Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1974 Acting

Chapter 1974 Acting
Hua Jing and Chen Yilin were in another private room. The two of them had to deal with the guests and had no time to deal with Mo Yuxin's affairs.

Of course, the people around them can handle things well, and they don't worry about it.

"Why did Mo Yuxin come?" Hua Jing asked Chen Yilin in a low voice.

Chen Yilin was very afraid that Hua Jing would be angry, "I really don't know, I haven't contacted her at all."

Seeing Chen Yilin's nervous look, Hua Jing laughed, "Don't be nervous, I have no other intentions."

"Aren't I afraid that you will be angry? You know that I don't want to live without you." Chen Yilin said aggrievedly.

"Hmph, it will make me happy!" Hua Jing said with a smile.

After Shi Wei and Mo Yuxin entered the private room, Haihai, Shiwei and Mo Yuxin talked in the private room.

Mo Yuxin and Haihai used to be in the same company and had a good relationship. Haihai never thought that Mo Yuxin would ruin his future.

"Xinxin, why are you so confused! Mr. Chen is married, you should think about your future, if today's incident gets out, your future acting career will be over." Hai Hai persuaded Mo Yu Xin.

"Brother Hai, I know what you mean, but I'm pregnant with Mr. Chen's child, and he's irresponsible to me. I came here to ruin his wedding." Mo Yuxin said with tears.

Shi Wei and Hai Hai looked at each other, but they couldn't believe that Chen Yilin and Mo Yuxin slept together for one night and they got pregnant by such a coincidence.

"How is it possible, is there a mistake?" Haihai asked.

"Brother Hai, do you think I'll lie about this kind of thing?" Mo Yuxin is a very good actress, and she came to perform. Although she was very guilty, she still worked hard to perform.

"Miss Mo, Mr. Chen is already married to Hua Jing. Even if she is pregnant, nothing will change. Tell me about your conditions, and I will talk to them." Shi Wei knew that Mo Yuxin was not being kind.

He also didn't want to mince words with Mo Yuxin, he wanted to hear Mo Yuxin's purpose first.

"What's the relationship between Mr. Shi and Mr. Chen? Talking to Mr. Chen like this." Mo Yuxin asked with doubts.

"I haven't known Mr. Chen for long, but Hua Jing is my younger sister, so we have naturally become closer to Mr. Chen." Shi Wei said with a smile.

After hearing Shi Wei's words, Mo Yuxin remembered the previous news. It seemed that Hua Jing had a deep background and a rich family, so it seemed to be true.

"So it's like this!" At this moment, Mo Yuxin felt a little inferiority complex in her heart. If she were Chen Yilin, she would also choose to marry Huajing.

Hua Jing's background can help him succeed in his career, but in her opinion, she has lost out on her family background. If Hua Jing was an ordinary person, Chen Yilin might not have chosen her.

"Miss Mo, you haven't said your purpose yet!" Shi Wei reminded.

"I hope Chen Yilin will help me terminate the contract with our company, and I want to regain my freedom." Mo Yuxin had completely disobeyed Zihan's orders at this time, and did not follow Zihan's requirements.

Now she felt that she had to seize the opportunity in front of her. If she followed Zihan's words, Zihan would probably ignore her in the end.

Zihan asked her to make trouble today, and the condition is that Zihan will help her terminate the contract with the company, and Zihan will also invest in another company to start a company with her.

Now that she has met Shi Wei, who is thousands of times richer than Zihan, she naturally won't listen to Zihan's words anymore.

"Xinxin, why didn't you want to be there when you went there just now?" The news of Mo Yuxin's ban had been circulated in the media for a long time, and Hai Hai asked knowingly.

Mo Yuxin committed suicide by herself, and her boss even slept with Chen Yilin, which caused her boss to trouble their company, and has been robbing their business until now, just to vent her anger.

"Brother Hai should know the reason. It's already very difficult for me to come back in this state. I just want to work safely behind the scenes to make some money." Mo Yuxin said with a smile.

"Miss Mo, I will discuss your request with Xiao Chen. I think for the sake of Miss Mo's reputation, when the matter is not resolved, Miss Mo should not make a decision that is not good for both parties."

Shi Wei knew that this matter would not be easy to solve, unless the child in Mo Yuxin's belly was not Chen Yilin's.

"You are here!" Li Tianba walked in with the wizard.

"Brother Li, you are here!" Shi Wei stood up politely and said.

"What's going on?" Li Tianba asked seriously.

Mo Yuxin didn't know why when she saw Li Tianba and the wizard, she couldn't help being frightened.

Shi Wei whispered the matter in Li Tianba's ear, and the wizard could naturally hear it.

The wizard looked at Mo Yuxin, and Mo Yuxin couldn't help looking elsewhere after meeting the wizard's eyes.

The wizard clearly felt that there was an illusion in Mo Yuxin's body. This illusion could fool other people, but it couldn't fool him alone.

This woman was not pregnant at all, and it seemed that she was instructed by someone to make trouble on purpose.

The wizard knew that this matter had nothing to do with Zihan, and he had a good relationship with the Shuren King, so he must "help" Zihan with this matter.

"Miss Mo, you can go back and wait for news, let's contact Miss Mo again!" Shi Wei said with a smile.

Mo Yuxin was obviously reluctant, what she wanted was a result, and she didn't want to wait for the result.

"I want to see Chen Yilin, and he has to promise me personally, otherwise I won't leave." Mo Yuxin was afraid that Shi Wei and others would perfunctory her.

Li Tianba asked with some doubts: "Did Miss Mo go to the hospital? Is there a diagnosis certificate?"

Mo Yuxin didn't know that Zihan used illusion on her. Li Tianba could feel that Mo Yuxin was a pregnant woman, but he didn't believe that the child in Mo Yuxin's belly belonged to Chen Yilin.

Mo Yuxin thought that Zihan asked her to come to the white wolf empty-handed, even if she didn't succeed, she would have to make a fuss.

"Mr. Chen should be the busiest today. Since Ms. Mo is pregnant, she should not be afraid to wait for two days. If you have a child, your request can be satisfied at any time. Isn't Ms. Mo confident?" Shi Wei said with a smile .

In his opinion, Mo Yuxin's child has a lot of moisture, otherwise Mo Yuxin wouldn't be in such a hurry.

Hearing Shi Wei's words, Mo Yuxin felt a little guilty.

"Why am I not confident? I'm afraid that you will cross the river and tear down the bridge. After all, the two of them have finished their weddings. How did the child threaten them?"

"Miss Mo, since I, Shi, promised you, I will definitely communicate with Chen Yilin. If your child belongs to him, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Shi Wei said, patting his chest.

"Okay, for President Shi's sake, I'll leave first, and I ask President Shi to keep his promise." Mo Yuxin looked at Shi Wei and said.

Shi Wei was afraid that something might happen to Mo Yuxin, "I'll send Miss Mo off."

(End of this chapter)

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