Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1631 Applications

Chapter 1631 Applications
"I guess I did something wrong. I'm angry with me. Don't worry about her. It's getting late, brother Qin, go back to your room and rest. I'll go back first too." Kao felt that she had nothing to do with Qin Yan, and still It's better to keep a little distance.

"Is it because you took what Jiuyao said just now to your heart? Don't you want to go back to my house and have a look? When I go to my house, I will hold a grand and luxurious wedding for you."

"You mean the human world? The human world with many interesting places?"

"Yes, if you go, you definitely don't want to come back!"

"Is it that fun? Remember to take me there early, I'll go back to my room first!"

"Go to sleep, I'll plan my itinerary for the next few days and take you to play around."

Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao flew over the palace of the Shuren World and landed. They didn't dare to fly back and forth in the capital of the Shuren World, otherwise the two of them would be too conspicuous.

"Jiuyao, were you jealous just now? I smelled the scent of vinegar." Zhou Xiaoyu said deliberately, wanting to make Princess Jiuyao happy.

Which woman doesn't want her man to be nice to her for the rest of her life, now that Princess Jiuyao has given birth to Qin Yan, and Qin Yan also likes Kao.

She sometimes wonders if Kao is ugly instead of pretty, would Qin Yan like the ugly Kao.

Qin Yan sneezed when he entered the gate of the bedroom. He knew that someone must be talking about him, otherwise he would not have sneezed.

"I'm jealous, I drink old vinegar every day." Princess Jiuyao joked to Zhou Xiaoyu.

"Where did you drink the old vinegar? Why didn't you smell the vinegar?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoyu thought that Princess Jiuyao was really drinking vinegar every day.

Princess Jiuyao knew that Zhou Xiaoyu had misunderstood her, so she laughed loudly, "Xiaoyu, are you really stupid or fake? You really believe me when I say I drank old vinegar. Didn't I just give you a metaphor?"

Princess Jiuyao feels that there is no Qin Yan now, only her and Zhou Xiaoyu, she can say whatever she wants, and say whatever she wants.

"Aren't I honest? I'll believe whatever you say!" Zhou Xiaoyu realized at this moment that Princess Jiuyao was joking.

"Don't talk about being jealous, where should we go for a while?" Princess Jiuyao felt so bored.

"How about the two of us go to Li Tianba and see what he is doing?" Zhou Xiaoyu reminded with a smile.

"Okay, let's go there now. We just relax there and invite two beauties to accompany us to drink." Princess Jiuyao said happily.

"I drank so much wine at the banquet just now, can you still drink it now?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked with some doubts.

"Of course, I'm not drunk for a thousand cups!" Princess Jiuyao said wobbly.

Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao were both a little drunk by the breeze in the tree-man world. Princess Jiuyao said that she was not drunk for a thousand cups. It is estimated that several of them are unwilling to mention it again.

After getting the deed of prostitution of the two fat girls, the mother went directly to the room of Li Tianba and the two fat girls. At this time, Li Tianba was kissing Xiaocui.

His mother broke in suddenly, and Li Tianba sat down in embarrassment immediately, and asked, "What's the matter with Mom coming in?"

"Didn't I go to get the deed of sale? General Li, look, this is the deed of sale between Xiaocui and Xiaoyue. Now I will give you the deed of sale, and you will take it."

Li Tianba felt that his mother was very arrogant, and she actually gave him the deed of sale before his money arrived.

"Mom, you are so straightforward, I like it." Li Tianba took the contract of sale from his mother.

Then he tore up the deed of sale and said to the two fat girls: "From now on, you will be free, thank you mom."

"Thank you mom!" The two fat girls said in unison.

At this time, my mother said with some embarrassment: "General Li, you have seen that you have drunk so much wine. I am afraid that you will forget to pay the money again. Look at this is a two hundred gold IOU. You sign it and wait for you to send it to me." I will return this IOU to you when someone gives you money."

How could my mother be so generous? She said she believed in Li Tianba, but after all, it was a huge sum of money.

There is a saying in Shuren World that is particularly true, that is, don't make decisions lightly at night, because most of the decisions made at night will not be able to be implemented the next day.

Now that the contract of sale of the two fat girls has been ruined, if Li Tianba refuses to accept it tomorrow, she will have no place to reason.

"Mom, what are you doing? Didn't you say you believed me? Since you believed me, why did you ask me to sign an IOU?"

"General Li, you have a lot of people, am I afraid that you will forget? You see, I gave you all the deeds!" Mom reminded Li Tianba embarrassedly.

"Okay, I'll sign it and bring it to me." Li Tianba looked at his mother and said.

Mother happily walked out of the private room with the IOU signed by Li Tianba. Now she is not afraid that Li Tianba will break his promise. She can take it to the wizard for it. The current wizard is a big celebrity in the world of cultivating people.

The two girls favored by the wizard were also taken away by the wizard. Since the wizard's sweetheart followed the devil to the devil world, his whole temperament has changed drastically.

I have become particularly fond of beautiful women, and maybe the thoughts in my heart are gone, so I want to find someone to fill the blank.

Originally, the wizard was the master who walked around without distracting his mind, but in order to numb himself, he has become merciful everywhere now, but there is no one he likes, and now he is looking forward to meeting a woman he likes.

As soon as Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao walked to the door, a man who was too drunk rushed towards them and said, "Why are there two beauties at the door? How did I find out, come on Have a drink with my brother."

Zhou Xiaoyu avoided Princess Jiuyao.

"You dare to tease us, don't you want to live?" Zhou Xiaoyu said angrily.

Princess Jiuyao said: "Since this brother wants to drink with us, let's pay respects to him." After speaking, Princess Jiuyao quickly flashed to the drunk man, holding his arm with one hand, The other hand pressed his shoulder and pushed him down on the square table.

When the guests in other halls saw a beautiful woman holding a man, they all started booing, "The little beauty is so amazing!"

"Little beauty, I really want you to hold me down!"

Princess Jiuyao ignored these people, and she promised that they would run away in a while.

Zhou Xiaoyu took a large jar of wine from the bar and walked to the drunk man who was held down by Princess Jiuyao, pinched the drunk man's neck with one hand, and poured wine into his mouth with the other hand holding the jar.

The drunk man kept shaking his body, and after drinking a jar of wine, the drunk man died of drunkenness on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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