Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1760 Exposure

Chapter 1760 Exposure
It was already dark at this time, Qin Yan and others found an inn to rest, and the clue of the gold they gave when paying the money quickly spread to the ears of the seven people.

The seven of them came to the inn and looked at the gold that Qin Yan gave them for a long time, "This gold is not from here, it should be from other places."

In the world of Shanren, few people pay bills with gold, and the coins in circulation here are all kinds of jade.

Of course, gold is commonly used in all parts of the world, because it is very precious in small quantities.

"They live here. It seems that we are looking in the wrong direction today. It turns out that the people in the outside world look the same as the people in the Shanren world."

"The main reason is that these people are too cunning. If the gold hadn't exposed their identities, we certainly wouldn't have found them so easily."

"Shall we go directly to the room to arrest people now?"

"We'll come back later and catch them all while they're resting."

The seven discussed it, explained a few words to the innkeeper and left.

"Do we need to restore our original appearance when we sleep tonight?" Hu Xiaoxian asked Qin Yan, wearing a whole body of stones, he felt uncomfortable all over.

"If it's inconvenient for you, just change it off! Put it on tomorrow morning." Qin Yan himself was uncomfortable, and he knew that other people must look like him.

When everyone was resting at night, the Seven Guardians took advantage of the darkness and came to the inn to surround Qin Yan and others.

Murong Xuehan couldn't sleep, she sat on the roof of the inn all the time, after seeing the furtive seven protectors, she knew something was wrong and they were exposed.

Murong Xuehan hurriedly passed the news to Qin Yan, and the seven guardians all looked at Murong Xuehan after seeing the fire on the roof.

"Who are you?" The boss of the Seven Guardians asked loudly, knowing that they might be discovered by Qin Yan and others.

Murong Xuehan said with a smile: "Don't you guys know who I am?"

After Qin Yan received the message from Murong Xuehan, he immediately woke up. At the same time, he heard the movement outside. Qin Yan quickly got up and sent a message to wake everyone up.

When the seven protectors were about to attack Murong Xuehan, Qin Yan and the others all came out. They didn't expect that Qin Yan and the others would all wake up at this time. If they knew that they were so vigilant, they wouldn't have waited until night to attack. Should have started earlier, there is no need to delay so long.

"Since you are all up, let's take it together, brothers, we must let them see our ability to conquer the world tonight." The boss of the seven guardians said.

The other brothers responded one after another, and Qin Yan and the others were dumbfounded. They were clearly in the world of Shanren.

Upon closer inspection, their clothes are not at all the same as those in the Shanren world.

"Master, it turns out that the Shanren World and the Fengren World have merged, and now the people from the Fengren World are helping the Shanren World to hinder us." Li Tianba said beside Qin Yan.

"Then kill them all." Qin Yan said coldly.

Now they must establish their prestige in the Shanren world. Now that their whereabouts have been discovered, let the two worlds know their strength.

The two teams fought together. When Qin Yan fought against the seven guardians, he clearly felt that the information Meng Chao gave was correct.

The people in the Shanren world follow the trend of the people in the world, and their spells are really high.

"Master, their spells are not inferior to mine. It seems that it is really not good to kill them all." Li Tianba shouted to Qin Yan while beating.

"Kill us? It's ridiculous." The seven protectors found it very funny when they heard Li Tianba's words.

In their view, the person who can kill their seven guardians has not yet been born, and Qin Yan and others want to kill them in a whimsical way.

Qin Yan was one against two, and the two fought with Qin Yan with great difficulty. Qin Yan took out his magic weapon, the whip of the soul, and directly hit one of the seven guardians heavily.

The person was directly drawn and fell to the ground, and then twisted in pain on the ground.

"Fifth, how are you?" The guardian who attacked Qin Yan with him shouted to the fifth guardian on the ground.

At this time, the fifth child was speechless, and the pain had paralyzed all his nerves. Qin Yan used the soul-drawing whip, and it was pretty good if he was able to survive after being hit by Qin Yan.

But this person is not dead now, and he will go into shock after a long time, and he is a useless person if he can survive.

After the fifth fell to the ground, it directly affected the combat effectiveness of the others, and the third who fought against Qin Yan soon became the same as the fifth.

The others were particularly afraid of the whip in Qin Yan's hand, and they completely lost the arrogance they had just now.

Qin Yan's eyes were red, and he had completely entered the state of killing the enemy.

Li Tianba solved the boss, Murong Xuehan solved the seventh child, Hu Xiaoxian solved the sixth child, Shi Shi solved the fourth child, and finally Qin Yan solved the second child.

The wizard has been sleeping on the bed, he knows that Qin Yan and others can completely solve these people.

Qin Yan and others said to the seven guardians: "I told you that you all have to die."

Qin Yan knew that the people on the ground could no longer hear what he said, so Qin Yan directly cast spells on these people, and they all died.

"Master, should we leave here? If the king of the mountain sends some more people over, we won't be able to sleep tonight." Li Tianba asked. He knew that the gold they paid for the house must have exposed their whereabouts today.

"No matter where we go now, we will expose our whereabouts. Why don't we just wait here and see who dares to come in and disturb our dreams." They have killed the seven guardians, and the others will definitely not be doing it without authorization. Come kill them, at least tonight is safe.

"You are really in a good mood, aren't you afraid of being taken away?" Li Tianba couldn't help asking when he saw the wizard sleeping peacefully after returning to his room.

"With you, I have nothing to be afraid of!" the wizard said with his eyes closed.

"It seems that you have great confidence in us!" Li Tianba sat down and closed his eyes. At this time, Li Tianba's true energy was almost exhausted, and he looked extremely tired.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you out of spirit?" The wizard saw that Li Tianba had no energy at all, and his whole face looked extremely tired.

"Don't you think about what I did just now? The people here are from Fengren World. People here have high spells and are difficult to deal with. Today I have used all my skills." Li Tianba said wearily. .

"It seems that Shanren World and Fengren World have merged together and want to deal with us. Go to bed and rest quickly, otherwise how will you fight the enemy tomorrow." The wizard said calmly.

Although Li Tianba said that he had to spend a lot of energy to win today, but he thought that Li Tianba must still have a lot of potential that he had not used.

(End of this chapter)

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