voice of the fat man, and waved a finger towards the fat man, and a thick long finger burning with flames pressed towards the fat man.

Xiao Ran was too far away, it was really too late to rescue him, and the fat man looked at the flailing fingers, but he didn't react for a while, he just watched the big solid flame pressing towards him.

At the critical moment, Hu Bayi and Xu Er pulled the fat man from behind and pulled him back desperately, and the three of them fell back together, rolling on the ground to avoid the attack of the flame fingers.

Xiao Ran had already rushed forward at this time, raised the knife and chopped it down fiercely, the flaming finger snapped off in an instant, lying on the ground was burned with a "pop" sound.

It seems that no matter what it is, as long as it is tangible, it is afraid of being cut by a knife or burned by fire.In this way, Xiao Ran gained confidence in his heart.

But just as he straightened up, and before he had time to run behind the Ghost King Statue, the remaining few burning fingers pressed down on him with flames overwhelming.

Xiao Ran had no choice but to give up the retreat plan first, and rolled back a few times to dodge the slap of the four long fingers of flames.Several fingers dropped one after another, and the last one was almost touching li xuan's arm.

Xiao Ran jumped up suddenly, turned around and chopped off again, the finger that almost set him on fire was also chopped off by him.

"Brother Xiao! Get out of the way!"

Hu Bayi's voice came from behind the ghost king statue, and Xiao Ran quickly leaned against the wall.Under the light of the fire, he saw Hu Bayi and the fat man raised their guns together, and pulled the trigger towards the remaining fingers that were being raised.

"Bang bang bang bang" four consecutive gunshots, and three fingers were beaten to pieces.The burning pieces of meat splashed on the ground, illuminating the entire Sen Luo Hall brightly.

The fingerless ghost hand shook twice and fell into the sacrificial well.Seeing this, Xu Er wanted to rush over, but Xiao Ran waved his hand to stop him, so he had no choice but to retreat behind the opened stone gate.

Hu Bayi and Fatty squatted down to look at the scorched black fingers like a long snake, Xiao Ran also carefully avoided the small fire on the ground and walked up to them.

Hu Bayi pressed the finger with the tip of the engineer's shovel, and Xiao Ran felt that the finger was soft and boneless, and it was cracked from the middle, exposing the white filaments that had not been burned inside.

"This thing is not a hand, but the root of the dead body. I thought this thing was just an ordinary big mushroom, but I didn't expect it to move and be so fierce..." Hu Bayi said.

Xiao Ran raised his head and looked at the dark ghost king statue, especially the outstretched hands of the ghost king statue, which also had black pointed long fingers.He speculated: "Brother Hu, I guess the ghost king enshrined in this ghost king temple is the corpse root system under this sacrificial well. Look at the hands of the ghost king statue, which are almost the same as this thing, except that the corpse roots are bigger than the ghost king's." The hand is hundreds of times bigger..."

Although it grows from corpses, it is a big fungus after all. At this time, the roots of the corpses that had been burned by the fire emitted a burst of burnt fragrance, and Xiao Ran clearly saw the fat man's throat move.

"Brother Fat, you can't eat this stuff. Although the five-spice noodles sprinkled with salt, salt, and chili powder should taste good, it's probably comparable to the dry-fried mushrooms in Zhaojing Restaurant..."

Hearing Xiao Ran making fun of him, the fat man raised his eyes and said: "Brother Xiao, you must be wicked. You know that fat brother, I digest well, and I will be hungry after a while after eating."

After a pause, he said doubtfully again: "Tell me, how many hands does this ghost king have..."

As soon as the words fell, there was another tremor under the sacrificial well, and even the statue of the ghost king shook together.Xiao Ran saw the copper key trembling constantly, and turned back in the opposite direction.

He murmured inwardly that it was not good, turned the key back, and the ghost king statue was about to close again.He staggered over, trying to get past the key before it turned back.

"Damn it! Is this ruined temple about to collapse?!" the fat man shouted.

Xiao Ran turned his head and shouted to the two of them: "Brother Hu, Brother Fat, you go to the door first, I'll come right away..."

There was another crackling sound in the sacrificial well, and suddenly a few burning black corpse roots came out of the well mouth again, and slammed down heavily on the area where Xiao Ran was.

Xiao Ran hurriedly jumped back to avoid it, but the ghost-like corpse has already slapped firmly in front of the Ghost King Statue, including the hidden grid on the ground where the copper key is.

After the corpse root cluster was lifted up, Xiao Ran saw that the secret compartment where the key was originally inserted, and the key had been photographed into pieces.Accompanied by a few "clicks" of something breaking, the statue of the ghost king trembled twice, and then slowly closed again.

"Brother Xiao! Come quickly! Forget about that bastard!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Xiao Ran gritted his teeth, and was about to run behind the Ghost King Statue.But the ghost hand seemed to have sensed his intentions, waved the flame roots and swept over.He had to bend over and dodge.The ghost's hand missed the target, but hit the statue of the ghost king hard, shaking the statue of the ghost king.

Seeing the flaming ghost hands standing between him and the statue of the ghost king, Xiao Ran shouted in Hu Bayi's direction: "I don't care about it, it cares about me! Get out first, and I'll figure it out myself!"

He said so, but his heart was not at a loss.Once the statue of the ghost king closed, he couldn't think of how to get out.

The ghost hand didn't allow him to ponder over it, and once again slapped him head-on.Xiao Ran rolled over and dodged again, cursing secretly in his heart, why can't this broken thing burn out?

This time he happened to turn over in front of the ghost king statue, and suddenly heard Hu Bayi's voice behind the ghost king statue: "brother Xiao! This ghost king statue was loosened by that thing, help me, let's push the statue over, here Buried!"

Xiao Ran quickly checked the distance with his eyes, and couldn't help applauding in his heart.It's no wonder that Hu Bayi can survive the dangers again and again, and his brain turns quickly.

Taking advantage of the gap between the retreat of the flame ghost's hand, he jumped onto the stone seat of the ghost king statue.In the stone gate behind the Ghost King Statue, Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Xu Er have already inserted their engineering shovels into the gap between the Ghost King Statue and the stone seat, shouting and prying hard.

The statue of the ghost king kept shaking and tilting straight ahead.Xiao Ran saw that a gap more than half a person's width had been split between the statues of the ghost king, so he gritted his teeth and became cruel, and squeezed into the gap with his back against the wall, raised his legs and kicked the statue of the ghost king vigorously.

Several people tried hard, and finally there was a "crackling" cracking sound under the Ghost King Statue, and then a burst of dust burst and flew from the stone seat.

The statue of the ghost king crashed down, and the ghost hand, which was twisted from the roots of the corpse, waved its flaming black claws recklessly to meet the huge statue of the ghost king, but it was finally buried together with the sacrificial well.

Taking advantage of his breath, Xiao Ran drilled out along the half stone door behind the stone base.

(End of this chapter)

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