Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1954 Son disagrees

Chapter 1954 Son disagrees

After all, she had to go to see Zhou Xiaoyu through Princess Jiuyao, so it would be difficult to get in touch with Zhou Xiaoyu's family if she didn't contact her.

"Sister, send a message alone, don't talk about it in the group!" Hua Jing looked at Kao and said, she didn't want Zihan to know that she had returned to the human world.

She hasn't figured out how to settle the score with Zihan for Zihan's affair with Chen Yilin.

"Then tell Jiuyao Ye Xiaoqian alone!" Li Tianba felt that Hua Jing's words made sense.

The king of Shuren World told Li Tianba that Li Tianba hadn't done it yet.

After the wizard returned to the tree-man world from the human world, the king immediately came to the wizard's side when he knew about it.

"My lord wizard, where have you been? General Li came to the palace to look for you!" the king asked eagerly.

"I went to meet a friend, and I hurried back after the meeting." The wizard said with a smile.

"Did you know something happened to Zihan?" the king said with a sad face.

"What's wrong? What happened to Zihan?" The wizard was very curious, after all, Zihan was still fine when he came from the human world.

Zihan couldn't keep up with his return speed. The king told him that something happened to Zihan at this time, and he felt a little curious.

Then the king told the wizard exactly what Li Tianba told him.

The wizard has heard about it to some extent, and at the same time the wizard is very curious, how can Zihan's character do such a thing?
"Why is Zihan so confused, I will help you educate Zihan when he comes back!" the wizard said, looking at the sad king.

The king knew that no one around Qin Yan could be messed with. Although he was the king, it was no different from working for Qin Yan.

The people around Qin Yan, especially the women, are the people closest to him. In his opinion, Zihan just needs to find an ordinary Shuren World official woman to marry.

I didn't expect Zihan to fall in love with Hua Jing, but I have to admit that Hua Jing is really beautiful, even an old man like him is happy to see it.

"I don't know if General Li told Zihan. If he did, Zihan would definitely come back. This child grew up with me and is very filial." The king couldn't help feeling sad as he spoke.

"Don't be sad, he's quite old, Zihan's temperament is not bad, I think there must be some reason, he's back, let's just ask." The wizard smiled and comforted the king.

In the world where the wizard walked, the king's heart was always hanging. He was particularly afraid that he would not be able to manage the tree world. If something went wrong under his jurisdiction, he would be the one most responsible.

"Then thank you sorcerer, I will leave Zihan's matter to you. If you see Huajing girl in the future, please ask the sorcerer to apologize to her for me!" To the wizard.

"Don't worry, I will definitely convey it to you." The wizard said with a smile.

When the wizard came back, the king's mentality was much more at ease, and the king's whole mental state was improved.

"By the way, didn't you find a queen? When will you marry her into the palace!" the wizard asked the king with a smile.

When the wizard left, the king's new acquaintance was a well-known talented woman in the tree-man world, with first-class drawing and painting, and the words she wrote could be said to be lifelike, as if she could speak.

The king, who hadn't found a woman for so many years, was directly impressed by her after seeing this woman.

"Our acquaintance is too short, and it will take some time to get married!" The king was embarrassed by the wizard's question.

"If the two like each other, then hurry up and get married, if you don't want to, hurry up and don't delay anyone!" Seeing the king's stupidity, the wizard said a little angrily.

He is a king, and he can marry any woman he wants. This is the first time he has met such a stupid man as a king.

"Wizard, aren't you very prudent in doing things? I have my own ideas about my affairs. Don't always worry about my affairs! You can solve your own affairs before you talk about it!" When the king talked about the wizard's emotional problems , some want to laugh.

When the wizard left, all his "wives" were dismissed, and he didn't know what the wizard was doing.

He couldn't handle his own affairs well, but now he was so enthusiastic about his affairs.

The two have been together for a long time, and their relationship is very deep. The king and the wizard will not care about others if they say anything.

"You mean you're not interested in others? If that's the case, I'm not going to be polite. It just so happens that I don't have any women around me now!" The wizard said deliberately, in order to make the king anxious.

"You are so bad, are you trying to piss me off on purpose!" the king said seriously.

"Why am I mad at you? You obviously like her, but you don't dare to marry him in openly." The wizard said dissatisfied.

The king himself had a hard time. He didn't know whether his son agreed or not. After all, he had no intention of remarrying after so many years.

What happened to Zihan actually made him quite upset, he wanted to get Zihan's blessing before marrying someone into the house.

"Isn't this the level of Zihan? I'm afraid he won't agree!" The king said shyly.

"How could Zihan disagree? He should be relieved that there is a woman taking care of you!" the wizard asked puzzled.

"You don't know. When I was young, I wanted to marry a woman into the mansion. When Zihan heard about it, he went on a hunger strike to protest!" the king said with a sigh.

"Your son doesn't let you worry about it! I usually see him very sensible! No wonder he will destroy Hua Jing's relationship. It seems that this child has something wrong in his heart!" At this moment, the wizard understood why Zihan would destroy her. Huajing and Chen Yilin's relationship is over.

"So, what can I do, I can only wait for my son to agree!"

"You say you are a majestic king, you are too useless, I will talk to Zihan when he comes back, and you don't care about this matter!"

The king looked at the wizard with a smile and said, "Then this matter will trouble you!"

The person the king was most worried about at this time was Zihan. If he wanted to get married, even if Zihan disagreed, he could still secretly contact that woman. It can only be said that the king didn't really like her.

Shi Wei drove the car to the gate of the villa. After Li Tianba and others got out of the car, Shi Wei's wife was welcoming them at the gate with a smile.

"Long time no see!" Shi Wei's wife said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, long time no see!" Hua Jing and Kao said in unison.

"Come in, I know you are coming, I am very happy." Shi Wei's wife walked to Hua Jing and Kao and said with a smile.

Shi Wei said to Li Tianba: "You go in now, I'll go to the garage to park!"

Soon Chen Yilin also rushed to the villa. Chen Yilin didn't know the location of Shi Wei's house, so Chen Yilin called Hua Jing directly after arriving at the entrance of the villa area.

"Is there any friend coming? I'll go out and pick it up!" Shi Wei's wife said enthusiastically.

"No need, he can find it by himself, he knows the location of the villa!" Hua Jing said shyly.

According to the location given by Hua Jing, Chen Yilin quickly found it.

(End of this chapter)

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