Chapter 1771
The eye of the wind has changed, and soon the people guarding the eye of the wind spread the news to Feng Wang's ears.

"What? There is no wind in the eye of the wind? How is it possible?" If the general guarding the eye of the wind hadn't told him himself, he would never have believed it.

"My lord, it seems to me that the Boundless World has become brighter." Since there was no wind in the eye of the wind, the original darkness of the Boundless World has also become brighter. The general felt strange and hurried to report to the King of Wind.

Feng Wang's eyes were wide open at this time, he couldn't believe it.

"Take me to see it." Feng Wang couldn't help being curious, and he could only believe it if he went to see it himself.

When the wind king arrived, Qin Yan and others just flew out from the boundless world. The wind king finally knew the reason why there was no wind in the eye of the wind, and also the reason why the boundless world became brighter.

Qin Yan saw Feng Wang in gorgeous costumes and many people in battle uniforms. He guessed that the people in gorgeous costumes were definitely not ordinary people.

"Are you the King of Wind?" Qin Yan asked tentatively.

"I didn't expect you to be able to come out of the boundless world." Feng Wang didn't answer Qin Yan's words. Now he felt that it was inconceivable that Qin Yan and the others could come out of the boundless world.

Not only the Wind King, but everyone felt that this was impossible. If they had the ability to come out of the boundless world, how could they be blown away!

"How dare you come here if you don't have the strength?" Li Tianba said with a smile.

When Feng Wang came back to his senses, he saw the appearance of Qin Yan and others and immediately knew the reason. It turned out that the people in front of him were all god-level masters, no wonder they had the ability to turn things around.

Feng Wang knew that he was not their opponent. At this time, Feng Wang had already smiled bitterly to himself, and either surrendered or died in battle.

He is not afraid of death, but it would be bad if it hurts the people around him. As long as he makes a move, the people around him will definitely do it too, but they are definitely not the opponents of Qin Yan and others.

Even though he himself is now at the god level, he found that among them there is an opponent who is even higher than the god level, and has reached the level of Zijin.

This person is a sorcerer, and the sorcerer is somewhat guilty of being looked at by the wind king. A person who can hide his strength so well shows that his mana is very high.

The wizard didn't know why this King of Wind was always looking at him, he had a feeling that King of Wind must have seen something.

Qin Yan followed Feng Wang's gaze and glanced at the wizard, but there was no change, "Feng Wang, are you taking refuge with me? Or do you want to see our strength?"

Qin Yan doesn't want to talk too much nonsense with Feng Wang, after all, their current strength is unified every minute.

Feng Wang thought that the wizard with the highest spells was the boss of the group, but he didn't expect it to be the young Qin Yan.

Feng Wang sighed and asked, "Are you Qin Yan?"

Qin Yan nodded, and Feng Wang glanced at the wizard. He didn't expect the wizard to be Qin Yan's subordinate willingly. It seems that Qin Yan's background is not simple.

Feng Wang didn't know how to answer Qin Yan for a while. At this time, he was very conflicted in his heart. He understood Qin Yan's words, and he would join Qin Yan to fight the world with him, or die in his hands.Of the two paths, the first one is definitely more tempting.

Feng Wang's subordinates couldn't see the strength of Qin Yan and others, and Qin Yan actually threatened Feng Wang.

Before Feng Wang could speak, a general beside Feng Wang said sharply: "You guys dare to talk to us Feng Wang like that, don't you want to live?"

"Shut up!" Feng Wang hurriedly scolded the generals beside him, he didn't want them to have an accident.

"Feng Wang, why don't you let me say it? Are so many of us afraid that they won't succeed?" Everyone around Feng Wang showed dissatisfaction.

After Shan Wang knew that Feng Wang was at the junction, he quickly rushed over.

"Feng Wang, why did you come here?" Shan Wang was trying to curry favor with Feng Wang at this time, thinking that Feng Wang could help him take back the Shan Ren world.

Shan Wang can only see Feng Wang now, but he does not see Qin Yan and others beside Feng Wang at all.

"Shan Wang, so you have come to the World of Hidden People?" Li Tianba said with a smile when he saw the Mountain King.

Shanwang only noticed Qin Yan and others at this time, and Shanwang still felt that he encountered a ghost here.

He knew that Qin Yan and others were blown into the boundless world, and now that they have come back unscathed, he feels that they are not human at all.

"Why are you back? How is this possible?" Shan Wang asked incredulously.

At this time, the king of the mountain also noticed the changes in Qin Yan and others. Originally, there was only Murong Xuehan at the level of a god, but now they are all of them.

"Isn't it normal for us to come back?" Li Tianba asked with his mouth raised.

"All of you have become god-level? How is this possible?" Shanwang felt that everything was unrealistic, and he still felt that he was in a dream.

The generals around Feng Wang knew the level of Qin Yan and others after hearing Shan Wang's words. No wonder Feng Wang spoke so courteously.

If they confronted Qin Yan and others head-on today, there would be only one end and that would be death.

"Feng Wang, no wonder you said me just now? Let's rely on them, at least we can still live." The general beside Feng Wang said to Feng Wang.

"You change your mind quite quickly." Feng Wang said with a smile.

Qin Yan didn't want to waste any more time with them, "Feng Wang, I'll give you 5 minutes to think about it. If you take refuge in me, you will sign this letter of surrender. You are still the king of Fengren World, and you will be used by me." Yan gave Li Tianba the surrender book in his hand.

Li Tianba took the letter of surrender from Qin Yan's hand and walked to Feng Wang's side.

Murong Xuehan, Hu Xiaoxian and the others watched Li Tianba bring Jiang Shu to Feng Wang's side without daring to blink.

King Feng took the letter of surrender, bit his finger with his mouth, and directly pressed his fingerprints on the letter of surrender. He knew that the king of the murloc world had signed the letter of surrender, and he was now in the king's position.

Shan Wang didn't expect Feng Wang to be so spineless, but Feng Wang's fate was better than him. It seems that Feng Wang is still smart.

"I didn't expect that just after we came out of the Boundless World, this Fengren World would be solved." Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile to Murong Xuehan and Shishi beside him.

"With our current high mana, Feng Wang will definitely not fight us head-on. His only way out now is to sign the letter of surrender." Murong Xuehan said.

Shishi is very happy now, she didn't come out in vain this time, her mana has been improved, and she has seen Qin Yan complete the unification of the big world with her own eyes.

"Wind King, the Immortal Emperor needs to rest at this time, do you want us to go back to the palace to rest?" The wizard reminded Feng Wang at this time.

Feng Wang hurriedly said with a smile: "It's because I didn't think carefully, the Immortal Emperor please."

This is also the first time Qin Yan and others stepped into the territory of Fengren World. It has to be said that the heights are extremely cold, and the scenery of the whole world can be seen in Fengren World.

(End of this chapter)

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