Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1770 Boundless World Broken

Chapter 1770 Boundless World Broken

At this time, the wizard was also very happy: "It seems that Miss Xuehan's friend is still very powerful!"

The wizard knew that the three of them could rise to the god level because of the man Murong Xuehan met during his cultivation!
"Xuehan's friend is really handsome. It's rare for such a young man to have such high spells!" Li Tianba couldn't help but praise this person. After all, he was able to improve so quickly and didn't hold back everyone, so he was very happy!
"I saw it too, he is indeed a handsome guy!" Shishi said happily!

Everyone didn't notice Qin Yan's face, but they couldn't see it in the darkness. If they could see it, they wouldn't praise others for being handsome!
"Where's the master? Why haven't you spoken for a long time!" Li Tianba suddenly asked!
Murong Xuehan was a little embarrassed at this moment, she knew that Qin Yan's spells had not yet reached the level of a god!
Qin Yan is more and more afraid of something, he should be the first to rise to the god level!
Everyone else has been promoted, but he is the only one who has fallen. It can be seen that this person does not like him, but he is definitely not an enemy. If he is an enemy, he will not let the spells of the people around him improve so quickly!
"I'm here, congratulations, I still need a few more days, and you have to work hard to stay with me for a few more days!" Qin Yan said in a leisurely manner!

Li Tianba thought that everyone was promoted, but Qin Yan was the only one who was not promoted. If he knew, he would not be so complacent just now!

"It's okay master, a few days will pass soon!" Li Tianba hurriedly smoothed things over!

Li Tianba dragged Murong Xuehan aside and asked in a low voice: "What does your friend mean, let us all be promoted, and only the master is left behind, isn't this slapping him in the face?"

Li Tianba was a little angry at this moment. Although the man helped him improve his spells, he didn't have any good feelings for him at this time!
"Don't be angry, he helped us anyway, without him, we don't know how long we would stay here." Murong Xuehan said.

Li Tianba felt that what Murong Xuehan said made sense. Although Qin Yan didn't get promoted, Qin Yan himself would be a little bit unhappy, but it was much better than their long way to upgrade.

Except for a few of them, outsiders don't know about this matter, so Li Tianba is not so angry when he thinks of this.

Qin Yan has been practicing without even eating the fruit. No one dares to disturb Qin Yan. They also know the reason why Qin Yan works so hard.

Now Qin Yan is particularly regretful that he has slackened his practice. It turns out that there are people outside the world, and there are still many powerful characters. His future path is very difficult.

If you don't practice hard now, you will be bullied by others in the future. Qin Yan secretly set a goal today, and he must conquer this young man.

He helped indirectly, and if he didn't defeat him, it wasn't enough to repay his favor.

Shan Wang returned to Feng Wang Palace and wanted to see Feng Wang, Feng Wang knew the reason why Shan Wang came back!Now he thinks it's not the time to call the mountain king to attack the mountain world together!
He wants the mountain king to follow him and be his subordinate. Now the mountain king still feels that he has the hope to be the mountain king of the mountain world again!
Feng Wang is waiting for an opportunity. In his opinion, it is impossible for Qin Yan and others to come back after going to the boundless world. It doesn't matter if they go to clean up the Shanren world sooner or later!
"You went back to the King of the Mountain and said that I was busy, and I will summon him when I am free!" Feng Wang said to the servants beside him!
Shan Wang couldn't see Feng Wang, he knew that Feng Wang was hiding from him on purpose!

In his opinion, this King of Wind has no intention of joining forces with him at all!

If it was in the past, with Feng Wang's attitude, he would definitely not have too many intersections with Feng Wang, but now it is different, if he wants to return to the world of Shanren, he still needs to rely on Feng Wang!
Feng Wang wanted to be king, and he knew it in his heart, but he didn't want to tell the truth!
If he doesn't agree to Feng Wang, then he still has a chance to become king in the future!
If he agrees to Feng Wang at this time, then he can only be a courtier in this life!

If he was so willing to be a courtier, he would have to choose Qin Yan first!
He now also knows the reason why Feng Wang didn't turn against him. After all, his spells are high, and Feng Wang still wants to subdue him.

At this time, Feng Wang was a little proud. He didn't know that many things could happen in a few days. If he knew that Qin Yan and the others would come out in a few days, he would definitely regret not being able to join hands with the mountain king to conquer the mountain world earlier. .

Qin Yan quickly advanced to the god level by relying on his own cultivation system. When he reached it, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Yan's mouth.

The wild fruit trees around them had no fruit.

"We seem to be looking for new food." Li Tianba said with some frustration.

"No need, we can go out today." Qin Yan said.

"Master, have you made a breakthrough? That's great." Li Tianba said happily.

"I knew Brother Qin would break through soon, Brother Qin is amazing." Shishi said with a smile.

"Don't praise me anymore, I'm much later than you." After this incident, Qin Yan knew what he needed at this time. After the big world was conquered, the first thing he had to do was to practice in seclusion.

There are masters who can help people rise to the level of gods casually, and Qin Yan has no reason not to work hard.

"But Brother Qin is promoted by himself, we all rely on others." Shishi said puzzledly, her compliment to Qin Yan came from the heart.

"There are too many masters, we have to work harder in the future." When Qin Yan said this, everyone listened very seriously. Originally, their spells were already very powerful, but compared with the people who helped them improve their mana It's nothing short of a big deal.

Fortunately, this person is not their enemy. If it is an enemy, it will be a big trouble.

"Let's talk after we get out!" Although they were together, the wizard felt that he hadn't seen everyone for a long time, after all, they couldn't see each other here.

Qin Yan said: "The five of us work together to break this darkness, and we will be able to get out soon."

The five people worked together to turn the world around, and the whole boundless world was shrouded in light, and the earth was green, echoing the blue sky, and it looked particularly beautiful.

On the fruit trees around them, there were only a few scattered fruits hanging on them, and there was not a single fruit tree in a radius of tens of miles that could not be seen at a glance.

"Fortunately, all of us have reached the god level, otherwise we will starve to death before that day." Li Tianba originally had a problem with the people who helped them practice, but now seeing that there is only this one fruit tree in the whole boundless world Happy after a while.

"It's our luck." The wizard laughed and said, just such a fruit tree was just touched by them in the dark and boundless world.

"We didn't bring a mobile phone. If we did, we must leave a souvenir." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

"Let's go, the boundless world has been destroyed by us, and the eye of the wind in the world of Fengren will naturally disappear." The wizard said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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