Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1955 Don't Tell Him

Chapter 1955 Don't Tell Him
After everyone heard the doorbell, "It's pretty fast!" Shi Wei smiled and got up to open the door.

After Hua Jing saw Chen Yilin who had lost a whole circle of weight, her heart ached.

Hua Wang whispered next to Hua Jing: "Look at the good things you have done, this guy seems to really like you!"

Hua Jing shoved her sister in embarrassment.

"Boss Shi, excuse me!" Chen Yilin said when he saw Shi Wei.

"Wherever it is, they are all our own people, come in and sit!" Shi Wei said with a smile.

After Chen Yilin came in, he didn't know what to say, Shi Wei asked him a question, and he just answered.

Li Tianba looked at Shi Wei and said, "Old Shi, I heard that you have developed a new product. Take us to have a look."

Li Tianba wanted to give Chen Yilin Hua Jing some private space.

After listening to Li Tianba's words, Shi Wei immediately understood, "Look at my memory, let Mr. Chen whisper to Hua Jing, let's go upstairs to my study!"

At this time, Shi Wei's wife and the nanny were busy cooking for everyone in the kitchen.

After there were only two people left in the living room, they were a little embarrassed. Chen Yilin looked at Hua Jing, but couldn't explain what she wanted to explain to Hua Jing. speak out.

"How long do you plan to stay here!" Chen Yilin couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, maybe I won't leave!" Hua Jing lowered her head and said.

If the flower essence doesn't leave, it must be because of feelings!After hearing Hua Jing's words, Chen Yilin immediately sat next to Hua Jing, "I'm sorry, I really didn't do it on purpose, I really don't care for Mo Yuxin, the person I like is you!"

"I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be angry with you!"

"You forgive me?" Chen Yilin asked a little excitedly.

Hua Jing smiled and nodded, "I have something wrong too, I will believe you in everything you say from now on!"

"I won't lie to you, let's get married!" Chen Yilin didn't want to lose the flower essence anymore, and when the flower essence returned to the big world, he felt as if he was dead.

Hua Jing didn't expect Chen Yilin to propose to her at this time.

"I know it's not formal to ask you this here, but I will definitely propose to you formally!"

"I promise you, you don't need to bother too much!" Hua Jing said with a red face and a smile.

Chen Yilin looked at Hua Jing and laughed, "Is this a blessing in disguise?"

"You are not allowed to do stupid things in the future!" Hua Jing pouted and said seriously.

Every move of the two in the living room was clearly seen by Shi Wei and the other three in the study monitor, and the three of them could also hear what the two said.

"It seems that Hua Jing got married earlier than my sister!" Li Tianba said with a smile while looking at Kao.

There has been no happy event for a long time. The marriage of the two is a big event, and everyone will definitely be able to get together by then.

"It's okay, as long as Huajing is happy!" Kao said with a smile.

It's uncertain when Qin Yan will come back from Sixiang at this time, Kao's own major affairs will be fruitless for a while.

"Dinner is almost ready, can we go down!" Shi Wei tried to ask the two of them.

Hua Jing and Chen Yilin also said what they wanted to say. Although the three of them eavesdropped immorally, it was a happy event after all, and everyone was very happy.

When Li Tianba went downstairs, he kept scratching his head. He hadn't told Zihan about the king's explanation yet, so it seemed that he had to say it as soon as possible.

After several people had dinner at Shi Wei's house, Li Tianba and others went back to the villa directly, and Chen Yilin also came to the villa.

"Are you living here these few days?" Chen Yilin asked Hua Jing, he actually didn't want Hua Jing to live opposite Zihan.

He didn't know why, but he didn't like Zihan. He knew that Huajing and Zihan were in the same place, and he was very happy when he heard that Huajing said he couldn't live there.

"My sister and I will live in Brother Shi's apartment on the North Second Ring Road tomorrow!" Hua Jing said with a smile, looking at Chen Yilin.

"What are you going to do to live in someone else's house? I also have several properties. I'll pick you up to live in my house tomorrow!" Hua Jing and him are going to get married, so he should provide Hua Jing Kao with a place to live.

He knew that the two sisters, Huajing and Huawang, were very rich and had no shortage of houses to live in, but after all, he and the two sisters belonged to the same family, and he should take care of their lives.

"It's okay. It's very convenient for us to live with him. We are a cooperative relationship. He should arrange a place for us to live in."

Kao understood Chen Yilin's intention to arrange a place for the two sisters to live at this time, but she felt that no matter what, the two of them should have an independent living space in the human world.

If one day Chen Yilin treats the flower essence badly, the flower essence can come back to live.

"Well then, you can stay anytime in the future!" Although Chen Yilin didn't know why Kao didn't agree to live in the house he provided, he couldn't say anything.

Kao contacted Jiuyao, and Princess Jiuyao knew the purpose of Kao and the others coming back, Hua Jing came back to find Chen Yilin without a doubt, Kao's main purpose should be to see Zhou Xiaoyu.

Before Li Tianba came back to contact Princess Jiuyao, Hua Wang and Hua Jing came.

"What? Li Tianba is here too, this guy doesn't even contact me, I won't talk to him anymore!" Princess Jiuyao replied.

"He didn't come in time to contact you, don't be angry! Didn't he ask me to contact you!" Kao quickly explained.

Kao didn't expect that Princess Jiuyao would choose Li Tianba's reasoning, which is actually expected. After all, the two have known each other for the longest time, and they have experienced many things together. With the people they met later, Feelings are definitely different.

"Don't say good things for him, I won't talk to him if I don't talk to him!" Princess Jiuyao said deliberately, she knew that Li Tianba must also want to see Zhou Xiaoyu, if Li Tianba doesn't apologize to her well, She will definitely not do what Li Tianba wants.

"No, don't blame him. If you ignore him, he might not think much of it. After all, he asked me to contact you." Kao became worried.

"It has nothing to do with you, do you want to meet Zhou Xiaoyu!" Princess Jiuyao asked with a smile.

"Well, she was born, we are all very happy." Kao said with a smile.

"I'll arrange it, you wait for my news!" Princess Jiuyao said with a smile.

"Well, we can contact you at any time. By the way, is it okay not to tell Zihan about our coming here?" Kao asked in a questioning tone.

Princess Jiuyao was a little confused at this time, she didn't know what the hell these people were doing, the wizards came to the human world and were not allowed to tell, and the flower king flower essence came to the human world, but Zihan was not allowed to know.

"Oh, I see!" Princess Jiuyao replied.

(End of this chapter)

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