Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1953 I'm Sorry

Chapter 1953 I'm Sorry

Kao turned around with a smile, and when he saw Li Tianba, he excitedly walked to the two of them, "Why are you two here?"

"Why did you and Hua Jing come here?" Li Tianba asked!

"We stayed at home for two days, so we came here after we had nothing to do!" Kao said with a smile!

"I came down to look for you guys, so I came back to see Zhou Xiaoyu!" Li Tianba said with a smile.

"We are also here to see Miss Zhou Xiaoyu, do you know where her home is?" Kao smiled very embarrassedly.

"I saw that Jiuyao posted Zhou Xiaoyu's photo in the group. I know the address, but it's not good to go there, not to mention she is still young, haven't I been waiting for an opportunity?" Li Tianba said implicitly.

Kao knew about Li Tianba's ability, if he wanted to see someone, would he need to inform someone?You can enter someone's house directly at night.

"Brother Li, are you embarrassed to go! I'll contact Jiuyao to see if I can see Miss Xiaoyu."

It is certainly inappropriate for a strange man to enter a modern human family.

"You really know me too well!" Li Tianba said.

"What a coincidence that the two of you came here, you came right after Chen Yilin left!" Shi Wei said seeing that he couldn't get in.

"What is he doing here?" When Hua Jing heard Chen Yilin's name, she felt completely different, and now she was embarrassed to meet Chen Yilin.

She knew that she had left without saying goodbye for so long, if Jun Jun hadn't sacrificed herself, she would have almost never had the chance to meet Chen Yilin.

At this time, Hua Jing felt that it was nothing serious for a man to cheat, as long as the man had her in his heart, she would be satisfied.

"You're gone, he can't find you, he's completely depressed, come and chat with Chenchen when you're free!" Shi Wei said while watching Huajing's expression.

Hua Jing signed autographs and took photos with many fans in the coffee shop, but now that the Internet is too developed, she just had time to sit down and chat with Shi Wei and Li Tianba, and people came to the coffee shop to take photos with Hua Jing one after another.

Most of them are fans of flower essences, but there are also some curious people who want to see what celebrities look like.

The first thing to do when entering a coffee shop is to order a cup of coffee. If you go directly to the flower essence, it is not appropriate.

It was the first time for Chenchen to meet so many guests. She started making coffee with the waiter and didn't have time to talk to Huajing and the others.

"It's so strange today, why are there so many people here?" Shi Wei didn't answer Hua Jing's words, looking at the door and talking to himself.

"Did the news about Huajing come here leak out, or let's talk in another place!" Kao suggested.

"It's very possible, then go to my house, your sister-in-law was still talking about you two days ago!" Shi Wei said with a smile.

"Okay, it's close to the villa, let's rest at the villa tonight!" Kao said with a smile.

"Don't you two live in the villa? Do you want to go back to the place where you lived?" Li Tianba asked curiously.

After all, there is no one living in the villa at this time. There used to be Murong Xuehan and others, so there were too many people to live in, but at this time the villa has more than enough rooms.

"No, we want to find a place to live by ourselves!" Hua Jing looked at Li Tianba and said.

Li Tianba instantly understood the reason, it must be because of Zihan.

The two sisters really should be far away from Zihan, and it's good that Zihan doesn't know where they live.

"You guys are so beautiful, it's so inconvenient to live outside. I have a [-]-square-meter unit in the North Second Ring Road, which is well-decorated and has everything. If you don't mind living there, I won't live with your sister-in-law either! "Shi Wei asked with a smile.

"How embarrassing! How can we live in your house!" Kao wanted to refuse.

"You are the shareholders of the company. How could it be possible that the shareholders don't have a place to live? Just treat it as a benefit from me. You can live as long as you want." Shi Wei laughed after finishing speaking.

"In this case, we will not be polite!" Kao said to Shi Wei with a smile.

Hua Jing definitely wants to marry Chen Yilin, and the two sisters will have a place to stay in the human world in the future. Shi Wei is on par with Qin Yan, and they both have a lot of real estate.

Under the cover of several people, Hua Jing walked out of the coffee shop smoothly. Chen Chen didn't speak after seeing it. She could guess that there were too many people in the shop today, which would definitely disturb their conversation.

Hua Jing looked preoccupied in the car going back, she wanted to call Chen Yilin, but she held the phone in her hand for a long time, she was very conflicted, she didn't know whether she should take the initiative to call.

Kao and Hua Jing sat together, watching Hua Jing holding the phone tightly without saying a word.

"If you want to call someone, just call! What are you doing with your phone?" Kao felt that her sister was too young, and maybe she didn't understand what love was.

If you really like someone, you can tolerate all his shortcomings.

When Kao knew that Murong Xuehan, Princess Jiuyao and others were Qin Yan's women, he felt very depressed at that time, but later he also figured it out, as long as Qin Yan treats her well.

What she cares about now is Qin Yan's attitude towards her. As long as Qin Yan keeps treating her well, she will follow him for the rest of her life.

After all, he is an elf, and his thinking is very simple.

"I can't call, Chen Yilin has to take the initiative to call us!" Shi Wei said while driving.

"Her phone hasn't been turned on for a long time, how could he call here!" Kao asked curiously.

Chen Yilin must have made many phone calls to Hua Jing before this, and those phone reminders after Hua Jing turned on the phone are enough to prove it.

"He saw Brother Li coming, so he should be able to guess that you guys are coming too!" Shi Wei said.

As soon as Shi Wei's words fell, Chen Yilin's phone call really came.

"Chen Yilin called?" Li Tianba asked curiously after hearing the voice.

Hua Jing nodded, and pressed the answer button embarrassingly.

After Chen Yilin got home and tidied himself up, he didn't know what to do with his mobile phone, so he dialed Hua Jing's number by accident.

I thought it was still the cold "The phone you dialed has been turned off!" Unexpectedly, it was connected.

After Hua Jing answered, Chen Yilin suddenly didn't know what to say. He thought that he would explain it to her after seeing Hua Jing, but at this time, he couldn't say what he explained.

"You're back!"


"where are you now?"

"Brother Shi's house!"

"I'll go too!"


Then Hua Jing hung up the phone, "Why did it end so soon, you two haven't seen each other for so long, shouldn't you have a lot to say?"

"There are so many of you here, how can I be embarrassed!" Hua Jing said with a smile on her face.

"We are back, shouldn't we tell everyone in the group!" Kao asked.

(End of this chapter)

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