Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1975 Confrontation

Chapter 1975 Confrontation
After the wizard left the wedding scene, he came directly to Zihan's restaurant. Zihan saw the wizard as expected.

"Zihan, what you have done is too much, don't you know how to repent?" the wizard said sternly.

Zihan didn't expect that the wizard would see through his plot, and he could tell that Mo Yuxin was a fake pregnancy. It seemed that the wizard was very capable.

"My lord wizard, are they not wrong? Li Tianba sent me away to give them time to get married, but they didn't know that my father would let me come back." Zihan said angrily.

Zihan was very excited at this time, and the blue veins on his neck were particularly obvious.

Zihan knows that wizards have no magic power, so he is not afraid of wizards. In his opinion, even if he kills wizards at this time, outsiders will not know.

Now the sorcerer came alone, which meant that the sorcerer took into account his father's face and didn't tell the others to come to him first.

"Zihan, you hurt people in the human world. Do you know that it will affect your cultivation? You are now a master of the immortal level, but do you know how difficult it is to rise to the level of gods in the future? If Emperor Qin Yan knows Can he let you go? No one wants to plot against you, everyone is doing this for your own good." The wizard looked at Zihan and said with a little disappointment.

"Everyone knows what I think about flower essences. It's Chen Yilin who wins people's love. He deserves to die." Zihan said viciously.

With Zihan's current appearance, she wished she could rip off Chen Yilin's skin and snatch his woman, she was courting death.

"Perhaps you knew Hua Jing girl first, but there is no sequence in the relationship. The two of them have such a fate in this life. Zihan, you have to let go so that you won't be in such pain, not to mention that the girl outside already has your flesh and blood. .” The sorcerer said holding back his anger at this time.

Tingting was also very surprised when she saw the wizard. The wizard had already left, but he returned to the hotel, which was the busiest time at noon.

Tingting walked carefully to the door of Zihan's office, where he could clearly hear the conversation between the two.

Of course she knew Huajing, Zihan's friend, a popular star, she was very disappointed when she knew that Zihan's favorite woman was Huajing.

Originally, she thought that she could bear Zihan not loving her, as long as Zihan could give her the life she wanted.

But after being with Zihan for a long time, her heart has also changed. Now she wants to have everything Zihan has.

"I'm just playing around with her, how can I have any results with her!" Zihan said calmly.

Tingting was very sad when she heard it, tears fell down involuntarily, she didn't expect Zihan to have no feelings for her at all.

Tingting couldn't listen anymore, so she went back to the bar, explained a few words to the bar supervisor, and then left.

She is in a bad mood today, she wants to be alone, although Zihan can give her everything girls like, but she is a woman after all, all she wants is a man who loves her, Zihan doesn't love her, she wants to I don't understand why so many things are given to her.

Zihan didn't give it to other people casually. Ma Jinting and Jingjing both came to work in the hotel. At first she thought they came here to work with her, but after a long time she realized that they were here to hook up with Zihan. of.

Zihan didn't look at the two of them at all, they were just like ordinary waiters, there was nothing special about them.

The two of them who were originally enthusiastic did not want to continue working under Zihan's black face.

The wizard looked at Zihan, and he knew that Zihan's thinking at this time was not something he, an old man, could talk about. The son of the Shuren King really had the stupidity of Yumu's brain.

"Zihan, with your current mana, you may be able to defeat the flower essence, but can you defeat the flower essence and Kao two? What you have done has offended the two sisters, can they let you go? Are you really doing that?" It's too inappropriate, I should say what I should say, it's up to you whether you listen or not, you can do it yourself." The wizard left after speaking.

He didn't tell anyone when he came out, someone would definitely look for him.

After greeting the guests, Chen Yilin found time to come to Shi Wei's box to look for Shi Wei.

"Where are they?" Chen Yilin asked curiously, not seeing Shi Wei and Mo Yuxin.

"Shi Wei sent Mo Yuxin back, come back soon!" Li Tianba said with a serious expression.

Chen Yilin didn't expect that Shi Wei was really capable, and that women like Mo Yuxin were all taken care of by him.

"Didn't she come to make trouble? Why did she leave?" Chen Yilin asked curiously.

"Haven't you been tossed enough by this woman? Do you still want her here?" Li Tianba said with some reproach.

"That's not what I mean? I'm just curious about what she's doing here?" Chen Yilin asked curiously.

"It's nothing, Shi Wei will take care of it, you go and get busy." Li Tianba was afraid that the news of Mo Yuxin's pregnancy would affect Chen Yilin's mood, so he thought it would be more appropriate to tell him after the wedding.

"Then drink more, I'll go to work first, and I'll come with Hua Jing later." Chen Yilin said happily.

After the wedding was over and all the guests were sent away, Chen Yilin took Hua Jing's hand and walked towards the car.

"Let's discuss today's matter with them tomorrow, don't disturb them today." Shi Wei said to the people around him, looking at the backs of the two.

"Let's go back too!" Princess Jiuyao said to everyone.

Everyone is very tired, everyone has gone home, and we will not talk about important things today.

After Hua Jing and Chen Yilin returned home, they found that there were two more gifts in the house. She knew that these two gifts would not belong to the human world.

A red agate that exploded in popularity, and a sword that subdues demons, although these two things seemed trivial to her, she was able to guess the intention of the gift giver.

Don't think it must be sent by Fu Xinxin and Li Guinu. The red agate is spiritual and can help in cultivation. Fu Xinxin's spells are very low at this time, and she is reluctant to use it. She must have given it to Chen Yilin to take it. beads.

With this bead, Chen Yilin can't help avoiding disasters, and can also cultivate his own magic skills.

Although Hua Jing is married to Chen Yilin, but at this time Chen Yilin is just a mortal, if he doesn't practice, there will be a day when his oil will run out.

Hua Jing was very happy at this time. She knew that Li Gui and Fu Xinxin could not appear at her wedding during the day, after all, their mana was limited.

Although the two couldn't attend her wedding, they prepared her the gifts she needed, and she was very touched.

At this moment, there are only Hua Jing and Chen Yilin in the house, it can be seen that the two ghosts are very sensible, knowing that she and Chen Yilin are wedding night in the bridal chamber tonight, so they didn't stay to disturb them.

(End of this chapter)

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