Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 298 The truth of the year

Chapter 298 The truth of the year

Xiao Ran drilled out of the stone gate, and saw a copper rod embedded in the wall next to the stone gate, which could be used to control the stone gate from this side.In terms of shape, this copper pole is exactly the same as the copper poles that open the door at the bottom of Xia Niang Temple. It can be seen that the design of the two organs was made by the same person.

"Old Hu! What do you think this is? Agate or emerald?"

The fat man scanned the ground with his flashlight, and saw a lot of dusty red and bluish white fragments, in different shapes and sizes, and some of them were slightly translucent.

This time he obviously learned how to behave. Even if it looks good, he dare not touch it easily, if it is stained with some deadly bacteria, it will be troublesome.

Hu Bayi lowered his flashlight and shone it on the agate and emerald that the fat people thought, and looked at the edge of the stone door, and said: "It's not agate or emerald, it's something like wax and turpentine used to seal the door."

When the fat man heard this, he immediately froze, raised his foot and kicked away a broken piece, cursing: "It's a broken thing, the narcissus doesn't bloom, what kind of garlic, let your fat man be happy for nothing."

Xiao Ran moved his body, and said: "It's probably because the stone door was opened just now, and the sealing wax and glue on the outside were cracked and fell all over the floor. Don't mention it, it really looks like seed material."

Hu Bayi looked at it carefully, and said doubtfully, "That's not right. If it was cracked just now, these pimples shouldn't be covered with so much dust, could it be..."

He raised his hand again and pointed at the lever next to the door, as if he had discovered something.

At this time, there was a loud noise inside the stone gate, and everyone's eyes jumped over the half-drawn stone seat, and looked inside, only to see more black corpse roots protruding from the sacrificial well, forcing the statue of the ghost king to the side. .Some corpses still had one or two skeletons on their roots, and they were all surrounded by flames, reeling like imps who had been burned at the stake in hell.

A gust of hot air rushed towards his face, and Hu Bayi didn't care too much, and quickly pulled down the lever.As the stone gate slowly rises, the fire light in front of him and the sound of swaying corpse roots gradually disappear.

At the last moment when the stone door was closed, they saw a corpse antler throwing a burning corpse over, just in time for the stone door to close completely, only a dull thumping sound could be heard from the other side.

Behind them is a section of steps that is not too long, and at the end is a grid that is close to a cube, with a length, width and height of more than half a meter, and there is also a copper pole on the wall next to it.

Judging from the depth of the Ghost King Temple just now, the top of the end of the stairs should be the ground outside.Several people turned around and walked up the stairs, letting the corpses in Senluo Hall burn slowly.No matter how frustrating it can be, it is nothing more than a glimmer of light.

Hu Bayi walked in the front, walked to the copper pole and checked carefully again, Xiao Ran noticed that his brows were slightly frowned.However, Hu Bayi's expression quickly changed to a look of understanding, and he pulled the copper rod without hesitation.

The ceiling above the main room swayed twice, and slowly retracted towards the rear. The sun shone in, accompanied by flying dust.

Hu Bayi slapped Fei Chen in front of his face, and said, "I'll go out first, you wait a moment..."

Before everyone could react, he climbed out first, but soon he turned around and said to the three people below: "Come out quickly, you must have no idea where we are."

The three of them came out in a file, and saw that the entrance and exit of this underground passage was located at the corner of a ruined temple.Many tiles on the top of the ruined temple have been broken and fallen off, and many floor tiles on the ground are cracked.On the ground in the temple, there were occasional broken heads of prayer flags, more dead branches and leaves blown in by the wind, and even the bones of some small animals.

They drilled out of the hole, and saw some half-burned dead branches not far from the hole, but covered with a thick layer of dust, and some vague footprints could be seen next to them, and they didn't know where the owners of these footprints were now. .

In the very center of the ruined temple, there is a clay statue about the same size as the ghost king. It is not known which immortal Buddha it is.Xiao Ran, Fatty, and Xu Er went around to the statue, and after just one glance, they froze in place.

Most of the color of the clay statue has fallen off, but from the outline, it can be seen that it is a human figure wearing a long robe.It's just that his face is full of beards, he looks like a man or a monkey, and he is holding a small gray umbrella in one of his raised hands.Those who don't know it will think it is a white Ganoderma lucidum, but Xiao Ran and the others can tell at a glance that it is a corpse.

"This... this is..." Xu Er stammered, unable to speak with his eyes wide open.

Xiao Ran was also full of surprise and said: "Here, if I guess correctly, it is the mountain temple your grandfather mentioned..."

Xu Eryi received too much information in an instant. He didn't expect that his ancestors would come to this mountain in the past.But judging from the story of the mushroom mandrill and the mountain temple, all this makes sense.

Back then, Renyi Xu and his fellow villagers went to the mountain to pick mushrooms, and it was this mountain that they entered. Renyi Xu also rested in this temple, and only then did he have the adventure later.

Hu Bayi walked around the ruins of the fire, and after a while, he found a piece of paper under an unburned firewood and handed it to everyone.

Part of the paper was also burned, but the word "Botou" could still be vaguely seen written on it.

"The time is right. This is the most common match decades ago. It is estimated that your grandfather used this match to light a fire here and rest here, so that the following things happened. But what he said is probably Both true and false."

Xu Er didn't understand what Hu Bayi meant, and Xiao Ran and Fatty didn't know what he was going to say either.Hu Bayi explained: "Just now at the Ghost King Temple below, I found that something is not right. Now I can connect all these things together. Let me talk about it, so you can just listen to it."

It turned out that Hu Bayi was on the copper pole of the stone gate of the Ghost King Temple just now, and found that the dust on it was of different shades, and it seemed that someone had used it before.It's just that the Ghost King Temple is buried underground, and the air is not so circulated. If it is a handprint from decades ago, it can still be preserved relatively well.

Combined with those pieces of sealing wax covered with a layer of dust, Hu Bayi preliminarily judged that Xu Er's grandfather had discovered and entered this Ghost King Temple.

But the truth is not like what his grandfather said, he came alone.Beside the fire, the remaining footprints were of different sizes, and at least three people of different heights could be seen.

Therefore, Hu Bayi believes that it should be Xu Er's grandfather and a few companions who came to this mountain temple to rest together, and accidentally discovered the location of the Ghost King Temple.After they entered the Ghost King Temple, they found some gold and jade sacrificial vessels left over from that year, and the belongings left by those who were sacrificed alive.

Perhaps because of lack of support, after they returned to the village, several other people went into the mountain again, and as a result, they disturbed the corpse root in the Ghost King Temple, and they were all involved in the sacrificial well.

But Xu Er's grandfather took it when he knew it was good. He sold the things he got for the first time and opened several shops after that, so that he had a continuous line of descendants.It's just that this matter is not visible after all, so his grandfather can only make up a ghost story about good and evil, and tell others.

There are not many clues left over from the previous events, and Hu Bayi can only guess such a rough idea, so they can just listen to it as a story.But the fat man smiled at Xu Er from the side: "I didn't expect that your ancestors and we will go together after all, and we can be regarded as the same goal by different routes."

(End of this chapter)

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