Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1759 7 Great Dharma Protectors

Chapter 1759 Seven Great Dharma Protectors
It is difficult for the mountain kings in their mountain world to pass through the mountains and rivers. He did not expect that Qin Yan would use tricks to pass them by.

"I won't kill you. If I want to kill you, I won't talk nonsense with you." Qin Yan said with a smile.

Li Tianba and others came to Qin Yan's side, "Master, you are so amazing that you solved the four mountains so quickly."

Everyone was very happy to know that Qin Yan controlled the Queen of the Four Mountains.

"Let's go!" Qin Yan said to Li Tianba and others, he had heard too many compliments.

"Master, shouldn't you also make us look like you, or it will be too conspicuous when we go to the Shanren world." Li Tianba said with a smile.

Everyone knows that after passing this mountain, there will be a bustling place. There must be a lot of stone people over there.

Qin Yan thought for a while, looked at Shi Kong, smiled and said, "Shi Tian has already donated the clothes to me, shouldn't you also donate them?"

Seeing that Qin Yan looked at him wrongly, Shi Kong knew that Qin Yan must want to take his clothes.

Shi Kong said: "Although I lost to you, I only have this outfit. If you take it off, I won't be ashamed to see others."

"The less you see others, the safer we will be." Qin Yan didn't care about his face, Qin Yan hoped to quickly enter the core area of ​​Shanren's world.

In order not to scare the snakes out, he had no choice but to strip Shi Kong naked.

Qin Yan knew that Shi Tian and Shikong must be scolding him at this moment.

The news that Qin Yan had crossed the Four Mountains quickly reached the Mountain King. The Mountain King was very angry. He thought that Qin Yan and others would not be able to cross the Four Mountains.

It seems that it is not impossible for Qin Yan and others to kill him. Fortunately, he and Feng Wang have reached a consensus to fight Qin Yan together, and the two worlds will work together to seize the other three realms to rule the big world.

"Didn't the King of Feng send the seven guardians to our place? Send the seven guardians to deal with them." The king of the mountain wanted to see the strength of the king of the wind. If his three war gods were not in a particularly urgent situation, he would not send them. out.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now." The supervisor next to Shanwang replied, they all knew that Shanwang was in a bad mood, and they didn't dare to stay in front of him for a long time.

"It's such a relief to cross the four mountains so easily!" The wizard stretched his waist and said with a smile.

"Brother Qin is so powerful, of course nothing can trouble him." Shishi was in a very good mood at this time.

"It seems that I also have doubts sometimes, I didn't expect it!" The wizard doubted his ability for the first time.

"Is there something wrong with the wizard? What are you not sure about?" Shishi felt that the wizard's words were very strange.

"I made a fortune when I came here. We will not rule the big world smoothly, and we will experience a big catastrophe. I didn't expect it to be so easy after we come here." The wizard walked with Shishi, idle is also idle, I had to talk to Shishi about something serious.

"I think you miscalculated, but it doesn't matter, you are also very good, or Brother Qin respects you so much that he specially asked us to protect you." Shishi said with a smile.

"You kid is so sweet, no wonder they all protect you." The wizard said with a smile. The wizard knew Shishi's background, and it must not be easy to change from an enemy to an ally.

"Master Wizard, are you making fun of my background?" Shi Shi asked the wizard with pouted lips.

"Don't think too much, I really didn't mean that, you protect me every day now, how dare I laugh at you." The wizard said with a smile.

"I'm just kidding, let's go quickly, we are all left behind." Shishi hurriedly chased Qin Yan.

"We're going to the bustling area soon, should we find a place to rest, or go directly to the direction of the Wuzun Temple." Murong Xuehan asked Qin Yan who was beside him.

At this time, Hu Xiaoxian was on Qin Yan's left side, and Murong Xuehan was on Qin Yan's right side.

Li Tianba followed behind the three of them, "Let's continue on our way, it's still early."

They had just descended the mountain not long ago, and there was still a long time before it got dark.

They are exactly the same as the people in the Shanren world now, and no one treats them as monsters when walking on the street.

The only reason for others to stop is that there are too many people in their group, which is more eye-catching.

"Then let's go on our way. It's a good thing you changed your face for us, otherwise we must be trapped by thousands of troops now." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

"Remember to talk when you are tired and hungry, we can stop and rest at any time." Qin Yan said looking at Murong Xuehan and Hu Xiaoxian.

The seven protectors quickly received orders and came to look for Qin Yan and others.

The task of the seven guardians is to kill Qin Yan and others. Although they don't know what Qin Yan and the others look like, the foreign intruders are definitely different from them.

The seven of them went all the way to inquire about Qin Yan's clues. The most ridiculous thing was that one of them asked Li Tianba.

Li Tianba glanced at Qin Yan, "I didn't see it."

Li Tianba was dizzy from the question, he knew he was looking for him, but now he is the same as the people in Shanren World, they can't find it at all.

After the seven people left, "I didn't expect someone to find us so soon?" Li Tianba said to everyone.

"The news must have passed quickly. The four mountains did not trap us. The king of the mountain will definitely be more vigilant. Aren't we going to face the three war gods next? What did the seven people do?" Qin Yan was a little confused.

"These seven people must have been sent by the king of the mountain to deal with us. I think their strength should be higher than that of the four people from the four mountains," the wizard said.

"Isn't it more than enough for six of us to deal with seven?" Qin Yan didn't care about the seven guardians at all.

"Master is right, we will solve one by ourselves." Li Tianba said with a smile.

"One of you, I can't beat you." The wizard hastily reminded everyone that he has no spells.

"Some of us will fight two and some will protect you. Don't worry." Li Tianba said with a smile. He knew that the wizard was worried about his own safety.

"Then I thank General Li in advance." The wizard can't call Li Tianba a big zombie in front of Qin Yan now.

After all, he and Li Tianba are not too young, and they always call each other by nicknames, which inevitably makes everyone laugh.

The seven searched for a whole day but did not find any trace of Qin Yan and the others.

"Didn't the king of the mountain mean a dwarf from outside? Why didn't we find any clues after searching for a whole day?"

The seven people discussed together, they couldn't even find the target, Feng Wang would definitely blame them if he found out.

They came to Shanren World to give Feng Wang face. It must be impossible if no one can find them. It's too embarrassing for Feng Ren World.

"We must find clues today, otherwise we will not be able to make a deal."

(End of this chapter)

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