Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1971 Pregnancy

Chapter 1971 Pregnancy

"Father, they know, is the result of your discussion that I will be imprisoned here?" Zihan said with a look of lovelessness.

"You child was always thinking of others, why did you do things that hurt the sky? We didn't plot against you, father is saving your life, you hurt innocent human beings, aren't you afraid that the emperor will come back and kill you?" The tree man king said righteously.

Zihan smiled wryly. It turned out that Huajing didn't bother him because she wanted to ask Qin Yan to deal with him in the future. He didn't expect that Huajing's simple thinking would become complicated.

"Father, I'll deal with whatever you want. Don't scare me with Qin Yan. Whether he can return to the big world is still another matter!" Zihan said indifferently.

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? If other people listen to it, you will die." The king said with some fear.

Zihan couldn't figure out how he could be discovered by Hua Jing because he was so secretive. Mo Yuxin hadn't shown up. In his opinion, Hua Jing couldn't get in touch with the outside world in the big world.If it wasn't for the matter between Chen Yilin and Mo Yuxin, it would be impossible for her to return to the big world.

He really couldn't figure out how Hua Jing knew that Chen Yilin did what he did, if she knew the truth when she returned to the big world, how could she go back to the big world.

She went back to prove that she didn't know it at that time. Li Tianba told him as soon as he returned to the human world that his father was critically ill and asked him to go home quickly. It can be seen that Huajing and the others knew about it before the human world.

At this moment, Zihan didn't have the heart to worry about this anymore, he himself was still a little shy at this time, his bad deeds were known by others, and he still felt good about himself, so he must be embarrassed in his heart.

"Father, I know what you mean, you don't want me to go back to the human world!" Zihan asked with a smile.

"Yes, the father only has you as a family member. The father does not want you to have an accident. Miss Hua Jing is indeed good-looking, but she has a man she likes after all. In the future, the father will definitely choose a better and more beautiful concubine for you. .” The tree man king said to Zihan.

Zihan kept his head down and stopped talking. He was unwilling to lose like this. He was no better than that Chen Yilin. He could give flower essences that Chen Yilin could give, and he could give flower essences that Chen Yilin could not. Why he chose Chen Yilin, he really couldn't figure it out.

Seeing that his son didn't speak, the king got up and wanted to leave, "Father, there is a woman in the human world who is pregnant with our family's blood. I have to go back."

The tree man king was taken aback. At first he thought that Zihan had always been infatuated with flower spirits, but he didn't expect that Zihan already had other women, and even had blood from their family.

"Zihan, what you said is true? Are you not joking?" the king asked in surprise.

If what Zihan said was true, he wouldn't have to worry about what Zihan did wrong, and he wouldn't have to trap Zihan anymore.

"How can this matter be wrong? If you don't believe it, you can go to the human world with me." Zihan said to the tree man king.

"There are so many things in the tree-man world, so I can't leave, but the wizard can go there for me." After speaking, the tree-man king walked out of the room and went to find the wizard.

This matter is a big one, and he dare not neglect it. Although he is concerned about the blood of their family at this time, he is more concerned about the safety of his son.

If Zihan hadn't lied to him, Zihan would not have done anything harmful for the sake of the child. As for the person Zihan hurt, he could only ask the wizard to give him some money.

Perhaps if compensation is given to others, Zihan's crime will be lessened, and he will feel better as a father.

"Really? This kid Zihan didn't expect to do things so quickly. Congratulations, he's going to be a grandfather soon." The wizard said to the king with a smile.

The Shuren King sighed, "I don't know if the child will be able to return to the big world after he is born. If he can't come back, I don't know when we will be able to meet him." Even the barrier that trapped Zihan was made by a wizard.

The enchantment made by the wizard can trap whoever he wants, and he can't escape if he wants to.

"I don't even look at who his grandfather is. I remember that after the Immortal Emperor's child was born, he was as immortal as him. Don't worry about Zihan's child. The child must have mana." The wizard comforted the tree man king. .

"You're a guy who can make me happy. I'll leave Zihan's affairs to you. I'm just such a child. I really don't want anything to happen to him." The tree man king sighed.

"Zihan has a good character, you don't need to worry too much, he will become mature when he becomes a father himself." The wizard said to the tree man king.

"This is an emerald bracelet handed down from our ancestors. Please give it to Zihan's girlfriend. She has been wronged because she conceived a child without a wedding." The family heirloom was taken out, which shows how principled and honest the king is.

The wizard smiled and nodded, Qin Yan really saw the right person, the Shuren King is really a good person.

"I will help you get things done, don't worry!" The wizard took the jade bracelet from the tree man king and put it away.

This bracelet was left by Zihan's mother, and asked him to hand it over to his daughter-in-law. It seems that he has no chance to hand it over by himself.

He knew that human beings have a lifespan, and when he practiced magic enough to go to the human world, his daughter-in-law might have died early.

After the wizard and Zihan returned to the human world, they went back to the hotel first. The wizard still wanted to see the king's daughter-in-law.

After Zihan and the wizard returned to the hotel, everyone guessed that the wizard was Zihan's father, because no one had seen Zihan's father before, and judged by his temperament.

Even Tingting thought that the wizard was Zihan's father when she saw the wizard. Tingting came to Zihan's side embarrassedly. The wizard took a look at Tingting and knew that this woman was Zihan's girlfriend.

Sure enough, Zihan did not lie, and Tingting was really pregnant.

"Zihan, are you back? This is." Tingting asked shyly.

"He's my uncle. My father asked him to come and see the shop I run." Zihan said with a deadpan expression.

"Hello, Uncle, my name is Tingting, and I'm Zihan's friend." Tingting said shyly.

"Hello, Tingting, this is a gift for you!" Then the wizard took out what the tree man king gave him and gave it to Tingting.

Zihan immediately snatched it. He knew it belonged to his mother, but he couldn't bear to give it to Tingting. He didn't expect that his father would give the family heirloom to the wizard and ask the wizard to give it to Tingting.

(End of this chapter)

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