Chapter 1960
He Li's younger brother belongs to an older youth in the village, and has never found a suitable partner. At this time, his sister actually came back with an illegitimate child, which made it even more difficult for him to find a partner. He definitely won't do it!

"Dad, you won't really let this loser bring a little bastard to live at home! I said what about the wife? Don't you have grandchildren?" He Li's younger brother said to him in front of He Li. Dad said.

"What do you think we should do? Drive them out to starve to death?" Lao He looked at his son and asked.

After hearing what her younger brother said, He Li felt like beating someone. The stable life she gained from a beating was disturbed by her younger brother just like that.

"Dad, do you know what she said outside? She said she was an orphan without parents." She didn't intend to recognize us. If she hadn't been able to work with her children, would she have come back?

Originally, He Li wanted to give her child to others to be raised, but she saw too many lost children on the news. She has her own child, and she loves her child so much that she is reluctant to be separated from her child.

"Did she say that outside?" Old He became furious.

At this moment, He Li felt that she must have owed this brother a debt in her previous life, and she was targeting her so much in this life.

"You guys stop, don't you really want to drive Lili to death?" He Li's mother said.

After all, it was the flesh that fell from her body. She knew that He Li dropped out of school and went out to work when she was young. If it weren't for her family's patriarchal treatment of women, she would not have mixed up in society at a young age.

Not to mention giving birth to a child out of wedlock. In her opinion, all the faults are their elders' fault. It has nothing to do with He Li or the child born.

"This bastard actually cursed me, I'm not dead yet?" Old He said angrily.

"Dad, I have a solution. I don't know if you are willing or not. My sister and the child can survive, and we can also keep our hearts out of sight." He Li's younger brother said with a smile.

"What can you do?" Lao He looked at his son and asked, even He Li's mother looked at his son.

In their opinion, their son must have some good way to get the best of both worlds. They have praised their son all the way since they were young.

"Aren't there a lot of older bachelors in our neighboring village? My sister is so young and has a little girl, and she won't be involved in marrying a wife and having children in the future. In fact, they are very sought-after." He Li's younger brother said.

At this moment, He Li's heart twitched. What's the difference between asking her to marry at this time and killing her?
"Son, your idea is really good. Their mothers will have food and drink in the future!" Lao He said with a smile. If his daughter didn't bring the child, he could still find a good partner, but now he can only find someone with poor conditions to marry. The person who went to the daughter-in-law.

"It's not okay for my sister to marry in vain. You must accept their dowry. When I marry a wife, you can pay less money!" He Li's younger brother looked at his father with a smile. Lao He, who had never smiled for several days, his brows relaxed.

But after thinking about it, even if you are married, you should find someone who is honest and reliable, otherwise the mother and father will still have nothing to eat and drink.

After all, it is my own child, so if you are angry, you are angry. Even if you don't like your daughter, you can't watch her suffer!

"However, it's very easy for you to talk. Your sister has a child, so it's so easy to find!" Lao He sighed after finishing speaking.

"Dad, as long as you agree, I will take care of this matter." He Li's younger brother said, patting his chest.

"You? There are a bunch of cronies around you, and there are not many good people. How can your mother and I feel at ease when I leave it to you?" Lao He said looking at his son.

He Li was listening to the conversation between the two, her heart was bleeding, but she was a little moved when she heard her father's words.

She knew that she had discredited her family, and now her parents could not hold up their heads in front of the villagers.

Originally, she had a slight thought of leaving just now, but seeing her sleeping face at this time, and her father's desire to find an honest man for her, she changed her mind.

Maybe find a father for the child at this time, someone will look after the child for her, and she will work part-time with her future husband, so she can give the child a good life.

"Dad, who said that there are no good people around me? Isn't that Qianjiang very honest? His family is three generations of poor peasants. Isn't there an old saying? He is no more than three generations poor, but he is a potential stock!" Said with a flat smile.

"What kind of logic is this? You mean that Qian Jiang will be rich even if he doesn't do anything in his life?" Old He said angrily with a stern face.

"Dad, this is the eternal law! It's not for us to decide." He Li's younger brother said.

He Li's mother really couldn't listen anymore, "You two, please stop for a while, your daughter was beaten to pieces by you, you two are fine, and now you want to send her out, your conscience has been eaten by dogs Ah!" He Li's mother said angrily.

Even if He Li wanted to find her husband's family, the two men in the family would not be able to talk. This was the mother's business.

When He Li's mother married He Li's father, He Li's mother disagreed at that time because she had heard about He Li's father's temper.

As a result, when the two were on a blind date, He Li's father behaved very well, saying that in the future, He Li's mother will be the master of small things in the family, and He Li's father will be the master of big things.

At that time, He Li's mother was so happy, but after getting married, He Li's mother found that she had fallen into the cesspit, and there were no small things in the family, all of them were big things.

She has no status at home, serving her in-laws, taking care of the children, and cleaning up the house are all her affairs.

Although her daughter brought a child back, she couldn't accept it at first, but seeing her cute little granddaughter, she is now slowly accepting it.

"We men are talking, why do you old woman interrupt? She will affect the son's marriage after she stays at home. Can you take the responsibility that we can't have a grandson?" Old He said angrily.

He Li smiled wryly. She knew how her father could change his character, and how could he think about her if he could beat her so viciously.

The child is breastfeeding at this time. In order not to affect the child, she disinfects it with salt water and refuses to take medicine.

If she hadn't been a mother, she wouldn't have experienced the affection that parents have for their children. If her father had a little affection for her, she wouldn't have ended up where she is today.

"You two are talking hard here, no matter what you do, you should respect He Li's opinion!" He Li's mother said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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