Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1738 Thinking Too Much

Chapter 1738 Thinking Too Much

The people outside the door knew that they had lost their jobs, and most of them knelt at the door, hoping that Qin Yan would give them a chance. After all, the jobs in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion were easy and the wages were high. They also had face, and many leaders gave them face.

For this job, kneeling for a day is worth it!
"You'd better think about yourself, you're really worthless!" Shishi returned to Qin Yan's side angrily.

"I brought Brother Qin's words with me, and I told His Highness Jue Wang, he said he would come to see you later." Xiao Bai said with a smile.

"I see, what were you doing outside the door just now?" Qin Yan stared at Xiaobai and asked.

Xiaobai glanced at Qin Yan, "The slaves are back, and they begged me not to fire them." Xiaobai still wanted to fight for a chance with Qin Yan, hoping to keep these people.

After all, they didn't resign and return to their hometown normally, but were fired by the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. It will be difficult for them to find a job in the future with this identity on their backs.

Most of them are in their prime of life, how can they support their families without wages!
"I knew you would not be safe, kid. Do you know that you will suffer a lot if you do this?" Qin Yan said to Xiaobai seriously.

Shishi was also angered by Xiaobai at this time, "You are really a fool! Brother Qin is the boss, what he says is the imperial edict, how can the imperial edict be changed at will."

Shishi hopes to explain this idiot Xiaobai thoroughly, so that he can keep Qin Yan in trouble here.

"I see. I'll go cook. Brother Qin and sister-in-law must be hungry." Xiaobai had no choice but to change the subject.

"Shishi, go and distribute some money to the people outside, let them enter the mansion and take their luggage and leave. Let's treat them as our Immortal Emperor's mansion and send them away." Qin Yan is not ignorant of Xiaobai, he also knows These people are very poor.

"Brother Qin, why are you like Xiaobai? You said just now that Xiaobai suffered a disadvantage. I think you will suffer from soft-heartedness in the future." Shishi had no choice but to act according to Qin Yan's order.

"You are still like this, with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart." Murong Xuehan walked to Qin Yan's side and sat on Qin Yan's lap and said.

"They are servants after all, I can't argue with a group of servants." Qin Yan said while hugging Murong Xuehan.

It was also selfish for Qin Yan to ask Shishi to call the servants in to distribute money and get clothes. A group of servants knelt at the door, and outsiders saw Qin Yan as a bad person.After all, these people belong to the vulnerable group.

When Xiaobai went to the palace to deliver a letter, Meng Chao would definitely rush over immediately. It would be the safest way for outsiders to see how stingy Qin Yan was, and it was the safest way to let them in to pack their bags and leave.

Of course, Qin Yan believes that there are loyal people in this group of people, but it just produces a butterfly effect. A person should always be responsible for his actions.

"The Immortal Emperor kindly allows you to enter the mansion to pack your luggage!" Xiao Bai opened the door of the mansion and said to the kneeling man.

"We won't leave, we swear to serve the Immortal Emperor to the death." Some people began to talk about it again, after all, Qin Yan's salary is high and the job is decent, so many people left like this unwillingly.

"Don't have any illusions. The emperor's order is more authoritative than the king's imperial decree. How could he slap himself in the face and take back what he said? The emperor is very merciful. When you leave the mansion, directly Come to the accountant and find me." After Xiaobai finished speaking, he walked directly to the accountant.

"Director Bai is right. Even though we kneel here until we die, the Immortal Emperor won't change his mind. Let's pack up and leave."

Someone takes the lead, and there is an effect, and everyone else follows the leader.

Seeing that everyone packed up their bags and left, Xiaobai felt much more at ease. After all, he was someone he had known for a long time. Although they didn't treat him as a master, after all, we all knew each other once.

After all, Xiaobai is a person who has just become enlightened, and his behavior is relatively simple.

When the servants were walking out with big bags and small bags, Meng Chao happened to arrive at the Immortal Emperor's Mansion at this time. Meng Chao knew that Qin Yan must have ordered these people to be dismissed.

He was very guilty at this time, and he didn't take much care of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. If he paid more attention to it, these servants would not be so bold.

When the servants saw Meng Chao's guard of honor arrived at the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, they all knelt down to pay their respects to Meng Chao.

Everyone knew that the real helm of the murloc world at this time was the King Jue, and the king was just a woman who cared for her husband wholeheartedly.

Queen Shu Li was worried about this matter when she married Meng Chao, but she didn't expect it to come true. She secretly scolded her daughter for not living up to expectations.

"Brother Qin, when did you come? Why did you enter the Murloc World without sending me a message?" The messaging system of the Murloc World ranks first among the five worlds.

Meng Chao knew this. Qin Yan must have concealed his identity when he came, otherwise he would have known that Qin Yan had come without Xiaobai reporting.

"I didn't want to make a fuss when I came to you, you are much more energetic!" Qin Yan saw that Meng Chao's expression and aura were completely different from before.

Qin Yan saw power and ambition in Meng Chao's eyes, which Meng Chao didn't have before.

"Brother Qin, you are joking. Will there be any changes in me? I haven't seen Brother Qin for so long, and Brother Qin has a newcomer!" Meng Chao said, looking at Murong Xuehan behind Qin Yan.

"What newcomer, she just didn't follow me when I came to the murloc world." After Qin Yan finished speaking, he pulled Murong Xuehan to his side.

It was the first time Meng Chao saw Qin Yan showing affection with a girl.

"I always thought that brother Qin would not eat fireworks in the world, but I never thought that brother Qin would be so sentimental." Meng Chao said to Qin Yan with a smile.

Meng Chao knew about the relationship between Princess Jiuyao and Qin Yan. Qin Yan later took Hua Wang and Hua Jing to his wedding, and now he saw Murong Xuehan again, but he had to admire the women Qin Yan found, each one was prettier than the other .

"You kid, you dare to laugh at your brother and me now." Qin Yan felt that Meng Chao had learned badly, how could the former Meng Chao say such a thing.

"How dare I laugh at you. You are the person I admire and appreciate the most in my heart. Without you, I would not be where I am today! It's too late for me to envy you now!" Meng Chao said to Qin Yan with a smile.

"Sit down quickly, how are you and the seventh princess doing now, what's wrong with being in charge of the murloc world?"

"Everything is going well, but the princess is pregnant recently, so I will deal with government affairs more now." When Meng Chao spoke, his face was full of happiness, which was completely different from Qin Yan's feeling when he met him just now.

Qin Yan felt embarrassed, Meng Chao was still the same Meng Chao back then, he was overthinking just now.

(End of this chapter)

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