Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1970 Imprisonment

Chapter 1970 Imprisonment
After Mr. Chen told his family about Chen Yilin's wedding date and location, everyone was surprised. The family members were very curious about why Chen Yilin chose such a date.

After Yiyi knew that Chen Yilin was going to get married, she immediately flew back from abroad. She must be there when Chen Yilin got married, she didn't care if she was busy with work or not.

She stayed abroad for a long time, when the family discussed about Chen Yilin's wedding date, she helped Chen Yilin explain that she actually had the same thoughts as Hua Jing and Chen Yilin, and she didn't believe in auspicious days at all.

In her opinion, these are all superstitions of the older generation. After all, flower spirits are elves, and she is not afraid of anything serious.

"Second brother, what day did you choose with sister-in-law Huajing? My mouth is almost dry!" Yiyi complained to Chen Yilin.

"Thank you for your hard work. My sister is better at the critical moment. Xiaohui and the others say they won't be able to make it back." Chen Yilin said.

Chen Yilin said that Xiaohui is Yiyi's younger brother, who is studying abroad, and his academic performance is particularly poor. Busy people have time to come back, but he has so much time that he doesn't have time to come back.

"Xiaohui is a brat. He has a girlfriend and forgets his family. I will definitely teach him a lesson when I go back." Yiyi said angrily.

"Okay, let's not talk about him, he is still young, and Hua Jing has few friends, so you can be her bridesmaid." Chen Yilin said with a smile.

"I knew it would be no good for you to take the initiative to find me! If I become a bridesmaid, I will not be able to marry myself."

"Don't you not believe it? Why are you so superstitious? You are so good-looking, how could you not get married?" Chen Yilin coaxed one by one.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, I want to wear Chanel's dress for the bridesmaids." Yiyi said with a smile, it was time to blackmail her brother, and she knew that her brother would do whatever she said.

"No problem, as long as you agree." Chen Yilin said with a smile.

Hua Wang seldom sees Hua Jing these days, Hua Jing's marriage is a big event, Li Tianba immediately went to inform Murong Xuehan and others when he knew the date of their wedding.

If they didn't notify Hua Jing, and Hua Jing took the initiative to hold the wedding, they would definitely have objections to Hua Jing.

After Hu Xiaoxian and others got the news, they immediately followed Li Tianba to the human world. Li Tianba wanted to inform the wizard, but the wizard knew about it, and so did the Shuren King and Zihan.

When passing the Treeman World, Li Tianba didn't go to the palace, but walked directly to the Human Race World.

"Brother Li, didn't you inform the tree world?" Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"Whether you really don't know or if you don't know, don't you know that Zihan likes flower essences?" Li Tianba said seriously, without directly answering Zihan's words.

Zihan touched his head and said embarrassedly: "What's the matter? Isn't Zihan in the human world?"

"He's in the tree world. If he's not here, I'll definitely tell the tree world." Li Tianba said as he walked.

Shishi didn't expect that Xiaobai, whom she liked before, could be such an idiot. They all knew the reason, but he didn't know that he and Zihan had the closest relationship, and he didn't understand that they lived together.

"Oh, so he's back!" Xiaobai knew that Zihan liked flower essences, but Zihan already had a woman in the human world, so in his opinion, Zihan would not pester flower essences anymore.

At this time, he felt that the people around him were making a big fuss, and in his opinion, Zihan was not as fragile as they imagined.

After Li Tianba returned to the human world with a few people, Hua Jing was a little ashamed and moved when she found out.

Originally, she was still thinking that her maid of honor would only be her sister, but when Shishi came, there were four of her bridesmaids.

"I'm really touched that you can come to my wedding." Hua Jing said with a smile.

"Your marriage is a big deal, we will definitely come back." Hu Xiaoxian said.

"Shishi, can you be my bridesmaid?" Hua Jing asked shyly.

"Of course, I will be a bridesmaid when Sister Kao gets married!" Shishi said grandly.

"How do you know that you will marry later than Miss Kao? What if Miss Kao gets married later than you?" Li Tianba said curiously.

The most uncomfortable person at this time should be Xiaobai. Originally, he and Shishi should be the fastest to get married among the group of people, but they didn't expect that this time would be like this.

Shishi doesn't talk to him very much anymore, and treats him like air in normal times.

"Me! I have a new pursuit now, and I won't get married too early." Shishi went to the big consumption clan. At this time, her pursuit of the supreme mana is higher than her children's personal relationship.

When she was with Xiaobai, she felt that it was easy for her to think about the problem. She felt that she could live a life like a husband and a child, but at this moment she clearly knew what she wanted.

Huajing Chen Yilin's wedding was held as scheduled. The weather on their wedding day was very bad. Of course, the mood of those who participated in online gambling was even worse.

A small number of people who bought today's wedding suddenly became rich. This group of people is silently wishing the couple a happy wedding at home.

After Zihan returned to the Shuren World, he was imprisoned by the Shuren King in the Shuren Palace. At this time, Zihan couldn't figure out why his father treated him like this.

Li Tianba also helped his father treat him like this, Zihan was very angry.

After Zihan came back, he never ate or drank. What he feared most was being imprisoned in one place for a long time. This reminded him of his life before Qin Yan didn't heal him when he was young.

He didn't understand why his father partnered with Li Tianba to plot against him. He guessed that there must be something wrong in the human world, otherwise why would his father let him come back.

After all, he was his own son, and the Shuren King came to the room where Zihan was imprisoned, "Do you know what was wrong?"

"Father, you and Li Tianba plotted against me, are you asking me if I'm wrong now? Why are you so funny?" Zihan said angrily.

"Nizi, do you think everyone doesn't know what you're doing in the human world? Everyone knows, and you're the only one deceiving yourself." The king said emotionally.

"Impossible, you lied to me?" Zihan felt that if Hua Jing found out, she would definitely look for him immediately. Hua Jing never said that.

"You are my favorite son, how could I lie to you? If it wasn't because you did something wrong, how could the father cheat you back, how could General Li tell you that I am critically ill?" King Shuren was sad Said.

He didn't expect his child to be so disobedient, and he didn't dare to admit that he had done something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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