Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1739 News from the other two realms

Chapter 1739 News from the other two realms

"Brother Qin came here for the other two worlds." If you want to go to the other two worlds, you have to go through the murloc world. Qin Yan has not shown his face since he ruled the murloc world. Now he came back suddenly for his great cause.

"Yes, the longer I let it go, the more uneasy I feel. It's better to rule earlier." Qin Yan knew that Meng Chao was snobbish in the murloc world, and Meng Chao should have news from the other two worlds.

"If you need anything, Brother Qin, you can speak at any time, and I will be ready to go in the Murloc World." Meng Chao hopes that Qin Yan can rule the other two realms, so that the big world will be peaceful.

"Have you ever heard about the other two worlds? I'm not familiar with the two worlds now." Qin Yan looked at Meng Chao and asked.

"I have heard some news. It is said that the mountain king in the mountain man world has boundless magic power. Few people can see him. The mountain man world is the smallest world in the five realms. Although it is small, it is very difficult to deal with, because the mountain man People in the human world are all strangely shaped stones."

"If they were all stone men, I'm afraid it would be difficult for us to get involved." Murong Xuehan looked at Qin Yan and said.

Meng Chao told Qin Yan everything he heard. Qin Yan could judge for himself whether it was true or not.

"What about the world of Fengren? How much do you know?" Qin Yan saw that Meng Chao's words were logical, and felt that what Meng Chao had grasped should be the core information. Since the stone man was so difficult to attack, he had no choice but to learn more about the world of Fengren.

"The World of the Windman is just above the World of the Stone Man. It is said that it is ruled by the King of Wind. Usually, the World of the Windman is very beautiful and peaceful. Do it randomly, it is said that a gust of evil wind can blow gods and men into the borderless border, and those who enter the borderless border will never leave the borderless border." All that Meng Chao knows is collected by his subordinates, but is it true? Not sure.

"Hearing what you said, why do I feel that these two worlds are not easy to attack!" Qin Yan sighed.

"Brother Qin, why are you so unconfident? You retreated before you made a move." Meng Chao knew that Qin Yan was not such a person, but in order to give Qin Yan some spiritual strength, he had no choice but to stimulate him like this.

"How could I be afraid, I just sighed." Qin Yan said with a smile.

"I heard that as long as you subdue the mountain king and the wind king, it is equivalent to ruling the world of the mountain people and the wind, so Brother Qin, these two worlds are still easy to get." Meng Chao said with a smile.

"I found that you have said a lot of things, and this sentence is on point, just tell me not to do it." Qin Yan is still confident in fighting alone.

"Didn't I tell you everything I know? This way you will get twice the result with half the effort if you are prepared." Meng Chao didn't understand why Qin Yan would blame him, maybe it was more of a joke.

"The master is joking, he is just embarrassed to say thank you." Shishi said to Meng Chao with a smile.

Although Meng Chao is now the Jue Wang, Shi Shi belongs to Qin Yan, and her status must be much higher than that of ordinary people.

Shishi wouldn't feel awkward talking to Meng Chao, after all, Shishi used to follow the eldest princess, and she had seen it with people of all identities.

The eldest princess is a very powerful person, and the only thing Shishi feels lucky is that she met Qin Yan, otherwise she would have died by now.

"So that's the case. Is it so difficult to say thank you?" Meng Chao said with a smile.

"Thank you, I have never said it out of my mouth." Qin Yan said to Meng Chao with a smile, because he said thank you a lot to Qin Yan, and he rarely asked for help. After all, Meng Chao is his subordinate now, and he would not say thank you. suitable.

But if Meng Chao became friends with him, he would definitely say thank you to Meng Chao.

"You are my leader. How can I bear your thank you? If you need anything, just ask me."

"Your Majesty, have you made arrangements for the servants in our mansion? Today all the people in our mansion have been dismissed, and we won't be able to eat anything we want to eat at night." Xiao Bai said with a smile.

"I brought them here, but I can't figure out what happened to the servants in your mansion? They need to be expelled collectively." Meng Chao was very puzzled, even if they made mistakes, they couldn't make mistakes collectively.

Besides, Qin Yan had just arrived in the Murloc World, and the first thing he did after he came here was to lay off so many people. Meng Chao really didn't know what Qin Yan meant.

"They didn't work collectively, so the master fired them all." Xiao Bai looked at Jue Wang and explained, he didn't want Qin Yan to be misunderstood.

Meng Chao heard Xiaobai's words, "Is there no supervisor in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion? How could these people be so courageous?"

Meng Chao couldn't figure out where the slave's courage came from!
"Maybe they think that Shishi and I are not like the master, and they don't want to serve us. Since the master left, they have become more and more courageous. They can run outside all day and only come back when they are sleeping. I get a lot of wages!"

Xiaobai must explain Qin Yan well, otherwise Meng Chao will definitely misunderstand Qin Yan's character. Of course, if Meng Chao has two hearts, he should know how good Qin Yan is!

Meng Chao said angrily: "Why didn't you inform me and the king of such a big matter? These slaves let them go like this, it's really taking advantage of them!"

"We have been to the palace, and we found that we can't enter the palace at all. Maybe the guards at the gate of the palace change frequently and don't know us anymore!" Xiaobai knew that their faces must be worthless!If you don't have a special waist card, you can't get in at all!
Meng Chao said with some embarrassment: "I was negligent. I will send two waist cards back. You can enter the palace at any time!"

"Jue Wang is usually so busy, don't worry about us, after all, if we really have something to do, we will message you!" Xiaobai said with a smile.

Meng Chao's being so polite proves that Meng Chao has him and Shishi in his heart!

"In the future, the new maids and servants must be strictly managed. How about this, I will arrange two supervisors to come over after I go back." Meng Chao knew that the courage of the servants in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion must be a management problem. Meng Chao guessed that Xiaobai must be That talkative supervisor.

"Your Majesty, this arrangement is really clever!" Xiao Bai said to Meng Chao with a smile.

"Were you a supervisor before, spoiling everyone like a master?" Meng Chao asked Xiaobai with a smile.

Although she had already guessed it, she still wanted Xiao Bai to say it in person.

Xiao Bai said embarrassingly: "It's because of me. I indulged them too much before, and I will definitely not do this in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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