Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1961 Stunned

Chapter 1961 Stunned
"Mom, am I not your own?" He Li's younger brother was very angry when he saw his mother defending his sister so much.

"Xiao Fei, don't you know how your mother treats you? There will be a day when your father and I will leave. At that time, the closest you will be to you will be your sister. That Qianjiang is lame, and her family is poor. Your sister In the past, I also went to suffer!" He Li's mother said anxiously.

"Didn't I say that the poor are no more than three generations old, what if he wins the lottery ticket!" He Li's younger brother coaxed his mother with a playful smile.

He knew that if he wanted to marry his sister off, his mother's consent would be the only way to succeed. If his mother did not agree, her sister would not agree either, and his wishful thinking would be over.

No matter what he said, he would not let his elder sister hinder him from finding a girlfriend at home. Her elder sister came back with a child, and none of his friends would not laugh at him.

He himself was a little ashamed. What his sister did had a great impact on his family. After all, they lived in a rural area with relatively limited information.

People in rural areas have a very traditional way of thinking. If someone's daughter gives birth to a child without getting married, it will definitely be huge news, and it will spread very quickly.

He Li's mother liked her son very much, and his son was always good at talking, "You child, you can say anything out of your mouth."

"Mom, although Qian Jiang has bad legs, he is honest. Besides, my sister is already having children with outsiders. As long as they don't dislike her, what else can you choose?" He Li's younger brother whispered He Li's mother said.

"I'll discuss it with your sister. I'll see what she means. With you two bastards at home, I don't think she wants to stay at home." He Li's mother then came to He Li's room.

In fact, He Li heard everything. After her mother came in, "Mom, I agree with my brother's idea!"

He Li knew Qian Jiang. Qian Jiang was three or four years older than her. When she was in elementary school, she often saw people bullying Qian Jiang.

Many people saw him not calling him by his name but calling him "Cripple"!Perhaps physical disabilities make people's hearts particularly vulnerable.

Qian Jiang has been taciturn, and has not yet married a wife in his late thirties.

Although He Li agreed to this marriage, she would not give any of her dowry money to the family.

When she went home when she was desperate, her family wanted her to marry, and her father beat her severely. To her, she felt no affection at all.

I didn't like my family members, I didn't like them, how could they like me, if it wasn't for the fear that the child would starve to death with her, she wouldn't come back.

"You really want to marry someone? The child's biological father will not be found, right?" He Li's mother was afraid that something would happen if the child's father came back to ask for someone.

"No, he doesn't know our family, so he can't find it, let alone he doesn't know how to find it." He Li was very careful when she spoke. Now that person is in prison, and he won't be able to get out for a while. , When he came out, the children had grown up.

"That's good. I'll tell Xiaofei to ask him to ask Qian's family!" He Li's mother was very happy to see that He Li agreed.

At this time, the child is still young, as long as He Li lives well with others, the child can also have a stable life.

In this way, Zhou Xiaoyu's mother took the child and married her step-father, an honest man who couldn't be more honest.

The fake Zhou Xiaoyu was very lucky. With the care of Princess Jiuyao and others, she lived a superior life, and even her parents followed her.

"Honey, am I dreaming, can we really live in such a big house?" Looking at the house book, Zhao Huiping asked with a smile.

After Mr. Ni came back, he explained the matter exactly, and Zhao Huiping was relieved, and he took the gift as a matter of course.

After Mr. Ni came back, he kept looking at the appearance of "Zhou Xiaoyu", "This child looks so much like me, how could he be reincarnated?"

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense. Don't say this in front of Xiaoxiao's mother in the future, or they will not give us a house when they think about it later." After all, their names are still on the house book at this time.

Although they said to transfer the account at any time, as long as the account is not held for one day, she feels uneasy.

"Why are you so greedy?" Teacher Ni frowned and looked at Zhao Huiping who was greedy for money.

"Why am I greedy? I like the house in such a good location very much. If you have the ability to buy me a house, why am I like this?" Zhao Huiping said angrily.

"It's fine if we have a house to live in, and I didn't let you sleep on the street, so don't ask too much." Teacher Ni said with a dark face.

"Let's go and see the house! I want to live in it now!" Zhao Huiping said with a smile.

"You are still confinement now, I will take you to see it when you are out of confinement." Teacher Ni didn't expect her daughter-in-law to be so anxious.

"I don't care, I just want to go and see it now." Zhao Huiping wanted to see if the house had been renovated. If it was a rough house, it would cost a lot of money to decorate such a big house.

"I'm really convinced. You pack up and I'll take you to see it now." Teacher Ni's mother took care of the children at home on weekdays, and went out to chat with other old ladies in the community when she was free during the day.

"You go out and get Mom back. The child is too young. Let her look at it for a while. We'll come back soon!" Zhao Huiping has no problem going out by himself. The child is too young and soft. Although she is curious to see the house, but Your own children still need to be taken care of.

When Teacher Ni's mother saw the massage chair at home, she asked angrily, "Why do you buy such an expensive thing after you just gave birth?"

In her opinion, it must be her daughter-in-law who is too delicate and feels uncomfortable lying on the bed every day, so she asked her son to buy it.

"This is a gift from a friend, and such a gift is from a friend. We are willing to buy such an expensive thing!" Teacher Ni said with a smile.

When Teacher Ni came back, she told her to take a look at the house. Although she didn't know whose house it was, she knew that there must be something for the two of them to go out, so she hurried back to take care of her granddaughter.

When Zhao Huiping saw the pure copper gate, he immediately became excited. The developer's supporting door would not be of this quality, so it can be seen that it is a well-decorated house, so they can save a lot of decoration costs.

When they opened the door, they were shocked by the luxurious decoration inside.

The two people stared at the scene in front of them with dumbstruck eyes. The high-end European-style decoration, the wallpaper of Marburg, all the furniture are from Lin's Wood, the lamps of Opal, and the floor tiles are all marble.

(End of this chapter)

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