Chapter 1632
Princess Jiuyao began to look for targets in the booing crowd just now. After seeing the state of the drunk man, these people didn't dare to speak anymore, and they all quietly leaned their heads on the girl next to them.

"Officer, it's not good for you to rely on us like this. After all, we are just drinking with you." The girl in the shop saw the opportunity and wanted to ask for more money.

These people had no choice but quickly took out the money from their pockets and secretly stuffed it into the hands of the girls.

This trick really worked, and the girls directly hid the booers.

Princess Jiuyao smiled and asked, "Where is your mother? My friend and I need a good room to drink."

"Are the two girls looking for me? I am the mother here!" At this time, the mother just went downstairs and heard Princess Jiuyao's words.

"Yes, I would like to ask my mother to give us a first-class room!" Princess Jiuyao said again.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao were dressed in extraordinary clothes, mother said happily, "You two girls, please come with me."

The mother brought the two of them to Li Tianba's next door, and the mother whispered: "I tell the two girls, there are distinguished guests in this room, you are lucky today."

Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao looked at each other and smiled, Zhou Xiaoyu asked: "Mom, what kind of guest are you here for?"

"Let me tell you, General Li Tianba is inside." Mom said happily.

Zhou Xiaoyu was infected by her mother's emotions, and pretended to be very happy to ask: "Li Tianba is here! Then we are really lucky to be neighbors with him."

"Let me tell you, don't disturb him, he is sleeping in the room with two ugly women!" Mom was afraid that the two of them would disturb Li Tianba's good business in the past, and Li Tianba would blame her again.

Mom doesn't know the relationship between Zhou Xiaoyu, Princess Jiuyao and Li Tianba. If she knew, she would definitely not talk to them like this.

"General Li! How dare we disturb the general's good affairs with such a powerful person? I just heard from my mother that he was in the room with two ugly women. We sisters are a little curious. Since ancient times, heroes love beautiful women. This General Li Why did you choose two ugly women?" Zhou Xiaoyu knew that the women in Li Tianba's room must be the two fat girls she had seen on the street before. At that time, the two fat girls mistakenly thought that she and Princess Jiuyao were Li What about Tianba's woman?

Although Zhou Xiaoyu knew why Li Tianba liked fat women, she was still a little curious about what other people thought of Li Tianba.

"Everyone has their own preferences. Maybe General Li likes plump women." Mom said cautiously. In fact, she wanted to say that Li Tianba definitely has a problem with his aesthetics, or his eyesight is bad.

She didn't know the details of the two of them, and she still thought it would be better for her to pay more attention to what she said. When she later learned that they knew each other, her mother secretly thanked herself for not talking nonsense.

"Mom, you prepare a table of meals for us two sisters, and bring in some jars of good wine." After speaking, Zhou Xiaoyu threw a handful of gold to her mother.

Mom took it over with a smile, she knew that the two girls must belong to a wealthy family, she didn't expect such a generous offer.

Mom smiled and said, "I won't bother the two girls, I'll go out first and order someone to prepare."

It was the first time for my mother to meet a girl visiting a brothel. Just as her mother was still thinking about it when she went out, Zhou Xiaoyu went out and shouted, "Mom, call us two girls."

Mom turned around in surprise, and immediately turned into a smiling face and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

My mother was completely ruined by Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao. I didn't expect women to be so crazy.

But with her, as long as she has money, she can do whatever she wants, not to mention calling two girls, even if she is looking for two handsome guys, she will be satisfied.

Zhou Xiaoyu's voice was very loud. Li Tianba was sleeping in the room with two fat girls in his arms. Suddenly he opened his eyes and heard Zhou Xiaoyu's voice.

Li Tianba thought: It's so late, why did I hear Zhou Xiaoyu's voice?Could it be hallucination?

After Li Tianba opened his eyes, he wanted to get up and go to the door to check. As soon as he moved, the two fat girls woke up immediately, "What's wrong with the general?" Xiaocui rubbed his eyes and asked.

"I heard a voice just now, it seems to be my friend."

"It's so normal, men like to come to us." Xiaocui said, it's normal to meet acquaintances here.

"It's not a man, it's a woman!" If it was a man, Li Tianba wouldn't care so much. If Zhou Xiaoyu and the others came, they must know that he was here.

He didn't attend the banquet tonight, Qin Yan must have looked for him, but being able to be with the two fat girls and being criticized early tomorrow morning, he thinks it's worth it.

It's just that he wanted to know why Zhou Xiaoyu came here.

"General, are you hallucinating? That's how it is possible for women to come here at night? How decent is it? If their reputation gets out, it will be over." Xiaoyue looked at Li Tianba and said.

"I think the man's words may be true. If it's a woman's, you probably heard it wrong. Look how quiet it is outside now. Where can there be a woman's voice?" Xiaocui and Xiaoyue persuaded Li Tianba together.

Li Tianba did not hear the voices of the two of them again. If the two of them came, he would definitely look for him, and his mother would definitely take them to the room directly. How could the two of them play here.

"Maybe I'm too tired and have hallucinations. I'm sorry to disturb you two to rest." Li Tianba said apologetically to the two fat girls.

"General, why are you so polite? We don't know what to say when you are so polite!" The two fat girls felt that Li Tianba was so polite to them, they really didn't know what to say, and couldn't answer his words. son.

"You are my women. I will treat you well in the future. I should be polite to you. No one can bully you two in the future."

"It's a blessing for the two of us to know the general. From now on, we will serve the general with all our heart."

The three of them went on to sleep after being polite for a while, but Li Tianba couldn't sleep well anymore, he always felt that Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao were here.

Zhou Xiaoyu and Princess Jiuyao were in the room, and two beauties walked in after a while, and the four of them felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

One of the two beauties is Momo and the other is Caicai. Momo and Caicai are used to drinking and chatting with male customers, and have never had any contact with female customers.

In their world of human cultivation, especially in the entertainment venues, there are gays and lesbians, that is, homosexuality. The two of them have heard of it but never seen it.

Now seeing two beautiful girls in the room, they wonder if these two girls are lesbians.

(End of this chapter)

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