Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1755 The First Mountain

Chapter 1755 The Fourth Mountain
Although Li Tianba knew that what the wizard said was true, it was good to be angry with him at this time, so as to save him from arguing with him all day long.

The wizard smiled and said: "You know it in your heart, but you just don't want to admit it. Whether it's a thousand years or a long life, you and I are both old people."

Sometimes wizards feel that it is boring to live all the time, so they want to find something meaningful to do, even if they go out to explore the world with Qin Yan and the others, it is much better than staying every day.

"Witcher, what you said makes sense. I will treat you to a drink on the day our business is completed. I don't know if there is any wine in the world of Shanren and Fengren." Li Tianba was a bit greedy when he said this. He closed his eyes and savored the taste of the wine.

"This day will definitely come, but..." The wizard didn't say anything later, but it took a long time, and he didn't want to spoil everyone's luck.

"Why don't you continue talking, just what?" Li Tianba asked anxiously.

"It's nothing, I suddenly forgot." The wizard interrupted and tried to get around. If he said it, everyone would be very depressed.

Qin Yan could hear the wizard talking, and the wizard must know something and didn't tell him, but he knew that this time must be very difficult when he saw the wizard hesitated to speak.

No matter sooner or later, he must rule the world of mountain people and the world of wind people, he will be the king of the big world.

Soon Qin Yan and others came to the junction of the third mountain and the fourth mountain.

"I didn't expect us to come here so smoothly." Murong Xuehan still couldn't believe it at this moment.

Unexpectedly, they have crossed all three mountains, and after crossing the fourth mountain, they have achieved a small part of success.

"Every one of us in this group has unique skills and can't be unhappy." Qin Yan said confidently, with a smile on his face all the time.

Qin Yan has very high magic power at a young age. The wizard knows that although Qin Yan has encountered difficulties, he has not encountered any major setbacks. It is impossible to rule the Shanren world and follow the Fengren world.

Qin Yan could feel that the wizard was hiding something from him, but he didn't know how to ask the wizard.

On the fourth mountain, Qin Yan and others had just climbed up, and it started to rain immediately, "Master, what's the matter? Why is it raining?" Li Tianba said a little depressed.

"It's not rain, it should be a waterfall." Qin Yan knew that the rain couldn't be so heavy, and the water had already drowned them all.

"With such heavy rain, it is impossible for us to cross this last mountain." Hu Xiaoxian said worriedly.

If they don't leave here as soon as possible, they will definitely be flooded. The current current is very turbulent.

"Let's go back to the third mountain first, find the king of the three mountains, and see how much he knows about the four mountains." Qin Yan said and walked towards the three mountains.

When everyone was still confused, Qin Yan had already left.

"Didn't you say that you won't turn back? How to say it and turn back." Li Tianba was a little puzzled, he thought that Qin Yan would use magic to go up the mountain, and then defeat the four mountain kings, so that they could all pass.

"Go up and see if you can go up!" Murong Xuehan glanced at Li Tianba, and hurried to chase Qin Yan.

The four mountains are very steep, and it is not easy to go up even if the spell is high.

"Where are we going to find that King of the Three Mountains? We don't even know what he looks like." Hu Xiaoxian asked beside Qin Yan.

"The wizard knows, let him lead the way." Qin Yan knew that the wizard had a way to find the King of the Three Mountains, so he was not in a hurry.

Hu Xiaoxian walked to the wizard, "Master Wizard, Brother Qin asked you to lead the way to find the King of the Mountain."

"I saw the Immortal Emperor walking in front, and I thought the Immortal Emperor knew his position." The wizard said slowly.

Seeing the wizard's appearance, Hu Xiaoxian became a little anxious, "How could he know, you should hurry up and catch up with Brother Qin."

The wizard took a look at Hu Xiaoxian, and hurried to catch up with Qin Yan. He didn't know why he had a special affection for Hu Xiaoxian, but she was Qin Yan's woman, so he couldn't think too much about it, but what she told him Definitely do it with all my heart.

"Emperor Immortal, what are you doing so fast? We have already passed three mountains, and it's getting dark today. Find a place to rest, and it won't be too late to pass the next mountain!" The wizard reminded Qin Yan to rest more .

Qin Yan was so focused on crossing the four mountains as soon as possible that he didn't notice the time. Everyone must be very tired after a busy day.

"The wizard is still careful. I was negligent. Anyway, we don't know the four mountains. Let's rest at the three mountains today." Qin Yan said lightly, with no expression on his face.

From the first mountain to the third mountain, Qin Yan always had a smile on his face. The fourth mountain was a little hindered here, and his mood immediately became upset. It seems that no matter who he is, there are happy and unhappy things.

"Let's just rest at the home of the Three Kings. I don't think the accommodation will be too bad." The wizard suggested that it would be better to go to someone else's home than to sleep on the ground.

"Okay, let's go to him now and see what's going on." After all, Qin Yan has never seen the King of Three Mountains, so he doesn't know his situation.

The king of the mountain's home is halfway up the mountain, and the wizard quickly brought Qin Yan and others to Shi Tian's home.

At this time, Shi Tian thought that Qin Yan and the others had gone to the fourth mountain. He didn't expect that Qin Yan and the others would come back again. After all, they walked very openly on his mountain, and they didn't want to see him at all. The meaning of the king of the three mountains.

Shi Tian's home is inside a cave, and outside the cave there are two animals that Qin Yan and others can't call out. It should be the same as many people in the human world like to let lions outside their homes.

Shi Tian's illusion was ruined by the wizard, and he himself suffered internal injuries. Qin Yan and others came while healed.

Shi Tian had no choice but to endure his internal injuries, and walked out of the cave, "Are you the ones who broke my formation?"

After hearing Shi Tian's words, all the people pointed their fingers at the wizard. The wizard couldn't laugh or cry when he saw that everyone gave him "face" like this.

"I broke it!" The wizard said to Shi Tian with a smile. Although the wizard was embarrassed, the wizard knew that Shi Tian was just holding on at this time, and he had already been injured by his own formation.

"Thank you for your mercy. If it weren't for your mercy, I would definitely not have the opportunity to stand in front of you now." Shi Tian said expressionlessly.

The wizard didn't know if Shi Tian said this from the bottom of his heart, or if he was speaking ironically to satirize the wizard. Shi Tian's words made the wizard not know how to answer his words.

"What's the name of this brother?" The wizard really didn't know what to ask.

They can't always call them by code names like one, two, three.

(End of this chapter)

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