Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1965 Fighting

Chapter 1965 Fighting (2)

"How can you be so nonsense, if I don't want to marry your son for nothing, can he live in such a big house?" In Zhao Huiping's opinion, she gave birth to the child, and she deserved the most credit, but his mother-in-law actually said that She, she was angry.

"Xiaofeng, look at your daughter-in-law, why has it become like this now, can you go to heaven after giving birth to a child?" Teacher Ni's mother scolded angrily.

"Both of you, please don't say a few words. Now that the living conditions are better, how could you be like this?" Teacher Ni really couldn't figure it out.

The family has money, and the two of them are arguing so much.

"Who are you helping?" The two asked in unison.

"I don't help anyone, I'll just help. If they know what you look like now, will they still give us the house?" Teacher Ni knew that the two people were most concerned about this house at this time. The only way for the two to calm down is to talk about the family atmosphere.

This method is really effective, how could the duck in hand let it fly.

"The two of you will work in the future. I will take care of the child. Now that your living conditions are so good, why don't you give the house to your younger brother?"

"Mom, I also have a younger brother, and my family's conditions are not good. He still has two years to graduate from college, and he will also face getting married and having children to buy a house! You think about your son. We also have younger brothers in our family. It is not suitable for anyone. I think renting It's best to go out."

Zhao Huiping's mother-in-law was furious when she heard Zhao Huiping's words, "I must give it to my son, and your brother can give him whatever you want."

"Well, I gave the BMW to my younger brother. I will drive the Maserati in the future, and I will drive the old broken car to your son. If you agree, the house will belong to your youngest son." Zhao Huiping said angrily.

"If you marry our Ni family, you will be a member of our Ni family. Now you are thinking about what it means to give our family's property to your mother's family. Let alone a new car, even an old car will not work." Zhao Huiping's mother-in-law said angrily.

If Zhao Huiping hadn't been holding the child at this time, he would have been so excited that he wanted to hit someone.

The loud quarrel between the two frightened the child directly, and he began to cry.

Teacher Ni pulled his mother away angrily, "Mom, look at how scared the children are. If the house and the car are gone, what else do you think!"

He couldn't even listen to what his mother said at this time, it must be wrong.

"Am I wrong, you silly boy, take good care of your property, you can't let your daughter-in-law give it to her natal family!" Teacher Ni's mother whispered.

At this time, Zhao Huiping took the child to the bedroom and was coaxing the child. She was furious, but the child was her own after all, and the first thing the child did when he cried was to coax the child.

Zhao Huiping felt her lips hurt a little. It seemed that she was annoyed by her mother-in-law. The child was crying so much that she became furious again. Feeding the child at this time would definitely affect her health.

But at this time, the child kept crying, so he had to give her some milk powder first. Looking at the way the two mothers talked in a low voice outside, it seemed to Zhao Huiping that the two were conspiring.

"Ni, bring in some milk powder for your daughter!" Zhao Huiping said angrily.

"Isn't she breastfeeding? What kind of milk powder!" Teacher Ni replied angrily.

"Being mad at a dog, your daughter will get sick if she eats hot milk, don't you know?" Zhao Huiping didn't care what he said when he was angry.

Seeing her daughter-in-law calling herself a dog, Zhao Huiping's mother-in-law immediately rushed into the room, went to Zhao Huiping's side and slapped Zhao Huiping, "I will teach you a good lesson today, your arrogant daughter-in-law, what crime did I do?" Ah, let my son marry you with this two hundred and five entry."

After Zhao Huiping was beaten, he became angry again, put the child on the bed, and scuffled with his mother-in-law.

Seeing this, Teacher Ni hurried forward to stop the two, trying to separate the two who were struggling together.

The child was crying on the bed, and his mother was wrestling with his daughter-in-law. How much he missed his previous life at this time.

I used to live in a well-to-do life, but it was a well-off family, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was also very good. I didn't expect that now that I have everything, it will become like this.

He couldn't break apart two people who were fighting hard.

At this moment, he looked at the two people wrestling together in the huge room, and at the child who could only cry and not move on the bed.

Teacher Ni became angry, and threw a very expensive vase on the table to the ground, "Enough is enough, stop!"

After seeing the broken bottle, the two stopped immediately. Teacher Ni picked up the child, "Can you pass the day? If you can, you can live well. If you can't pass the afternoon, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Teacher Ni looked at his daughter-in-law angrily. At this time, his wife looked like a psychopath to him.

Ever since Jiuyao and others gave their children a house and a car as gifts, he found that his wife had completely changed.

The woman who was as gentle as water before had become very strange to him at this moment.

Zhao Huiping didn't expect that Teacher Ni would say such a thing. In her opinion, Teacher Ni had a luxury car and lived in a luxurious big house, and his whole person began to swell.

Zhao Huiping thinks that Teacher Ni is protecting his mother, otherwise he wouldn't talk like that.

"Even if it's a divorce, the child is mine. You and mom get out of here."

She knew that a breastfeeding child would be awarded to the mother even if it was a court decision.

Teacher Ni's mother felt that Zhao Huiping was crazy at this time, and she would give up face for the sake of money. Even if it was a divorce, she should leave the house completely.

"You woman, you really deserve a beating. You don't care about your child crying like this, and you still want to divorce my son." Teacher Ni's mother said angrily.

Teacher Ni came to the kitchen with the child in his arms, and made milk powder for the child while holding the child. He knew that it was impossible for the child to breastfeed at this time.

Zhao Huiping didn't expect his mother-in-law to beat her up at this time. It was her son who said the divorce, but now she was to blame.

"Are you mentally ill? It was your son who wanted to get a divorce. Now you have to blame me? Let me tell you, even if it is a divorce, I will not leave the house clean. It should be your son who wants to leave the house clean." .” Zhao Huiping no longer regards his mother-in-law as a mother-in-law at all.

No matter how good a person is, as long as there are many things after divorce, it is very difficult to get married again.

"You think beautifully, you bad woman, too bad! All the property belongs to my son, and it has nothing to do with you."

"You're wrong. Our property belongs to both of us. It has nothing to do with you. It's not what you say you don't have." Zhao Huiping felt that his mother-in-law was too annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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