Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1741 Farewell

Chapter 1741 Farewell
Since Zihan went to the human world, he hadn't smiled for a long time. Seeing the wizard at this time, the king felt very relaxed.

"King, I came back to tell you about Zihan. Tomorrow, I will go to the Murloc World to find the Immortal Emperor." The wizard said with some shame. He knew what the king meant, but he really wanted to go out for a walk. After all, he was imprisoned for 1000 years in the Sky Prison in the Treant World.

The only thing he wants to do now is to follow Qin Yan around. No matter what he does, as long as he can see a different world outside, he will be happy.

"What happened to Zihan?" The king didn't care about anything when he heard the news about Zihan. At this moment, what he cared most about was his son's safety.

"Look what you're worried about. He's fine over there. The Immortal Emperor asked me to tell you so you can rest assured." The wizard told the king truthfully.

It seems that the world over there must be very good, and they don't want to come back.

The king also knew that his son might not come back. After all, his son's spells were not very advanced.

"So the Immortal Emperor has come back? Did you go to the Murloc World for the great event of the Immortal Emperor?" The king knew that he had lost his composure just now, and he only cared about his son, looking very petty. Fortunately, he reacted in time.

"The Immortal Emperor also just came back, and he also felt that the other two realms should not take too long."

"You don't know magic. It must be dangerous to go to the other two sessions with the Emperor. Why do you want to go to other worlds with the Emperor?"

"Don't I think that living like this is meaningless? Although I don't know spells, I can pinch and count. I want to see with my own eyes the day when the Immortal Emperor will succeed."

"Your idea is very good. I'm a little moved by what you said. Be careful when you go out. I won't bother you tonight. I'll see you off tomorrow morning when I'm done." The king meant to let the wizard wait Follow him, don't sneak away.

"Okay, you've already spoken, how dare I disobey your order!" the wizard said jokingly.

"You have a good rest, I'm going back to the bedroom too."

Li Tianba went back to the room and told Xiaocui and Xiaoyue about going out.

"General, how long has it been since you took me over here? You are going to go on a long trip again, and we have to go with you. I don't want to be separated from you." Xiao Cui said coquettishly with her mouth pouted.

"It's not that I won't come back, look at you two." Li Tianba seldom coaxes women, especially now he faces two of them alone.

"We just don't want you to go, we just want to be with you every day." Xiaoyue also said sadly.

"You two are obedient. I will definitely go. The master didn't intend to take me, but suddenly changed his mind and asked me to go with him. I must have something to use me." Li Tianba is now smart, and Qin Yan Moving out, the two fat girls must have been coaxed almost.

"You said before that you would not go to other worlds, and now you are going again. You deliberately deceive me and Xiaoyue." Xiaocui and Xiaoyue finally came here, as long as they stay in Li Tianba's house every day By his side, Li Tianba can be with the two of them for the rest of their lives. If Li Tianba goes to other worlds and meets more beautiful beauties, then the two of them will be off.

"I really didn't do it on purpose. Isn't it embarrassing for me? The life I give you now is given to me by the master. If we don't bring down the country, how can we let you live a good life?"

Xiaocui and Xiaoyue knew that Li Tianba did not dare to disobey Qin Yan's order, no matter how coquettish and cute they were, Li Tianba would definitely not change his mind.

If the stalemate persists, it will definitely make Li Tianba feel disgusted.

"General, since it is an order from the Immortal Emperor, we are very considerate of you, but you must agree to one request of our sisters."

Li Tianba was very happy to see the two fat girls agreed, as long as the two of them don't bother him, it's better than anything.

"Tell me what it is." Li Tianba said with a smile.

"You are not allowed to look at other women when you go out, and you can no longer take concubines." Xiaocui pouted and stared at Li Tianba, hoping that Li Tianba would agree.

The smile on Li Tianba's face disappeared immediately after hearing this, how could he guarantee this, if he guaranteed it now, he would not be able to become someone in the future.

He is not the kind of person who can make a woman happy with his mouth, "I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest first."

After speaking, Li Tianba left and left the two fat girls in the room.

"Xiao Cui, isn't what you said a little too much? Although the two of us have been worried about the day when we will fall out of favor, but if you bring it up to the general so bluntly, will he dislike us?"

This is also the first time for Xiao Cui to encounter such a situation. She had acted like a baby with Li Tianba before, and Li Tianba had always coaxed them, and there has never been such a situation like today.

"Maybe it's because he can't fulfill my request and doesn't want to promise us. It seems that the two of us overestimate ourselves. The general will definitely not be just the two of us."

"No matter whether he will have other people in the future, at least our life will be much better with him, and we should be content." Xiaoyue said to Xiaocui.

"You say you are content now, why didn't you stop me when I said it just now, the general must hate me very much." Xiaocui was a little sad at this moment.

Xiaocui knew that she had said something she shouldn't have said today, but she also wanted to find out Li Tianba's feelings for them, and she finally found out today, because she thought too highly of herself.

Li Tianba returned to his room, feeling that it was inappropriate for him to leave without saying anything, but he was too embarrassed to go back and say nice things.

He would definitely not agree to Xiao Cui's request, Xiao Cui's face must have been hurt by him.

Li Tianba finally lay on the bed alone to sleep.

"The general didn't come back. It seems that we are not needed tonight. Let's go back to the room and rest. He will leave early tomorrow morning, and we have to see him off."

Xiaocui knew that although Li Tianba didn't give her face tonight, she had no right to be angry. After all, she and Xiaoyue depended on Li Tianba for food.

She and Xiaoyue are definitely going to see Li Tianba off tomorrow morning. If they don't go, Li Tianba will definitely be unhappy.

In the early morning, Xiaocui and Xiaoyue made breakfast early, and called Li Tianba to get up to eat, "General, we made the breakfast with our own hands, you can eat it while it's hot."

Li Tianba was a little embarrassed at this time, after all, what he did a little too much last night, even if he didn't agree, he couldn't leave with a black face.

"Yesterday, I left due to something unexpected. You didn't think much about it, did you?" Li Tianba wanted to find a way out for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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