Chapter 1942
When Wuji found King Wuming, he was immediately relieved when he saw a few people being surrounded. They didn't run away, which proved that he still had hope of being alive.

When King Wuming took Wanjun back to the small courtyard and passed Wuji, he gave him a meaningful look.

King Wuming is a very suspicious person. Although Wuji is the supervisor in the palace, his spells are also very strong. He didn't find Mu Jingnian and others, and he was taken away by them. This will definitely arouse the suspicion of King Wuming. of.

Wuji lowered his head at this time and did not raise his head until King Wuming took Wan Jun far away. When he raised his head, Wuwei stood in front of him.

"My lord!" Jiji said after saluting Wuwei.

"Put this away, pay attention to it in the future!" Wuwei usually has a good relationship with Wuji, so he returned it to him immediately after seeing Wuji.

"Thank you, young master!" Inorganic said happily while holding the badge.

At this time, the waist card was in Wuwei's hands, not Wuming Wang's, and he felt much more at ease, proving that he would not be punished too much.

After Wanjun returned to the small courtyard, the maids respected her superficially, after all, Junjun almost killed them.

Since Wanjun came back, they stared at him without blinking, for fear that something would happen to him again.

After Wanjun got on the sedan chair, they breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Wanjun is gone, they have nothing to do with what happens again.

"Will we be implicated in the Queen's escape?" Looking at the procession of welcoming the bride, a maid asked Li Nanny.

"I don't know either. There shouldn't be a big punishment, but a small punishment can't be avoided." Li Nanny said.

Hearing Nanny Li say this, everyone started to worry again.

"Today is a day of great joy for the king, he probably won't punish us!" A court lady asked with a frustrated expression.

"It couldn't be better like this." Nanny Li said with a smile.

What the maid said made sense. After all, today is the day of the king's great joy. Once the king is happy and doesn't pursue the matter of the queen's escape, they will recover naturally.

After Jun Wan and King Wuming finished their big ceremony, King Wuming arranged a rich meal for Mu Jingnian and others, and they could leave after eating.

King Wuming didn't want Jun Jun to meet Mu Jingnian and others, so after the ceremony, Jun Jun went directly into his bedroom.

Li Tianba was not calm at this time, looking at the big meal on the table, he had no appetite at all.

Kao said with some embarrassment: "We have to go on our way soon. We haven't had a drop of water since we came here. Let's eat a little before leaving."

Mu Jingnian knew that the only way to save Wanjun at this time was for the Four Elephants and Four Kings to come forward, but he knew that he was incapable of doing so.

After all, his identity is only the third son of the Mu family, such a thing is not enough for the four kings of Sixiang to come forward.

What's more, if it's someone else's marriage, they won't show up.

"Miss Kao is right, let's eat first, and we'll leave after dinner!" Mu Jingnian echoed everyone.

"Everything is fate, maybe Wanjun's fate is here!" Li Tianba said with emotion.

At the same time, he also hoped that King Wuming did not marry her because of Jun Jun's special body, and hoped that King Wuming could treat Jun Jun sincerely.

Jun Wan will definitely not be harmed by King Wuming's side. At the same time, Li Tianba also hopes that the existence of Jun Wan can really restrain King Wuming. good.

After Bai Hong knew about Meng Chao's being blackmailed, he went to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to find a wizard in the name of sending something. In his opinion, the wizard's magic power is all-powerful, and there is nothing he is not sure about.

"Master Bai, do you need me?" The wizard said to Bai Hong with a smile.

Bai Hong glanced at the maid in the hall, and the wizard then said to the maid: "You all go down!"

"Sir Bai, tell me something!" The wizard knew from the moment Bai Hong entered the door that he must have something very important to come today.

Bai Hong then made an enchantment in the room, "Master Wizard, the people of the Dahua tribe threatened the king and the king to cooperate with him. If they don't cooperate, the entire murloc royal family will die. The purpose is to protect it 24 times!"

The wizard didn't expect the big consumption clan to be so blatant and threaten the royal family.

"What's the situation with King Jue and the others?" The wizard knew that Meng Chao could tell the truth to prove their loyalty.

"It's okay now, but now there are many spies in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion and the Great Consumption Clan, so it's not very convenient to talk." Bai Hong said.

"Mr. Mu and the others should be back soon, let's have a good discussion when they come back!" The wizard said to Bai Hong.

"Then I'll leave first, we'll contact you at any time if there's anything to do." Bai Hong knew the situation in the palace, so he wanted to go back and keep an eye on it.

"Master Bai, go get busy, I won't send it off!" The wizard said with a smile.

After Lord Bai returned to the palace, Meng Chao immediately summoned him.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

"Someone just came to report that there were a few missing ladies in the palace for no reason. I showed them a portrait, and they were also on the missing list." Meng Chao had a vague feeling that the missing person must belong to the big consumption family. spy.

"How did it disappear? What portrait?" Bai Hong asked curiously.

It turned out that the maid drawn by Meng Chao was the one who threatened him. He wanted to confirm the identity of the maid.

Taking advantage of the maid's disappearance, he took the opportunity to ask the supervisor in charge of personnel affairs.

"It's the court lady who talked to me about cooperation. I drew her down." Afterwards, Meng Chao showed the portrait to Bai Hong.

"I didn't expect King Jue to have such good drawing skills!" Bai Hong said with a smile.

Xiao Bi knew that the matter was serious. After she spoke to Bai Hong, she immediately told Meng Chao. After all, it was not a trivial matter, and she didn't know if she was doing the right thing.

So Meng Chao knew that Bai Hong knew that the cooperation was threatened.

"It's just so-so. There are a few missing palace ladies. I think it's very likely that they are spies, but they disappeared. I really can't figure it out." Meng Chao looked at Bai Hong and said.

Bai Hong made some calculations, "The palace will be peaceful in the future, congratulations to King Jue, you don't have to worry about the safety of the palace in the future!"

Bai Hong's calculations are also well-known in the murloc world. Although he doesn't know the reason, the fortune of the palace at this time is completely different from what he calculated a few days ago.

"Really? It seems that my guess is right. The people from the Dahua clan have left the palace! Has Master Bai ever told anyone about the cooperation?" Meng Chao asked suspiciously.

"I just went to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion and told the wizard, but I don't think this matter has anything to do with the Immortal Emperor's Mansion in such a short time." Bai Hong said truthfully.

"Is there some expert behind us helping us in Murloc World!" Meng Chao joked.

At this time, Meng Chao's mood was much better. The day before, he felt that he was in a quagmire, but today he felt that the sea and the sky were brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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