Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1753 The 3rd Mountain

Chapter 1753 The Third Mountain (1)

Shi Kuo smiled. What Qin Yan said obviously meant that he didn't want to kill him. It can be seen that Shi Hai stayed on the first mountain after being defeated by Qin Yan.

"Of course I'm afraid, but we stone people only recognize people who are more powerful than us. We can have many masters in our life. Even if you become the mountain king of our mountain people world, if someone stronger than you appears, you will still step down. "Shi Kuo said everything he wanted to say, the stone man has no scheming.

"I understand, you should take good care of your wounds, we are going to the next mountain." Qin Yan said to Shi Kuo with a smile.

The reason why Qin Yan laughed was because of Shi Kuo's words. He said that even if more powerful people appeared after Qin Yan became the king of the mountain, they would still change their hearts.

Although these words do not sound good, in Shi Kuo's heart, he thinks that Qin Yan can become the king of the mountain. Isn't this what Qin Yan wants now?As for things that are so far away in the future, there is no need to worry about it.

Qin Yan threw a bottle to Shi Kuo, which contained an elixir, which could not only heal his injuries quickly, but also improve his spells dozens of times.

"What is this?" Shi Kuo thought that Qin Yan wanted to kill him, and gave him a poison in order to make him die quickly.

"Don't worry, it's not poison." Qin Yan left without answering Shi Kuo.

"Master, you are too generous. He is our enemy. He almost suffocated us just now. You actually gave him an elixir. Aren't you afraid that he will repay his kindness?" Li Tianba felt that Qin Yan's actions were wrong. If Shi Kuo recovers from his injury and confronts them, then they won't be at a disadvantage.

"He won't do anything that's bad for us. He's a stone man, and he doesn't have so many fancy intestines. If he eats the elixir and knows the benefits of the elixir, he will be happy and only recognize me as his master." Qin Yan is confident Said.

"Brother Qin is always so confident. I really admire that." Shishi said with a smile.

"Laughing now, it is estimated that we will experience another catastrophe in a while." The wizard said with a sigh.

"Why do you always feel emotional, the first mountain poem saved you, this time I saved you, you have to remember, thank me well in the future." Li Tianba asked for credit in front of the wizard.

It was the first time for Li Tianba to hug a man, which made him really depressed. Although he was extremely reluctant, but after all, we all came out together, so he had to do it even if he didn't want to.

"Do you know that you have underarm odor? You almost smoked me to death just now, and you still have the nerve to ask me to thank you. You should compensate me for the loss of my body." After the wizard finished speaking, he chased after Qin Yan.

Li Tianba said angrily: "You old bastard, next time you are in danger, I will take care of you!"

Qin Yan didn't hear what the wizard said to Li Tianba, but everyone heard Li Tianba's loud yelling.

"Li Tianba, what did you say, what did I say when we came out? All people must be united." Qin Yan said sharply to Li Tianba.

Li Tianba felt very aggrieved at this time, obviously it was the wizard who provoked first, Li Tianba didn't know how to explain it at this time, because he was not a person who could speak well.

It would be great if the two fat girls were here, they would definitely be able to explain it to Qin Yan.

"Master, I know I was wrong, I was just joking, how could I ignore him." Li Tianba stared at the wizard and said.

The wizard cheerfully followed behind Qin Yan.

When Shishi was about to follow behind the wizard to protect him, Li Tianba grabbed Shishi's arm, "Shishi, don't get so close to him, this old guy has a problem."

At this time, Li Tianba felt that the current wizard was his fake friend. The two of them looked like old friends who had known each other for hundreds of thousands of years. Although Li Tianba lost his memory after rebirth, the wizard didn't have it, he always had it.

"Brother Li, what's wrong with the wizard?" Shishi asked a little puzzled, after all, her first task was to protect the wizard.

Qin Yan was able to let her protect the wizard, which shows that the wizard is a very important person around Qin Yan.

"Is this man getting older and living like a child, or is his woman following the devil away and he has something wrong with his brain?" Li Tianba asked Shishi puzzled.

Shishi shook her head, she really didn't understand what Li Tianba said, the only thing she understood was that the wizard's woman followed the other men.

With such a private word, Li Tianba can talk about topics that affect a man's face, which shows that the wizard really made Li Tian very domineering.

"I don't understand, because I don't know anything about the past of wizards." Shishi stared at Li Tianba and said helplessly.

Qin Yan stopped when he stepped into the third mountain, and everyone also stopped.

"Master, why don't you leave?"

Everyone was ready to adapt, but Qin Yan stopped.

The wizard glanced back, Shishi was with Li Tianba, "Why aren't you by my side, Shishi?"

"You heartless, Shishi will come with me in the future, and you can fend for yourself." Li Tianba said with a smile.

"You stinky zombie, you let me fend for myself, you might as well just leave me behind and keep going." The wizard stared at Li Tianba firmly and said.

"Aren't you able to pinch and count? Quickly figure out when we will be able to arrive at the Wuzun Temple?" Li Tianba said with a slight smile.

The wizard doesn't know mana, and he is holding everyone back all the way. If he can't figure it out, he will naturally feel uneasy in his heart. After all, he has caused everyone trouble.

The wizard stroked his beard and said, "If I knew that I would die here, would I still come here?" The wizard leaned towards Shi Shi while talking, after all, she needed Shi Shi's help at the critical moment.

"I'm asking you about the time. Of course I know we're safe because our spells are so high." Li Tianba hated other people's tricks the most.

"The heavenly secret must not be revealed!" After speaking, the wizard ignored Li Tianba.

"Why didn't Brother Qin leave?" Hu Xiaoxian asked beside Qin Yan.

Murong Xuehan also stared at Qin Yan, waiting for an answer with the same gaze as Hu Xiaoxian.

"I'm wondering what it will be like when we step into the third mountain?" Qin Yan looked at the green mountain in front of him. If it were in the human world, this mountain would definitely be a good place for leisure and vacation.

Looking at such a beautiful mountain at this time, Qin Yan was afraid that once they entered, they would encounter assassination immediately.

"We'll know when we go in, everyone should be vigilant at any time." Hu Xiaoxian said.

Qin Yan smiled slightly at Hu Xiaoxian beside him, "Be careful, all of you."

After speaking, Qin Yan stepped into the third mountain first.

After Qin Yan walked in, the whole mountain hadn't changed at all, no stones fell down, and there were no landslides.

The others followed closely behind Qin Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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