Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1977 Extortion

Chapter 1977 Extortion
"I can come forward, but tell Hua Jing about this, I'm afraid she will get angry!" Shi Wei meant that don't hide anything from Hua Jing, it would be bad if Hua Jing knew about it.

"Brother Shi, don't worry, I must tell her. After all, we just got married, and now the media is full of news about us. I'm afraid that my handling of Mo Yuxin's matter will cause unnecessary trouble." Chen Yilin said.

"I understand, let's get in touch again!"

Shi Wei then called Mo Yuxin and told Mo Yuxin the news.

"Sure enough, I didn't misjudge the person, Mr. Shi is really amazing!"

"We have another condition, that is, you must abort the child, and we have someone to follow you when you go to the hospital for surgery." Shi Wei said lightly.

Mo Yuxin, who was still very happy, immediately froze. How could she go for surgery without a child in her stomach? She would be overwhelmed when she went to the hospital for an examination.

"What if I beat the child and you don't admit it, what should I do? You have to terminate the contract first and then go to the hospital." Mo Yuxin knew that Chen Yilin must have paid for the termination of the contract.

As long as she was free, it would be no big deal after they knew the truth. In her opinion, Chen Yilin owed her.

"I've asked the lawyer to make an agreement. Ms. Mo won't even believe in the agreement." Shi Wei felt that they didn't doubt the true identity of the child in her womb, and they had already given Mo Yuxin face.

If she still picks things up, he really has no choice but to wait for the child to come out and do a blood test to see whose it is.

Shi Wei had heard before that Chen Yilin fainted as soon as he entered the room, how could he still have the strength to do things.

Shi Wei has been in the mall for a long time, and has fought against all kinds of people, but someone like Mo Yuxin is still a little tender.

Mo Yuxin didn't know how to answer at this moment.

"What's wrong, Miss Mo? Why didn't you talk?"

"Boss Shi, let me think about it first, and then I will answer you." Mo Yuxin hung up the phone and became nervous.

In her opinion, it is useless for Chen Yilin to help her terminate the contract.

Everyone just thought that the child in Mo Yuxin's womb was not Chen Yilin's, but they didn't expect that there was no child in her womb.

Mo Yuxin was very anxious at this time. She thought that one of the two parties would help her solve the problem of the contract, but she didn't expect that each party would make demands on her.

One by one, after knowing that Mo Yuxin had threatened Chen Yilin with the child, she was very angry and sent someone to check the address of Mo Yuxin's home.

Mo Yuxin drugged Chen Yilin, and she wanted to seek revenge on her, but now she threatened Chen Yilin with an unknown wild species.

She was not afraid of other people discussing with her out of face, she wanted to make Mo Yuxin, a shameless woman, notorious.

After finding Mo Yuxin's address, they went directly to Mo Yuxin's house one by one. The community where Mo Yuxin lived was a high-end community, and they stood at the door of the unit building one by one, unable to enter.

Residents who came out took the opportunity to go in one by one, and when they went upstairs, they found that they had to swipe their cards.

Reluctantly, they turned to the stairs one by one and walked up the stairs. The floor Mo Yuxin was on was the 32nd floor, and the whole building was the 33rd floor.

Yi Yi walked away with stares in her eyes, yelling at Mo Yuxin as she walked, and she wanted to kill that bad woman Mo Yuxin at this moment.

Fortunately, Yiyi usually likes martial arts and has good physical fitness, so he went straight to the 32nd floor without taking a break.

After ringing the doorbell of Mo Yuxin's house one by one, the whole person concentrated and became alert.

"Who are you?" An older aunt asked softly.

Yiyi, who was originally very angry, immediately softened, "Hello, is this Mo Yuxin's home?"

"Girl, you've found the wrong place. This is not her home." The old aunt closed the door with a bang, and when she closed it, she muttered, "Why is the name so familiar?"

Yiyi was very angry, and quickly called the person who provided her with clues. She climbed up from the bottom of the building, and the address was wrong. One can imagine how angry she was.

"Yiyi, did you enter the wrong unit? Or did you find the wrong floor?"

"How can..." Before the able word was uttered, one by one saw the big mark of fifteen.

Mo Yuxin's house belongs to Building [-], and she suddenly laughed one by one.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I'll contact you later!" These words were almost said with a smile one by one.

Fortunately, when going down the stairs, I can use the elevator to go down. When I was in the elevator, I leaned on the elevator, thinking that I still have to climb the 32nd floor, and I have no strength. If I climb another 30 floors, I will be exhausted. .

But I don't have long-term eyes, watching the sixteenth building and indeed walking into the fifteenth building.

Yiyi was downstairs at Mo Yuxin's house, and called Mo Yuxin directly. Mo Yuxin was worrying about her contract at home, and she would not answer calls from strangers.

Many fans don't know where they got her phone number, and they always make harassing calls to her. Recently, some black fans often insult her.

After Yiyi called, she hung up without even thinking about it. After being rejected, Yiyi didn’t know where the impetus came from, and went straight to the floor. It happened that someone was going upstairs at this time, and she went up with her. .

This person swiped her card to be on the 27th floor, and she was very happy. The person in the elevator took a look at her, which meant to tell her that she hadn't swiped her card yet, so she pretended not to see her playing with her phone.

Then the 27th floor arrived. One by one, she got out of the elevator with the people on the 27th floor, and then walked into the stairs. She trotted all the way to the 32nd floor.

"Why are you here?" Mo Yuxin asked coldly after seeing Yi Yi!

This woman stopped her when she went to Chen Yilin Huajing's wedding to make trouble, she must remember, after all, the two had a dispute!

"Are you mentally ill? How dare you disturb my brother's wedding? Are you ashamed?" Yiyi said bluntly!
Mo Yuxin was a little surprised and asked: "Aren't you Hua Jing's bridesmaid? Why is Chen Yilin your brother?"

"Is there a problem? Is there any problem with me being a bridesmaid?" Yiyi asked angrily!
"Come in, come in and talk about something!" Mo Yuxin said happily, if she knew that Yiyi was Chen Yilin's younger sister, she would definitely not be so sharp when talking to her!
One by one, I don't know why this Mo Yuxin speaks so emotionally. She was so cold just now, but she can change her tone immediately!
"You were originally an artist in my brother's company. You were sick and wanted to terminate the contract with our company. Now that you have gone to another company, your life is not as good as in my brother's company. Now you want to terminate the contract. Whether you cancel the contract has nothing to do with us, but you Blackmailing my brother's money is a crime, do you plan to spend your next life in a cell?" Yiyi said angrily!
"I'm not extorting, don't talk nonsense!" Mo Yuxin was a little worried. She thought it was nothing, but she didn't expect Yiyi to make the matter so serious!
(End of this chapter)

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