Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1754 The 3rd Mountain

Chapter 1754 The Third Mountain (2)

Li Tianba smiled and said: "Is the king of the mountain asleep? I don't know if we are here?"

At this time, Li Tianba and others didn't know that Shi Tian, ​​the king of the third mountain, was laughing while listening to Qin Yan's conversation in his room.

"The two of us want to go together." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

"What you think is so simple. How could he sleep? There must be something wrong with being so quiet. Everyone is ready to fight at any time." Qin Yan reminded everyone not to underestimate the enemy.

They felt that they were very tired after walking so far, and there was still no movement on the third mountain.

"I'm so tired! Why is this mountain so big!" Li Tianba said depressingly.

When they were at the bottom of the mountain, they didn't feel how big the mountain was, but they just couldn't reach the top of the mountain.

Not only did they climb the mountain, but they also kept alert to dangers, so they were even more tired.

After listening to Li Tianba's words, Qin Yan felt that something was wrong. Even if they walked with vigilance, they couldn't be so tired. It seemed that this mountain was huge.

"Is this mountain weird?" Qin Yan looked at everyone and said.

When Qin Yan said this, everyone felt that Qin Yan was right. There must be something wrong with not reaching the top of the mountain for so long.

"Did we already enter the formation when we entered this mountain, and the purpose of this formation is to exhaust our energy and kill us all?" The wizard's analysis at the critical moment is still very reasonable.

"I agree with what the wizard said, we should have entered the psychedelic formation." For the first time, Li Tianba felt that wizards were still useful.

"Let's leave a mark where we walked to see if we really entered the formation." Qin Yan thought to test it first. If it was really in the formation, then the wizard would come in handy.

All the people followed Qin Yan to leave marks all the way, until they walked a long way and returned to the place where they had just left marks.

"Wizard, let's break the formation." Qin Yan sat under a tree to enjoy the shade. He knew that this was the time for the wizard to show his abilities.

Otherwise, everyone protected him all the way, and if everyone didn't say anything, they must have opinions in their hearts.

The wizard said with a smile: "You guys take a rest, you will be fine soon."

Shi Tian was a little surprised when he heard the conversation of Qin Yan and others. It was the first time that Shi Tian met such a strong opponent, and Qin Yan and others were the only ones who could pass the first and second mountains.

Shi Tian is still controlling his illusion at this time, it is impossible for him to let Qin Yan and others decipher his formation.

The wizard started to cast spells with both hands, only to see that the wizard's whole body was shrouded in a layer of mist!

Shi Tian was a little unbelievable, because no one in the mountain world could solve his illusion, even the mountain kings in their mountain world couldn't solve his illusion!

I didn't expect that the people who stepped into his territory today would be able to crack it. Although they are still in the illusion, he can clearly feel his physical strength being consumed a little bit. It won't take long for him to lose any strength and fall to the ground !
The wizard laughed while casting the spell. Although everyone was sitting, they did not dare to relax their vigilance at all. When everyone saw the confident smile on the wizard's face, they knew that this formation was not a big deal for the wizard!
Sure enough, before everyone had a good rest, the wizard stopped and said, "We can go up the mountain now!"

"It was solved so quickly? What about the people on this mountain?" Li Tianba asked in disbelief!
"It should be injured, we don't need to worry about it, we can go directly to the fourth mountain!" The wizard finally raised his eyebrows at this time!
After all, no one will have any objections to him anymore. After all, he is still very useful. If he doesn't understand the formation, how can Qin Yan and others pass this level so easily!

Passing this level should be the most comfortable one. Originally, Qin Yan had been prepared to be trapped in it for a while, but he didn't expect the wizard to be so powerful!

"It seems that I can't do without you. It's good that you can use spells sometime. I don't want your spells to be so good. I just hope that you can protect yourself!" Li Tianba said to the wizard with a smile.

"Isn't it that I don't like learning martial arts? If I had learned spells early, what would happen to you, General Li!" The wizard laughed loudly after finishing speaking!

If a wizard learns magic, he will definitely learn it quickly, but if Li Tianba is asked to learn illusion, he will definitely not have much interest!

"Let's go quickly. If we don't get out of this mountain, I can't believe that the third mountain has been solved so quickly!"

The wizard knew that Li Tianba was not convinced and did not believe in his spells. Sooner or later, he would show Li Tianba his strength!
Qin Yan and the others really reached the top of the mountain very quickly. Qin Yan looked left and right, "Wizard, where are the people on this mountain? Why aren't they at the top of the mountain?"

"He must be at home in this mountain. Not all mountain kings will hurt people on the top of the mountain!" The wizard said cheerfully to Qin Yan!
Qin Yan nodded, "Let's go quickly, I hope to see the three war gods as soon as possible, we have to fight them once, and we are qualified to fight the mountain king after defeating them!" Qin Yan's eyes were very sharp when he spoke. Enough to kill a pig!

Li Tianba smiled and said, "I didn't expect the wizard to be so powerful, and he really cracked the formation of this mountain."

"How can I, the majestic Prime Minister of a country, tell lies? Besides, it's not like you haven't seen my strength before." The wizard said with some pride.

"Of course I've seen it, I was the one who rescued you from prison." Li Tianba said with a smile.

The wizard didn't expect that Li Tianba would expose his background. Fortunately, there is no woman here. If there is a woman, if they know about his imprisonment, they will definitely laugh at him.

"You kid is really bad, just wait and see what I will say about you in front of your woman." The wizard said with a smile, even if he came out with the whole illusion in the future, he should teach Li Tianba a lesson.

"Just say it, I don't have anything that I can't let others know." Li Tianba immediately showed a look of looking for a fight.

Qin Yan was speechless when he saw the 2000-year-old monster bickering here, "You two are so old, and you still say things that these children say, you are embarrassed."

When Qin Yan said this, Li Tianba immediately softened, and the wizard curled his lips and said nothing more.

But the dissatisfaction revealed in the eyes of the two is true.

"Master Wizard, you are so old, don't be angry with Brother Li." Shi Shi wanted to try to persuade the wizard, but he didn't expect the wizard to get angry after hearing her words.

"Do you know that I have known him for tens of thousands of years? I just look old, but he is not much younger." Although the wizard is long live, he is not old.

Li Tianba said with a smile: "I am a zombie of the Tang Dynasty. I am very young. You said that we have known each other for thousands of years. Why don't I remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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