Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1941 is in a bad mood

Chapter 1941 is in a bad mood

"It seems that you really don't want to live anymore!" Wuwei stepped forward angrily and put it on Li Tianba's chest.

"Stop, you promised me, you won't hurt my friend! Your words don't count!" Jun Jun sternly said to Wuwei, and then said to King Wuming.

"Wuwei, you are too brave. They are guests. How can you do anything to them? Quickly arrange a few high-class rooms for them to rest." Wuming King said to Wuwei.

Wuwei didn't know what ecstasy soup Wuming Wang was poured into by Wan Jun, and he was turned around by Wan Jun's fans.

If it was him, he would definitely not listen to a woman, and he would still do what he should do.

"That's all right!" Wuming Wang looked at Jun Wan and said.

Jun Wan stared at King Wuming angrily, "Where are the people from the Murloc World?"

She doesn't understand the character of King Wuming, but she knows that the only capital she has to negotiate with King Wuming is her own life.

Regardless of who the King of Wuming likes her or the special magic power of her body, as long as she is dead, the King of Wuming can't think of anything.

"As long as we hold the wedding ceremony, I will give orders. All the people of the Dahua clan will return to the Dahua clan from the big world, and they will not step into the big world within three years." Although Jun Jun is by his side, his mana It can be promoted, but when the 24 guardians gather together, it is the time when the Dao Emperor returns to his throne.

After the Dao Emperor returned to the throne, he and the Dao Clan would be in danger. His greatest patience was to wait another three years. After three years, he had to find 24 guardians one by one and destroy them.

The three years of the Great Consumption Clan is the ten years of the human world. At that time, Zhou Xiaoyu was 30 years old.

"It's a deal!" Wan Jun finished speaking and walked towards her small courtyard, sacrificing her alone in exchange for three years of peace in the big world. She felt that the deal was worth it.

Li Tianba and others attended her wedding, so they can go back.

Since King Wuming agreed to Wan Jun's request, there is no need for Queen Shu Li to be detained. Originally, Queen Shu Li was the bargaining chip to blackmail Princess Meng Chao into cooperating with him.

Mu Jingnian and the others were arranged to rest in the guest room, but it didn't really matter how many people attended Wan Jun's wedding or not.

After all, everyone knew that Wanjun would only compromise to save them.

Since Mu Jingnian heard with his own ears that Jun Jun agreed to marry Wu Ming Wang in order to protect everyone, he has not said a word.

In his opinion, his majestic seven-foot man couldn't protect a little girl. At this moment, he felt sad, angry and ashamed.

Li Tianba was injured, and after returning to the room, he healed his injuries without caring about others. Li Tianba's mood was not much better than that of Mu Jingnian.

Hua Wang has been taking care of Hua Jing by her side, "Didn't you leave with your badges? How did you get caught?"

In Kao's view, the three of them left the palace and returned to the big world should be a very smooth thing, and it would be fine if they were caught and took out their waist cards.

"I think the King of Wuming knew about it when we entered the Great Consumption Clan. He just wanted to see how capable we are."

Knowing that they couldn't make much trouble, I played with a few of them.

"This big consumption clan is too powerful, I just wronged Wanjun." As a girl, it is a very tragic thing to marry someone you don't like.

Hua Wang was also in a very bad mood at this time. On the one hand, he could not rescue Wanjun, and he would not be able to explain to Qin Yan in the future. On the other hand, Hua Jing was seriously injured at this time.

If she knew how dangerous it was to come to the Great Consumption Clan, she would never let Hua Jing come. At this moment, she thought it would be good for Hua Jing to be a young actress in the human world.

It's nothing more than someone seeing you as disliked and being scolded a few times, but personal safety is guaranteed.

Hua Jing knew that everyone was in a bad mood at this time, and she didn't know how to persuade everyone. Queen Shuli changed her previous expression of aloofness. After all, everyone was injured because they came to save her. She is also very sorry for Wanjun .

Hua Jing gave Kao a look and asked her to comfort Mu Jingnian, presumably Mu Jingnian had never been slapped in the face in public like this.

No matter in the big world or in Sixiang, Mu Jingnian's magic power can be said to be the object of everyone's worship, but now in the big consumption clan, he failed to rescue Jun Jun, which is a very humiliating thing for him.

Kao then came to Mu Jingnian's side, "Mr. Mu, it's not your fault that King Wuming is too powerful. In the future, I believe we will rescue Jun Wan."

"It's too late after today, I blame myself for my incompetence!" Mu Jingnian said with a deadpan expression.

No one could tell what Mu Jingnian was thinking at this time, Kao looked at Mu Jingnian helplessly.

"Compared to your current cultivation base, your current age is already very powerful. We are all very sorry. Although your magic skills are much higher than ours, the Wuming King is a person who practiced ten thousand years earlier than you. "Kao knew that the person who felt most ashamed at this time should be Mu Jingnian.

But Mu Jingnian came to help, and it would be best if he could be rescued, but it had nothing to do with him if he couldn't be rescued.

Mu Jingnian knew that Kao was comforting him, "I'm fine, just don't blame yourself."

Li Tianba's healing at this time is nothing more than not wanting to think about the marriage between Jun Wan and King Wuming.

Although they were in the guest room, they could clearly hear the sound of musical instruments outside.

The entire palace was not affected by the queen's escape, and was immersed in the joy of the king's marriage.

In Wanjun's residence, when the palace maids found out that Wanjun had been dropped, they went to Wuji's supervisor in a panic, and Wuji touched his waist card subconsciously at this time.

Thinking to himself that something bad is going on, in his opinion, it was premeditated for Jun Jun to be dropped.

But losing the waist card is a big deal, after all, as the second rank of the big consumption family, he has very great authority.

If the queen ran away with his badge, he would definitely be killed by the king of ignorance.

The mother who reported the letter was also very frightened when she saw Ji Wu's pale face. After all, it is a big matter that the queen ran away. The bride at the king's wedding ran away, and those who served by her side would be implicated.

"I'm going to report to the king now, and I'm going to apologize myself!" Jiji said to the nanny knowing that she had caused trouble.

Seeing Jiji go away, Mammy trembled and didn't know how to get back to Jun Jun's residence. As soon as she came back, many court ladies surrounded her, "Mammy Li, what did Director Wu say!"

"Look at God's will and listen to God's will!" At this time, Nanny Li hated Wanjun to death, and she alone killed their entire courtyard.

"Ah! Are we all going to die here today?"

"The king is handsome and unrestrained. Why is the queen dissatisfied that she wants to run away?"

Many people cried and blamed Mr. Wan, it's not here.

(End of this chapter)

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