Chapter 1969
Teacher Ni sent his mother to the station, "Mom, do you have something to do when you go home now?"

"Son, aren't you curious about the child's identity? Your aunt can see through the sky, and everyone knows her magical powers for dozens of miles. I want to go back and ask her." Teacher Ni's mother whispered.

"Mom, the child belongs to me and Huiping now. Her identity is your granddaughter, my daughter. If I knew that you had such thoughts, I would not send you off. Let's go back now." Teacher Ni was about to call Fire, go back.

"If I don't go back, I just want to know the identity of the child. If our child is related to Xiaoxiao's mother and the others, we can understand it clearly. Otherwise, they will give us so many things, and we will not feel safe to accept them!"

Teacher Ni felt that what his mother said made sense, but he didn't know why he felt particularly uneasy.

Ever since he got to know Jiu Yao and the others, he always felt that there was something wrong, but he didn't know.

"Mom, remember to only ask about Xiaoyu's past life. Don't tell us about the current situation of our family, let alone about our gift." Teacher Ni was afraid that her mother would tell everything when she went back. Time to make trouble for yourself.

"I see, how could I say it, I'm stupid!" After speaking, Teacher Ni's mother took her luggage and left.

Teacher Ni's mother often took the car, so he didn't get out of the car to see his mother off.

Teacher Ni's mother originally wanted not to tell Teacher Ni the purpose of her return, but at this time the child is not confinement, and she is afraid that her daughter-in-law will whisper her bad, and their mother-child relationship will not be good.

After Ni's mother returned to the village, she put down her luggage and went directly to the home of the fortune teller.

In the past, when she went to burn incense, she would give at most ten yuan to others, but this time she bought a lot of gifts for the first time.

"Sister, didn't you follow your son to the city to enjoy the blessings? Why are you back today?" In addition to her being at home, the fortune teller also had an old lady playing in her house.

"My family just had a granddaughter. I came here to see what the child was like before reincarnation." Mother Ni said with a smile.

Mr. Fortune Teller knew that the child was born by looking at Ni's mother. It seemed that this child was a nobleman who came to repay his kindness.

Something good must have happened to the Ni family, or else Ni's mother, who likes her grandson, would have bought so many things so generously.

"I don't think there is any need to burn incense and ask questions. It must be someone rich and powerful who came to your house to repay your favor." The fortune teller said with a smile.

"You haven't burned incense yet, so that's all. No wonder everyone comes to you to see what's going on. But just in case, you should burn a stick of incense for me." Mama Ni said with a smile.

"Then I'll take you in and show you!" Afterwards, Mama Ni followed the fortune-teller into the fairy hall where she worshiped.

Then she took a large handful of incense and lit it, and the fire became smaller and smaller until it was all extinguished.

Mama Ni was also taken aback. Although she didn't understand, she could still see such an obvious incense.

"What's going on here!" Mother Ni asked curiously, anxiously.

"It's over, it's over, this child is here for revenge! You must pay attention in the future!" The fortune teller was startled. She has been fortune-telling for decades, and she has never seen such a vicious child.

It can be clearly seen from the incense that this child is going to destroy the family.

"Impossible! After the child was born, someone came to my family and said that the child was their family member. They gave us a big house and an expensive car. How could the child harm us?" Mother Ni asked with some doubts.

Naturally, she wouldn't believe what the fortune teller told her. If it was a very vicious child, accidents would happen one after another in their family as soon as she was born.

How could it be possible for their family to get so much property? Someone still gave them a card today. Although they don't know how much money is in the card, but based on the prices of gifts they gave in the past, they can guess that there must be a lot of money in it.

"You mean someone gave you money?" From the fortune-teller's point of view, it was impossible for the child to bring anything.

She thought that there was something wrong with her incense, so she quickly lit another stick of incense, and the incense soon went out again.

The fortune teller talked directly to the immortal he enshrined, and the immortal said to her: "Hurry up and drive this woman away. I am still practicing, and she will destroy my cultivation base."

The fortune teller then took Ni's mother out, because she knew that the immortal she enshrined would not talk to her directly unless she had to.

Now that he has manifested, a catastrophe must have appeared in their family, and the background of this catastrophe must not be simple.

She lives by the Great Immortal, if the Great Immortal does not cooperate with her, and does not eat the incense she enshrines, she will have no heavenly power in the future.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the incense?" Mama Ni definitely doesn't want to believe that her granddaughter is a disaster.

If she told her son with this result after she went back, her son would definitely be unhappy.

After all, so many good things happened in their family after the child was born, and they got to know such powerful figures as Xiaoxiao's mother and the others.

"I can't manage your family's affairs. Take the things you brought, and don't come into my house in the future." The fortune-teller took the things that Mama Ni brought over to the door of the house and put them on the ground.

She then closed the door and stopped talking to Mama Ni. The two families were originally related, so she couldn't care about these anymore. After all, the safety of her own family was very important.

She knew that if she had anything to do with their family, she would not end well in the future.

At this moment, Mama Ni's legs were so frightened that she couldn't move. How could such a smart child become a murderous person.

She took the things and walked to her house, she was a little bit disbelieving, and then ran to another fortune teller's house.

However, she did not enter the fortune teller's house at all, and was directly persuaded by the fortune teller's family members to return.

It can be seen that what they enshrined was a fairy family, and the fairy family had already informed this person. Mama Ni felt that even if she went around all the fortune tellers' houses in a radius of tens of miles, this could only be the result.

Mother Ni returned to her home in disappointment. She regretted why she was so curious at this time. If she didn't come to see the fragrance, she wouldn't be so troubled.

She knew that even if she went home, she couldn't tell her son and daughter-in-law the truth, because she didn't want her children to know the truth like she did.

She has always had a good relationship with her daughter-in-law, but she felt very unlucky that the two of them got into a fight these two days.

She wanted to live in her hometown for a while, but now she is not in the mood anymore. She wants to tell Princess Jiuyao about today's situation, but she has a premonition that they won't care about them anymore after she tells them.

If Mother Ni told Jiuyao at this time, they would definitely find a wizard to show "Zhou Xiaoyu". If Zhou Xiaoyu was really the murderer, it must not be Zhou Xiaoyu, and they would know the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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