Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1616 Finding Clues

Chapter 1616 Finding Clues ([-])

She is Meng Chao's personal maid, and she has seen Zhou Xiaoyu and Baihong many times!

"Xiuxiu, you're awake. Who is the person who killed you just now? Do you know something?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked Xiuxiu directly. In fact, Zhou Xiaoyu knew that Xiuxiu might not tell her the truth. If you don't tell the truth, you have to ask!

Xiuxiu wanted to tell the truth, but she had killed someone after all, and she was also one of Meng Chao's confidantes.If Meng Chao knew that he was a murderer, he would definitely not forgive her!
She also didn't have the courage to speak out. When life and death are at stake, everyone's first consideration is their own life!

As for the person who came to kill her, although she didn't know who it was, he was careless today, and if she pays more attention in the future, she might be able to avoid being murdered!

"Miss Zhou, I don't know who is going to kill me. Is it possible that Chang Helmsman was killed in the same way? Did she commit suicide?" Xiuxiu pretended to be very scared and said!
Zhou Xiaoyu glanced at Bai Hong, and Bai Hong gave Zhou Xiaoyu a look, "Don't think about it, we have already sent people to catch the murderer, you should rest early, Master Bai and I will go out first!"

"Will those people come here to kill me?"

"Don't worry, I guess it won't happen! We will go out in a while, and we will add a lot of security work!"

After the two walked out of Xiuxiu's room.

"Master Bai, do you think it's strange? The security of the Meng Mansion is so strict today, yet someone broke in. We haven't found out yet!"

"Maybe it's an inside thief instead of an outside thief!" Bai Hong was in charge of security, let alone someone who came in, even a mouse couldn't get in without anyone noticing it!
"Could it be that someone in the Meng Manor is playing tricks? There are traitors in the Meng Manor?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

Bai Hong said with a smile: "This Xiuxiu must have something to hide from us. As for the person who killed her, he probably wanted to silence her. Since Xiuxiu didn't say anything, she must have scruples. If someone threatened her family and asked her to do it What, she definitely doesn't dare to say anything, and she won't be silent, if she doesn't say it now, it is very likely that this matter has a direct connection with her."

"Then how can we get her to tell the truth? And where is the mole?"

"Hasn't Li Tianba already gone after him? I believe that with his strength, it will be easy to catch even a small thief."

"I thought we could get the evidence smoothly, but I didn't expect it to be a step too late. If we had caught the thief earlier."

"Miss Zhou, don't blame yourself too much. From now on, we must protect Xiuxiu. Since someone wants to kill her, she must know something."

"I really don't know what Xiuxiu thinks. If I know what I know, it's fine to say it. We have to check it out one by one. She can only tell the truth when it comes to her. It's a waste of time." Zhou Xiaoyu also said Want to wait to live a new life.

Rebirth is the dream of so many dead people. Qin Yan has the ability to make her reborn once, how can she waste it.

Now things happen one after another, and they change and change again and again on their return trip. I really don't know why there are always such things.

"What? Are you homesick?" Bai Hong didn't know why they always wanted to go home.

"Of course, we've been out for so long." If you live with us for a while, you might really not want to come back.

"How comfortable it is to live in the murloc world, why are you in such a hurry to go back?" Bai Hong asked, had he ever thought of leaving the murloc world.

Maybe one day I feel tired, maybe I will travel around other worlds and see the world.

"It's been a long time since we came out, and there are still two worlds, Fengren and Shanren, that have not yet been ruled. If there is no accident, I will definitely settle here for a long time." Zhou Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Okay, then I wish the Immortal Emperor an early unification of the great world in advance." Bai Hong said with a smile.

"By the way, where is the maid following us? Why is there no figure?" Zhou Xiaoyu looked at Bai Hong and asked.

"Did I get scared away? I should have returned to Madam Meng!"

"Then I'll watch Xiuxiu here, go and do your work, I'm fine here alone."

"Okay, then I'll go first, and send someone to notify me if there is anything."

After Bai Hong left, he strengthened the security of the Meng Mansion. His task today is no less than that of Zhou Xiaoyu and the others. It can be said that they all have important things to do.

Princess Jiuyao followed behind the sixth princess and the servant girl, "Xiao Cui, are you sure you heard the news from the servant girl of the Meng Mansion?"

"Miss, yes, I heard it clearly, and the maid of the fifth princess, we are together."

"This matter is no small matter. No matter what you hear, it's better not to say anything for safety." The sixth princess and the seventh princess have a relatively good relationship, and she didn't want such rumors to spread and affect the seventh princess and Meng Chao.

No matter what Meng Chao looks like, as long as the Seventh Princess likes it, it's fine for them to be older sisters.

Meng Chao is now the Jue Wang, and even though they are princesses, it's not easy to make any trouble with him.

Princess Jiuyao heard the conversation between the two clearly. At this time, Princess Jiuyao immediately stood in front of the two of them.

"What did the sixth princess whisper to the maid? Can you say it again?" Princess Jiuyao asked the sixth princess with a smile.

"We didn't say anything? Get out of the way and don't block our way." The sudden appearance of Princess Jiuyao scared the sixth princess and the maid.

But the sixth princess quickly recovered her expression, and said to Princess Jiuyao with some displeasure that she was frightened by Princess Jiuyao's sudden appearance just now, and she did not reprimand Princess Jiuyao to give the Immortal Emperor's House a lot of face.

After speaking, the sixth princess and her maid wanted to walk past Princess Jiuyao.

"Don't the sixth princess want to know what kind of person Meng Chao is and who the final murderer is?"

Princess Six stopped in her tracks. She was really curious about who the murderer was, and even more curious about what happened.

Seeing that the sixth princess stopped, Princess Jiuyao said: "Our people have already invited the fifth princess. If the sixth princess is interested, follow me to the Meng Mansion." Princess Jiuyao said with a smile .

The sixth princess heard that there would be a fifth princess waiting for Princess Jiuyao, and going to the Meng Mansion was nothing more than a waste of time for them. They could know the truth and see Meng Chao and the seventh princess at the same time.

"Okay, I'll go with you." The sixth princess agreed to go to the Meng Mansion out of curiosity.

Shishi and Xiaobai followed the fifth princess one after the other, but they didn't hear anything, so Xiaobai was discovered by the fifth princess. The fifth princess met Xiaobai and knew that Xiaobai was the subordinate of the Immortal Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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