Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1740 Preparation

Chapter 1740 Preparation
Meng Chao sneered. He had already decided that two professional supervisors would come over. He didn't dare to let Xiaobai continue to manage it, or he would have to transfer someone out next time.

Originally, there were a certain number of servants in the palace, and very few people were selected into the palace, because the link was too troublesome.

To send a batch of slaves to Qin Yan, they must elect new servants.With less manpower in the palace, the workmanship will inevitably be much slower.

Even if it is to not affect the daily life in the palace, Xiaobai cannot be allowed to waste the servant girls like this.

After Meng Chao arranged his servants, "Brother Qin, you can contact me anytime if you have anything to do. I'll go back to the palace to watch the princess first!"

When Meng Chao said the seventh princess, a sweet smile appeared on his face again!
Seeing Meng Chao's appearance, Qin Yan couldn't possibly keep Meng Chao.

"You go back, take me to say hello to Princess Seven, I will go to the palace to see her after I finish my business!"

Meng Chao knew that he didn't have the ability to go to the world of Fengren, the world of Shanren, even if he went, he would add chaos to Qin Yan!

Shi Weiwei came home at night, "Husband, have you brought back the beauty pill?"

"Of course, even if I don't come back, I still have to fulfill your wish!" Shi Wei pulled the car aside and said with a smile, "This is a beauty pill, you can promote the beauty pill to other people!"

Now is the time to hit the market, and Shi Wei is already sleepy, because there are too many things to do every day!

"Great, I don't have to hide anymore!" Shi Wei's wife happily opened the curtains!No matter who comes to her house, she can welcome it warmly!

In the early morning of the next day, many women came to Shi Wei's house. Don't guess it must be Shi Wei's wife who invited them over!

Everyone who read the news thought that Shi Wei's company had gone bankrupt, and they no longer had any hope for Beauty Pills!
"Ruili, do you still live here? Didn't the bankruptcy of your company affect your life?"

"Of course it has an impact, but only a little bit!" Shi Wei's wife said with a smile!

"Then we can rest assured, what about beauty pills? We can't wait to get younger!"

"This is a beauty pill, 1 yuan per pill!" Shi Wei's wife trembled when she quoted the price!
The effect must be more than 1 yuan. Although the cost of this beauty pill is very low, it cannot be compared with any international famous skin care products. They feel that the price is not expensive compared to the effect.

So her main goal now is to be over 30 years old and under 60 years old, and all of them are taking the high-end route.

"Ten thousand and one pills are so cheap, give me ten pills first." Mr. Zhang's wife said with a smile.

As long as she is as young as Shi Wei's wife, even 100 million is worth it to her.

"Everyone's physique is different, and the effect is different. We can guarantee to eliminate the wrinkles on the faces of our friends." Shi Wei's wife did not expect to sell a lot of things. After a good sale, Shi Wei's wife had to remind everyone to consume rationally.

"I believe you, as long as you can get rid of wrinkles, it's worth it."

Many people spend a lot of money on beauty pills. They only have one goal, which is to look younger. If they can be like Shi Wei's wife, they will fly with joy.

"Thank you for your trust. If you take a lot of it, it must be good for your skin." Shi Wei's wife said with a smile.

Shi Wei's wife knew that the Beauty Pill was definitely given to them by Qin Yan on purpose, otherwise they would never have gotten the secret recipe.

Li Tianba was very happy when he saw Hu Xiaoxian, "Xiaoxian, are you back?"

Li Tianba smiled awkwardly, he knew that Hu Xiaoxian saw that he was not very friendly, so something must have angered her.

"Why don't you talk?" Li Tianba really didn't know the reason why Hu Xiaoxian didn't answer his words, it had never happened before.

"Do you want me to be the master here, and then you go with Brother Qin?"

"You know that? That's what I really intend."

"I finally had a chance to be with him, and you dare to replace him, you idiot, I will definitely ignore you."

"I'm sorry, it's okay if I don't go! I really didn't expect you to want to go so much, I just want to protect the girl." Li Tianba didn't know how to explain to Hu Xiaoxian this time, he knew No matter how he explained Hu Xiaoxian would not believe it.

Hu Xiaoxian knew what Qin Yan meant, but she deliberately teased Li Tianba here. She would not tell Li Tianba the truth until the last moment.

"Do I need you to protect General Li?" Li Tianba's strength is a bit inferior to Hu Xiaoxian's, Li Tianba said to protect her, Hu Xiaoxian thought it was a bit funny.

"You don't need my protection, but we don't know the strength of the other two realms. It must have been very dangerous in the past. I went and you didn't go. Isn't this indirectly protecting you?" Li Tianba felt that his kindness would not be accepted. I understand some disappointment.

"Okay, of course I know what you mean. I won't tease you anymore. Qin Yan has already gone to the Murloc World. He wants us to rush over there later. The Qin family will be here in the evening. You can explain it to them and we can do it tomorrow." Let's go." Hu Xiaoxian was a little tired and didn't want to tease Li Tianba anymore.

"Are we going there together?" Li Tianba wondered if it was the two of them.

"It's not the two of us, do you still want to bring your two beauties there?" Hu Xiaoxian asked with a smile.

"How could I bring them over there? Didn't they just add to the trouble? I just want to know if it's the two of us." Li Tianba felt that Hu Xiaoxian became bad after going out for a while, just like Zhou Xiaoyu. Lively.

Thinking of Zhou Xiaoyu, Li Tianba felt a little sad in his heart. She should be happy that she did what she wanted to do, but he didn't know why, he just felt uncomfortable.

"And the wizard, the three of us will go to the murloc world tomorrow, and the wizard has returned to the tree man world today, and we can meet him when we pass through the tree man world tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm going to clean up now and tell my two wives by the way." Li Tianba knew that the two fat girls were most afraid of him going to war.

But in order to live as he pleases in the future, he must witness the great moment of the unification of the five realms with Qin Yan.

"You go, see you tomorrow!" Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile.

After the wizard returned to the tree-man world, the king saw that the wizard was very happy. "You are back, wizard. I am really powerless to deal with the affairs by myself."

The wizard felt a little embarrassed when he heard the king's words, "You are too humble, king. The tree world is so peaceful under your rule, it is all thanks to you!"

"Isn't there a wizard sitting behind me? Without you, I have no idea, but now it's all right, you're finally back." The king said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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