Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1783 Receiving the Wind

Chapter 1783 Receiving the Wind (1)

"Since we are all friends, don't be so polite, just ask us if you have anything in the future!" Ye Xiaoqian said happily!

"Is Brother Qin not here?" Kao asked with some doubts.

"We may not see Big Brother Qin for a while!" Hu Xiaoxian said sadly!

Kao thought that Qin Yan was injured when he fought against the other two worlds and needed to be healed! "Brother Qin is injured?" Kao asked anxiously!

"Don't worry, he's fine, he's fine." Hu Xiaoxian hurriedly explained that Qin Yan was still very happy, and he hid secretly, and a group of women worried about him.

"Then why is he making trouble? He didn't come to see us even if he wasn't injured." Hua Jing said unhappy.

"He should have other important matters, and he will come to us after a while." Hu Xiaoxian explained to Hua Jing.

Kao was a little unhappy. They practiced in the human world and encountered many problems. She was still waiting for Qin Yan to help them, but now she really wanted to see him and didn't know where to find him.

"I read the news. How is Hua Jing doing now? The negative news that she is not yet famous as an actress has made her famous." Princess Jiuyao has now seen Kao and Zihan. They live in the opposite door, and Kao is Hua again Dear sister, Kao should know about the situation.

Zihan knew that Kao was disappointed that he didn't see Qin Yan.

"Hua Jing has gone to the company now. When we came, we saw that Mo Yuxin issued a statement. It was not Hua Jing who robbed her of the role. I believe the rumors will be self-defeating. Now a large number of netizens have appeared on the Internet. Message of apology."

Zihan was happy, he couldn't help Hua Jing by her side, but he was relieved to see her matter resolved so quickly.

"People's hearts are sinister, let Hua Jing pay more attention in the future." Murong Xuehan said to Zi Han and Kao.

Murong Xuehan is the ghost king of the human world after all, no one knows the human world better than him.

Although Princess Jiuyao was a princess of the Tang Dynasty, people at that time still didn't have as many fancy-headed people in today's society.

People nowadays are too smart, and they dare to do any bad things for their own interests.

Murong Xuehan didn't need to think about it to know that someone deliberately made fun of Hua Jing's matter, but there are still many people who help Hua Jing behind the scenes.

"We have reminded her many times, even if she doesn't care, she probably listened to it. I hope this kind of thing won't happen again in the future." The Flower Essence has something to do with Kao, who is also in a bad mood. She never thought that their majestic elves would be scolded in the human world. so miserable.

"Xuehan, will you live here in the future?" Princess Jiuyao asked, they lived separately for safety, and now the four of them live together with three god-level figures, so there is nothing to worry about.

"The four of us will live here for the time being, and you can often come and play when you have time." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

Princess Jiuyao sighed, there is no time for herself when she has a child, she only has a little time for entertainment when the child is in school.

"Okay, I hope I can come to accompany you every day." Princess Jiuyao was a little tired when she said this.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable? Didn't Xiaoxiao have a nanny to pick her up? Don't you have time?" Murong Xuehan asked incredulously.

When Qin Yan was leaving, he paid a high price for Princess Jiuyao and Ye Xiaoqian to hire young aunts who could drive, in order to reduce their burden.

I hope they can relax and have time to do what they like.

"It's not uncomfortable, even if there is a nanny watching me, I'm still very tired. The child has learned too much, and I'm very tired watching it myself." Princess Jiuyao said helplessly.

"I don't have children, so I don't know that you have children's troubles, but I think troubles are definitely much less than happiness." Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"When the child is on vacation, let you experience what it's like to be a mother." Princess Jiuyao joked, meaning to take care of the child for Hu Xiaoxian for a few days.

"Okay, I like children very much, let alone Brother Qin's child, his child is mine, if you leave the child to me, don't worry." Hu Xiaoxian said to everyone They all laughed.

"Let's go out for dinner today, just to welcome the four of you." Ye Xiaoqian suggested.

Now she is the most familiar with the restaurants in Baoshi, where they are delicious and which are not, where they are unique, and where the environment is good, Ye Xiaoqian is the door.

The aunt who lives in her house and takes care of Qin Aotian is the most relaxed. Except for the hygiene at home, and picking up Qin Aotian, she has nothing to do. Ye Xiaoqian likes the food outside.

She doesn't like cooking fumes at home, so she won't let her aunt cook at home.

"Okay, I don't think there is anything to eat at home, after all, we didn't notify Auntie in advance when we came back." Murong Xuehan replied.

All the people went directly to the Electric Valley Times Hotel, the largest hotel in Baoshi under the leadership of Ye Xiaoqian. This hotel has received many celebrity wedding banquets and is very famous in Baoshi.

Shishi and Xiaobai came to the human world for the first time, so they should be shown the prosperity of the human world.

After a few people finished their meal, they came to Private Order, a well-known entertainment venue. On the first day, they must bring Shishi and Xiaobai to have a good time.

They had just parked the car, and when they got out of the car, they saw Shi Wei and their friends also coming to the private order.

"Beauties, why are you so excited to come out and sing!" Shi Wei was very happy after seeing Kao and the others. Recently, he has been busy with the production of elixirs, and he hasn't seen them for a long time.

"Mr. Shi, you are a regular visitor here!" Kao looked at Shi Wei and said with a smile.

"Hey! Are there any new members?" Shi Wei looked at Xiaobai and Shishi behind Kao and asked.

"Yes, I just came here today, Xiaobai Shishi." Kao introduced Xiaobai and Shishi to Shi Wei.

Kao didn't tell where Xiaobai and Shishi came from, because he couldn't understand Shi Wei.

"Welcome to Baoshi." Shi Wei said while extending his right hand.

Xiaobai and Shishi didn't know what Shi Wei meant, they looked at each other, Kao immediately held Shi Wei's hand and said, "Thank you for your welcome, they don't know much about the habits of the human world, I thank them for them."

Shi Wei invited customers, so he couldn't play with Kao Ye Xiaoqian and others. If there were no guests, he would definitely go with them.

"I'll pay the bill today, you just leave after playing." Shi Wei said with a smile, and Shi Wei also knew that Shishi and Xiaobai were not ordinary people.

He heard Hua Jing say that the reason why they often stay in the human world is because they don't have enough mana and need to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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