Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1956 The bold sister

Chapter 1956 The bold sister

Seeing that Princess Jiuyao agreed, Kao was relieved. After all, Hua Jing didn't want Zihan to know, and she had nothing to do. In this matter, she must be facing her sister.

What's more, they were very angry about what Zihan did, and they didn't go directly to Zihan to settle the score. They were looking at the face of the Shuren King and Qin Yan.

But if Zihan does something unfavorable to Chen Yilin in the future, Hua Jing will definitely not bear it.

"Have you made an agreement with Jiuyao? Did she say when she would let us see Zhou Xiaoyu?" Li Tianba asked when Kao put down his phone.

"I asked you to contact you, but you asked me to. Now that Jiuyao knows that you haven't contacted her in the human world, she is angry!" Kao said truthfully.

"How did Jiuyao become so petty? She wasn't such a narrow-minded person before." Li Tianba asked puzzled.

"Master, this is your fault. Why didn't you tell sister Jiuyao when you came to the human world? You are also big-hearted. If I were sister Jiuyao, I would be angry too." Hua Jing said jokingly.

"Isn't it just a day late to say it? It's not too late to say it today!"

After Li Tianba finished speaking, several people burst into laughter.

What Mu Jingnian said to Qin Yan made him lose all mood. It seems that Mu Jingnian really cares about Kao. If he didn't really like it, how could he not marry the majestic Princess Sixiang?

Marrying the princess is also good for his future development, Qin Yan became a little irritable when he thought of this.

At this time, he really wanted to promote the marriage between Mu Jingnian and Princess Jin, seeing how Mu Jingnian swore to die, he didn't want to marry that woman even if he died.

But he knew that if Mu Jingnian was really forced to marry that woman, he would lose Mu Jingnian's backer from now on.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan closed his eyes and quickly thought of a way. He knew that with his strength, nothing could be changed, so he could only think of a way.

After Mu Jingnian finished talking with Qin Yan, he felt like his privacy was being pryed into.

Similarly, he didn't know why he confessed to Qin Yan that he liked Kao. He was very contradictory at this time. If Kao didn't like him, could he not marry her.

Ever since he left the Great World, he has been worrying about the safety of the Flower King Flower Essence. The Great World is only safe for three years. If Qin Yan's mana cannot exceed King Wuming within three years, then the Great World can only be invaded by the Great Consumption Clan .

Jun Wan is doing fairly well in the palace of the Dahua clan, except that her personal freedom is restricted and cannot leave the palace, she can go anywhere in the palace.

She knew that the purpose of the Wuming King marrying her was to improve her mana, but she didn't expect that the Wuming King didn't force her to do anything she didn't want to do.

Originally, Wanjun didn't have any good feelings for the big consumption clan. After all, these people killed Director Wen in front of her. She was afraid of the big consumption clan members.

But her current status is the Queen of the Great Consumption Clan. No one dares to offend her. King Wuming sleeps with her in the same room as before, but every time he sleeps on the floor. She ran away while King Wuming was sleeping, but every time she turned over, she could feel that King Wuming would open her eyes.

With King Wu Ming in the room, she thought that no matter what time it was, she would have no way to escape.

In the beginning, Jun Jun was very timid when doing things in the palace. After all, in a place she was not familiar with, she must take her own safety into consideration.

As the Wuming King treated her well, she became more courageous, and played around in the palace when she was free.

She was not so scared when she saw King Wuming, but she was very upset by the crowd of people behind her every time she went out.

Everyone has times when they want to be alone.

"Don't follow me anymore, I want to turn around alone!" Wan Jun said to the maids behind him expressionlessly.

The ladies in the palace were distressed at this time, after all, Jun Jun's safety was related to their lives, what if she ran away.

After all, everyone in the palace knew that Jun Jun was a woman snatched by foreigners.

"Why are you still following me! Didn't I tell you?" Wan Jun said angrily.

"Queen, don't be angry, the maids don't dare, but you don't let us follow, the king will kill us if he finds out."

"Queen, please spare us!"

After listening to the maid's words, Wanjun had a broken expression on his face. Originally, Wanjun was very young, so after hearing these words, he would not embarrass them anymore.

Wanjun was in no mood to play in an instant, "Go back to the room and sleep!" After saying that, Wanjun pouted and left.

Although the maids dared not say it, Jun Jun's appearance didn't have the majesty of a queen at all. They didn't know how the king would like such a woman.

Wan Jun stayed in the room bored, and several court ladies stood guarding her in the room.

"Are you tired? Go out, I can't get lost in the room!" Wan Jun said helplessly.

A very free person is locked in a big "cage" at this time, and no one will feel comfortable.

"Sister-in-law? Where are you?" Wu Jing, the younger sister of the Wuming King of the Great Consumption Clan, came here at this time. Wu Jing's spells are very high, and no one in the entire Great Consumption Clan is her opponent except the Wuming King.

When King Wuming got married, she was practicing on Taoyuan Island, so she missed her brother's wedding.

Taoyuan Island can only be entered by people whose royal spells have reached the fifth level of Tianzun and above. It can be said that it is the best place to know people from all walks of life.

After Wujing knew that she had a sister-in-law, she didn't go to see her elder brother, but went directly to Wanjun's palace.

At this time, she especially wanted to know what kind of girl her brother, who was so emotionally awkward, would like.

Wanjun originally wanted to discuss with the maids and let them all go out, but she didn't expect to hear someone call her "sister-in-law".

"Queen, the eldest princess is back. When you held the wedding ceremony with the king, she was far away on Taoyuan Island. She should know that the king is married and came to see you!" The maid whispered beside the queen.

Wanjun was very broken at this time, and she didn't know why she was so afraid of seeing King Wuming's sister.

Some people say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies, but most aunts and sisters-in-law don't get along, maybe this is the reason.

Wujing didn't wait for Wanjun to go out to meet her, Wujing walked in by herself.

"Are you my elder brother's sister-in-law?" Wu Jing, who was very happy at first, suddenly became embarrassed.

Seeing Wanjun's immature face in front of her, she looked like a child at first glance, she thought: No wonder my brother has never married, so he likes younger ones.

No matter what she thinks, she feels that her brother is a little perverted, he dares to do it at such a young age.

"My maid greets the eldest princess!" the maids said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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