Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1615 Finding Clues

Chapter 1615 Finding Clues ([-])

It seems that Mr. Meng is holding a bad breath in his stomach!

"Meng Chao's subordinates should be loyal to Meng Chao, the master. Even if they wanted to commit suicide, they would not choose the time when Meng Chao married the Seventh Princess. Someone must be behind the scenes!" Bai Hong said with certainty!

"I thought so too. There were two strangle marks on that girl's neck. It must be a suicide scene created after she was killed!" Zhou Xiaoyu said!
"Who on earth is so wicked and framed our Meng family like this!" Mother Meng said angrily, with a sad face on her face at this moment!

"Auntie, don't worry, this matter will be cleared up soon!" Seeing Meng Chao's mother's sad look, Zhou Xiaoyu immediately felt sorry for her, and felt sorry for all the parents in the world!

"Thank you girl, Meng Chao is truly blessed to have friends like you!"

"It's fate to be able to know each other. Don't be so alien, and don't worry about this matter! It's nothing!" Zhou Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Then why did the wedding between Seventh Princess and Meng Chao go smoothly again?" Bai Hong was a little puzzled, since it was almost canceled, and from Zhou Xiaoyu's conversation with Meng Chao's mother, the murderer must have not been found.

"Because our master told Queen Shu Li that if Meng Chao wasn't wronged, he would unconditionally tear up the letter of surrender." Zhou Xiaoyu looked at Bai Hong helplessly and said.

After Bai Hong heard this, he immediately burst out laughing.

"What is Master Bai laughing at?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked puzzled.

"This Immortal Emperor really cares about love and righteousness. He can actually come up with such a favorable condition. It's thanks to him thinking of it." Bai Hong said to Zhou Xiaoyu.

"The situation was very urgent at that time. If the master didn't say that, the wedding would probably be over. Isn't this just a trap? So the master said it on impulse. I left early. If I were here, I would definitely not agree. " Zhou Xiaoyu looked at Bai Hong and said.

"It's all the fault of our Meng family. If it weren't for us, the Immortal Emperor wouldn't have promised to Queen Shu Li." Father Meng said a little embarrassed.

"Since our master said this, he must be sure to find out the truth. Don't feel guilty. By the way, is there anything going on in the mansion today?" Li Tianba comforted everyone and asked, by the way, Case.

At this time, Xiaodie came in with a teapot and cups. Xiaodie put the pot on the table, poured tea into each cup in turn, and prepared to send them to Zhou Xiaoyu and others one by one.

"Nothing happened in our manor today. Isn't the Seventh Princess coming today? We are very careful. Before that, I have already talked to all the servant girls." Mrs. Meng said to everyone with certainty.

Although Xiaodie didn't know what everyone was talking about, and although nothing major happened today, there was a small incident, Xiuxiu fainted.

Although Xiuxiu was also a maid, she was by Meng Chao's side after all, so many servants knew about it.

Both Mr. Meng and Mrs. Meng were busy at that time, so they were not notified.

"When the king and the king returned to the mansion, the maid Xiuxiu who was next to the king fainted. Is this a situation in the mansion?" Xiaodie said in a low voice. It is wrong for servants to interrupt.

But since the master didn't know, it would be better for herself if she told the matter now, if the master knew it himself, the master would definitely blame her if she didn't tell it.

Xiaodie would not have thought of her words, which solved all the doubts, and her words touched everyone's nerves!
"Xiaodie, where is Xiuxiu? Take us to see her!" Bai Hong moved the teacup from his lips to the table, and he didn't even come to take a sip!
Zhou Xiaoyu smiled slightly at Bai Hong, that's exactly what he meant!Xiuxiu is someone close to Meng Chao, so maybe she knows something!
The body of servants is generally very strong, and there must be something wrong with fainting for no reason. Generally, the pressure in the heart will affect the health of the whole body!

"It's just a servant who fainted. Does it have anything to do with Chao'er's affairs?" Master Meng asked puzzled!

"I don't know now, maybe I'll know when I see her!" Zhou Xiaoyu said with a smile!
"Xiaodie quickly take a few adults to Xiuxiu's room!" Master Meng ordered Xiaodie to take Zhou Xiaoyu and others to find Xiuxiu!

At this time, Xiuxiu was wrapped around her neck with a white silk by the masked man in black, ready to kill her!
Xiuxiu didn't have any resistance at all, Xiuxiu suddenly felt that retribution was coming, she used this trick to kill Chang Guchun, now someone actually used this method to kill her, at this time she thought she was dead!
When her killer heard that someone was about to enter the door, she immediately let go of Xiuxiu, and hurriedly escaped through the window!

Xiuxiu was strangled until she was suffocated, she watched her killer run away, but she couldn't shout out!
Zhou Xiaoyu heard movement in the room, and immediately flew into Xiuxiu's room, and found that Xiuxiu fell on the ground, she was in a coma, and there was a white silk on Xiuxiu's neck!

When Bai Hong and Li Tianba saw that Zhou Xiaoyu entered Xiuxiu's room in such a hurry, they didn't care about the difference between men and women, so they also flew out of the room and opened the door to enter!
"What's going on? Did someone kill Xiuxiu and make her look like she committed suicide?" Li Tianba asked!
"I guess someone wants to kill someone to silence her, maybe Xiuxiu knows something!" Bai Hong said while checking Xiuxiu's injuries!

"Li Tianba, chase him out and see if you can catch the person who killed Xiuxiu!" Zhou Xiaoyu reminded Li Tianba!
It would be great to have her and Bai Hong here now, and it would be great if Li Tianba could catch up with the murderer. She only came in when she heard the movement just now, which proves that the murderer just left!

"Okay, I'm going to chase people now, you should be careful here, and report to the master in time if you have something to do!"

Zhou Xiaoyu nodded, and together with Bai Hong, carried Xiuxiu onto the bed!
Xiaodie saw Zhou Xiaoyu and the three of them hurriedly flew to Xiuxiu's room, she was afraid that something might happen and did not dare to go in, after all the people inside were all experts, and she was powerless, in her opinion, her personal safety was the most important thing Xiaodie immediately went to find Mrs. Meng, at least she would be safer by Mrs. Meng's side!
One is the maid by the young master's side, and the other is the maid by the old lady's side. The two of them often show off their rewards together!
It can be said that the two are mortal enemies, which is why Xiaodie said that Xiuxiu fainted!

After putting Xiuxiu on the bed, Zhou Xiaoyu pinched Xiuxiu hard, and Xiuxiu opened her eyes after a while.

Xiu Xiu thought she was dead, but when she opened her eyes and saw Bai Hong and Zhou Xiaoyu, the corner of her mouth moved slightly!
(End of this chapter)

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