Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1782 Welcome to the Human World

Chapter 1782 Welcome to the Human World
"The matter can be resolved so quickly, you have to thank Mr. Chen, and only Mr. Chen can make Mo Yuxin issue a statement to explain it!" At this time, Haihai said to Hua Jing with a smile!
Mo Yuxin is very popular now, announcing her retirement at this time will definitely ruin her own development, Haihai doesn't know what Chen Yilin promised her, no matter what the promise has nothing to do with him, he only cares about the fortune of the flower essence.

It is also good for him that the flower essence becomes popular, he is already a well-known agent in this circle, and it would be good for him if the flower essence becomes popular.

Hua Jing didn't expect that Chen would always help her with public relations. After all, there are so many artists in the company, and she hasn't created profits for the company yet!

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, I don't know what to say, I respect this glass of wine." After Hua Jing finished speaking, she drank the full glass of white wine in one gulp.

This made Chen Yilin feel bad, he didn't even try to stop him.

"You are an artist of my company, public relations for you is what I, the boss, should do. Girls should drink less alcohol. Drinking so much at once is too damaging to the body." Chen Yilin drank the wine in his glass after finishing speaking exhausted.

After all, it was Hua Jing who respected him, so he must show enough sincerity.

"Mr. Chen is really big." Haihai said with a smile, it was the first time he saw Mr. Chen drinking like this.

He knows the amount of alcohol in the flower essence. Just drinking the flower essence has no effect on the flower essence. Mr. Chen is sure that it is much better today. They always drink high-alcohol alcohol. It was blended.

Haihai and the others never drank low-alcohol baijiu with meals, and Chen Yilin drank it too quickly, there must be too much.

"I'm not strong enough to drink. It's not like you don't know that I'm a person who drinks a glass of wine to the end." Chen Yilin said embarrassedly.

He didn't expect flower essence to be so drinkable. He had seen many women who could drink alcohol, but there were not many people who drank like flower essence.

"Mr. Chen, if you don't drink much, then don't drink it. Just now you should drink it freely. I didn't expect you to drink it all." Hua Jing was a little embarrassed. Mr. Chen helped her so much and treated her like this polite.

"It doesn't matter to me, you can do whatever you want, you don't need to drink deliberately when you are with me." It was the first time for Chen Yilin to protect a woman on the wine table. I hope the flower essence is barely enough.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I will work hard to repay you in the future." Hua Jing said happily.

"Since we are working together, don't say such polite words, just be happy." Chen Yilin obviously drank a little too much, and spoke out what was in his heart.

Chen Chen and Hua Jing were shocked by Chen Yilin's last words, they didn't expect Chen Yilin to care about Hua Jing's mood so much, Chen Chen glanced at Hua Jing, Chenchen knew that Chen Yilin must like Hua Jing.

No wonder she helped her so much. She was the number one female when she first joined the company. It turned out that the boss behind the scenes fell in love with Hua Jing, but she didn't know if Hua Jing knew what Chen Yilin was thinking.

Hua Jing vaguely felt that this Chen Yilin liked her a little bit, but at this time she didn't want this Chen Yilin to say anything, so as not to embarrass everyone in the company.

Huajing is nothing more than wanting to play in the entertainment industry, if you are happy, you can play for a while, if you are not happy, you can withdraw.

There must be a lot of women around Chen Yilin who like him, because he has a lot of money, but although Hua Jing is a small artist now, she is also the master of money, and she will definitely not be with a man just because he is rich. .

Princess Jiuyao was the first to return to the villa.

"Jiuyao, you came back so quickly! Did Xiaoxiao go to school?" Murong Xuehan asked.

"She is at school, and there will be an aunt to pick her up later, why isn't Qin Yan here?" Princess Jiuyao asked suspiciously!

Everyone had no choice but to tell Princess Jiuyao the truth about Qin Yan's disappearance!
Everyone knew that Qin Yan deliberately prevented everyone from finding him!
"It seems that he deliberately prevented us from finding him, so we don't have to worry about him!" Princess Jiuyao said with some disappointment!
Qin Yan's unification of the big world is a big event, but Qin Yan doesn't care so much!
"Congratulations to you for improving your spells so quickly!" Princess Jiuyao said happily!
Princess Jiuyao did not expect that there was such a tall person behind Murong Xuehan!Fortunately, it is not an enemy!
"Next, we'll wait here for Big Brother Qin to come back!" Shishi happily said to Princess Jiuyao!
"Can we find him? He is such a thoughtful person, and he doesn't care about us. If he comes back, we should not let him in the house!" Princess Jiuyao said jokingly!
Shishi's spell Jiuyao knows it. Although she has high Dharma power, she won't be promoted so quickly. She saw Xiaobai who has made great progress, and she realized that they are too comfortable in the human world and have neglected their cultivation!

She knew that Qin Yan hid herself mainly for cultivation!These people are here, even if they live a good life, they can no longer be so happy with the situation!
After Princess Jiuyao finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoqian entered the villa with Kao and Zihan!
"Is there anything good? Everyone is so happy!" Ye Xiaoqian asked happily!

"There are many good things, which one do you want to hear?" Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile!
"Since there are many, let's sit down and talk slowly!" Ye Xiaoqian said seeing that everyone was standing!
Xiaobai and Shishi don't know Ye Xiaoqian and Zihan!
Kao and Huajing have been to the Murloc World, Xiaobai and Shishi Kao know each other!

"Xiaobai Shishi, are you here too?" Kao was a little surprised, before they couldn't come with spells, and it didn't take long for them to come and go freely!

"We just had the opportunity to come here, so we came together. This place is really too developed!" Xiaobai replied with a smile!
"If you like this place, stay here for a while!" Kao said with a smile!
The most embarrassing thing at this moment should be Kao, the majestic flower elf doesn't have very high mana!

"Let me introduce to you, this is Ye Xiaoqian, a wife of Qin Yan, and this is Zihan, the son of Shuren World!" Princess Jiuyao introduced to Xiaobai Shishi!
Ye Xiaoqian and Shishi don't know each other here!
"Hello, sister Xiaoqian. My name is Xiaobai, and her name is Shishi. I am a friend of Brother Qin's Murloc World!" Without waiting for Princess Jiuyao to introduce, Xiaobai said hello to the two of them directly!
"Welcome to the human world!" Zihan and Ye Xiaoqian said in unison!

"The two of us don't understand anything, so we will trouble everyone here in the future!" Shishi said politely!

(End of this chapter)

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