Chapter 1964
This was the case in the Tang Dynasty, and the custom is still the same today. Huajing Kao is not particularly aware of this.

"That's it, then I'll call Chen Yilin!" Hua Jing then went to the bedroom.

When Hua Jing and Chen Yilin were discussing marriage, they didn't understand Fengshui and solar terms at all, so they settled on the 28th pleasing to the eye.

She didn't know that the 28th was the first day of junior high school. Hua Jing felt that what her sister said to Li Tianba made sense.

Most people will choose a good day to hold their wedding. In her opinion, if the first day is not enough, then the second or third day.

After Hua Jing called Chen Yilin, the two discussed that if it didn't work out in the first year of junior high school, they would make a mistake two days later and get married in the third year of junior high school.

After Huajing came out, she smiled and said: "Chen Yilin said that the first year of junior high school is not enough, then the third year of junior high school!"

"Has he discussed with his family this day?" Li Tianba thought that if Chen Yilin's family agreed, they would definitely not attach much importance to the wedding between Hua Jing and Chen Yilin.

Letting Chen Yilin marry Hua Jing is just to maximize the profit of his company's publicity.

Huajing is very famous now, plus he looks like a celestial being, Chen Yilin marrying Huajing is even more powerful for him.

"He hasn't told his brother that they are here tonight to discuss the matter of getting married. Is there something wrong with the first year of junior high school?" Hua Jing asked suspiciously.

"Of course there is a problem. Marriage is usually when the number is even. You two should not blindly find the time to get married. Just let their family determine the time." Li Tianba said helplessly.

It was already the end of the month, and the two of them actually had a very tight time to get married, but money can make things go wrong, and no one would hold a wedding on the day they chose, so they were not worried about the hotel.

"It's so troublesome, I don't believe in this evil, let's hold it on the first day of the new year." Hua Jing actually saw the news on the Internet, let a few people get rich once.

"Are you really thinking about it? We don't care, as long as you two agree." Li Tianba felt that Hua Jing was too individual.

Hua Jing immediately sent a message to Chen Yilin, and the days have not changed. For Chen Yilin, the sooner he gets married, the better, he doesn't care about the days at all.

When Chen Yilin told Mr. Chen about his wedding day, Mr. Chen had obviously seen the news on the Internet, "Did you really decide to hold a wedding on the first day of the new year?"

"Brother, the two of us have already discussed it. In this day and age, let's not be superstitious!" Chen Yilin said to Mr. Chen.

"You got married too hastily, and your relatives abroad will definitely not come back." Mr. Chen said to Chen Yilin.

What he meant was to express that the wedding would not be perfect if it was too hasty.

"It doesn't matter, the information is so developed now, I will send them a message later, and they will come back when they have time, mainly relatives from our hometown, they must come." Chen Yilin knows that Hua Jing has only an older sister in her family, but Hua Jing is in the human world. Many friends.

"This is definitely no problem. Your wedding day is so special. Don't worry about the hotel. I'll send someone to book it right away."

Soon the hotel staff announced the good news to show off, letting everyone know that the time of their marriage has not changed.

"Why do celebrities get married with such personality? They don't care about life at all!"

"Shuang Wai Wai, as long as the two of you hold the wedding as scheduled, I will get rich, and I will like flower essences more and more."

"Damn, two mentally ill, the real Nima is sick, lost a car and went out!"

There are supportive and swearing comments, but these have nothing to do with them, even if they lose money, they can't be blamed.

After Zhao Huiping moved, he immediately contacted Princess Jiuyao and others, and tentatively asked when the transfer of ownership would take place.

Although it was a gift and agreed to transfer the ownership, the woman asked directly that Princess Jiuyao was still a little unhappy, but she was Zhou Xiaoyu's mother, "The transfer can be done this afternoon."

She must have time to ask. If she didn't have time, she wouldn't have asked so quickly. Who wouldn't want to transfer such a valuable thing to her own name early.

"Son! Is this house really ours in the future?" Teacher Ni's mother was shocked when she saw the house.

My son was so exhausted that he would never be able to afford a house without food or drink, but because of his granddaughter, he gave it away for free.

She was born in the countryside, and she believed in reincarnation very much. She herself knew a lot of fortune tellers.

Her granddaughter is so blessed, in her opinion, the Ni family will rely on her granddaughter for the glory of their ancestors.

At the same time, she also became curious about her granddaughter's past life identity. She wanted to know what kind of person her granddaughter was before and whether their family would be richer in the future.

"Mom, this will be our home from now on. Xiaoxiao's mother said to transfer the ownership to us in the afternoon!" Zhao Huiping said while holding the child.

Zhao Huiping was very happy at this time, and Teacher Ni's mother smiled and asked: "Huiping, you see that you all have such a big house, Xiaogang is still renting a house here, and the current housing price is so high. With his income, if he buys a house, all the money he earns will have to pay off the mortgage, or you can give your small house to Xiaogang, and he will find a partner easily if he has a house."

Teacher Ni's mother said Xiaogang was Teacher Ni's younger brother, who had just graduated from university and started working.

After hearing what her mother-in-law said, Zhao Huiping immediately became a little unhappy. That house was bought by the two of them for many years of saving money and working hard. Even if they have a big house now, they still have feelings for that small house. .

Besides, if you want to give away the house of 70 to [-] yuan, who would be so generous, even if it is to give it, it should be given to her brother.

Teacher Ni didn't know how to answer at this time. In his opinion, he was already very lucky. He had so much at once, and a house was not expensive and it didn't matter if he gave it to his younger brother.

After all, my daughter-in-law also has a younger brother. If I gave it to my younger brother, my daughter-in-law would definitely be unhappy.

"Mom, you're too biased! He and I bought the house with hard money, and you didn't pay for it. How dare you make this request to me now?" Zhao Huiping thought it was funny.

"Why are you so stingy? If you don't marry my son and give birth to my granddaughter, will you have such a good life? You will have a luxurious house and a luxury car at once." Zhao Huiping's mother-in-law thought at this time that the two of them Everything Kouzi owns is because of their family.

If it weren't for the good deeds of their ancestors, how could the two of them have such good luck to give birth to such a blessed baby.

(End of this chapter)

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