Chapter 1978

Compared with being in jail, being an ordinary person is much better, and she is not stupid, and she is also afraid that Chen Yilin will really sue her!
"No extortion? You go to the hospital with me now, and I want to see whose baby is in your womb!" After all, the size of the fetus can be used to determine the time of pregnancy, and she doesn't even know if it's her brother's!
"Let go of me, I won't go!" Mo Yuxin directly broke away and grabbed her hands one by one!
"Guilty! I warn you, if you harass my brother again, I will definitely not let you go!" At this moment, it was already concluded that the child in Mo Yuxin's belly was not from their Chen family!
Mo Yuxin didn't have a child in her stomach, how dare she go to the hospital, if she did, the Chen family would sue her for fraud, she would have no way to defend herself!

At this time, Mo Yuxin was very angry with Zihan, if she didn't know Zihan, she would live a good life!

Hua Jing married Chen Yilin, and she was useless, so Zihan wanted to cross the river and tear down the bridge, leaving her alone!
At this moment, Mo Yuxin dared not tell Yiyi that the child she was carrying belonged to Chen Yilin!
She knew that she couldn't lie here anymore. After all, she didn't have children, and Yiyi's personality was very strong at first glance. In addition, Shi Wei said that if she wanted to terminate the contract, she had to go to the hospital first, so she knew that her plot was about to be exposed!
At this time, Mo Yuxin was already very annoyed. She wanted to coax Yiyi, but she didn't expect Yiyi to have such a big opinion on her.

"Do you think I'm with Chen Yilin for money?" Mo Yuxin looked at each one and asked.

Yiyi looked at Mo Yuxin and said mockingly, "Otherwise? Don't you?"

"I have tens of millions of fans, and there are so many rich people. If I just find a rich man for money, I will marry. I left Phaeton and signed with another company. I just wanted to anger Chen Yilin, but I didn't think he didn't care at all. " Mo Yuxin said dejectedly.

"It's not just as simple as running away, who doesn't know that you are with the new boss, and it also made our company uneasy." From Yiyi's point of view, Mo Yuxin is a vixen, as long as she is a rich man, she will Put it on without hesitation.

"He and I are just playing around. We have nothing to do. He is with me because of the company's business. Now that I am useless, don't you just ignore me?" Mo Yuxin said with a little disappointment .

"If you hadn't drugged my brother, and if there hadn't been any news about you being together, how could your company hide you? You asked for everything. I wouldn't believe you if you said anything."

One by one I hate women like Mo Yuxin the most, they pretend to be pitiful, they can do anything, and they don't use their brains when they do it.

"I know you won't believe what I say now." Mo Yuxin said with some frustration.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful to me. I'm here today to warn you to stay away from my brother. Although you have the same status as my sister-in-law, you are both an actor, but my sister-in-law's background is not comparable to yours. She can bring my brother The resources here are things you couldn’t even dream of bringing, if you want to marry into a wealthy family in the future, please reincarnate into a good family first.” After finishing speaking, Yiyi left, she just wanted to ridicule Mo Yuxin.

She knew that Hua Jing would feel uncomfortable when she heard these words, but it was not out of her original intention, she just wanted her brother to live a happy life.

Xiaobai overheard the conversation between Zihan and Mo Yuxin, "Zihan, you asked Mo Yuxin to go to the wedding venue yesterday to make trouble?"

"Did she go? Why hasn't there been any noise?" Zihan said with some disappointment.

"Brother Shi called her away. This woman really has a problem with her head. You'd better not get involved with her." Xiaobai didn't want Zihan to end up betraying all relatives. If Huajing got into trouble with him, he I'm not feeling well either.

"I see, don't worry, I won't have any contact with her in the future." Zihan looked at Xiaobai and said.

"I'm going to the villa. They are going back to the big world. I'll see them off!" Xiaobai said as he packed his things.

"Who has returned to the big world? By the way, is Zhou Xiaoyu born?" Zihan asked.

"I heard that it is. Many people have seen it. I heard that they bought a luxury car and a mansion for her parents." Xiaobai didn't know what Zihan's purpose was, but she told him anyway.

"I see, let's go!" Zihan said calmly.

"Aren't you going to give it off?" Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"I'm going? Which one of them will welcome me now?" The wizard looked for him twice, and it was obvious from what he said that other people knew it, and he wanted to save face.

After all, he really went too far with Hua Jing. Hua Jing didn't bother with him because Chen Yilin had nothing to do. If Chen Yilin had something to do, Hua Jing would definitely not let him go.

"Okay then, I'll send them off first, no matter what you do is right or wrong, I can understand your behavior!" Xiaobai said and left!

Zihan felt very lonely by himself. When he arrived at the hotel, Ma Jinting gave him a letter of resignation!This letter is not from Ma Jinting, but from Tingting!
Zihan didn't expect Tingting to leave him at this time.

Everyone is gone, Tingting will not leave her, not to mention Tingting is pregnant at this time!
Ma Jinting didn't expect that Tingting would resign, but Tingting's resignation is a good thing for her, since Tingting is no longer here, she will have a chance!

Zihan glanced at the contents of the resignation letter, hurried out and drove straight to Tingting's residence!
Originally, Zihan could open the door with the key, but Tingting changed the lock!

No matter how Zihan knocks on the door, Tingting will not come out. With Zihan's strength, he can enter directly through the door, but he can't expose himself. There is another possibility of exposing himself, which is to scare Tingting!

Zihan called Tingting, but Tingting's phone showed that it was turned off!
The sound of Zihan knocking on the door made the person opposite the door think that something happened, opened the door and poked his head out to take a look!
Zihan smiled embarrassedly at the neighbor across the door!
On weekdays, Zihan and Tingting ran into each other a few times when they came back. Don't think the neighbor aunt must have quarreled with the young couple!

"Young man, stop knocking, she is angry that you stay here for a day and she will ignore you!" The aunt is someone who has been there, and she knows the little girl's mind best!
Zihan smiled and said, "Thank you, Auntie!"

After talking, the neighbor aunt closed the door!Zihan rang the doorbell twice, but seeing that Tingting wouldn't open, he had no choice but to leave!

Tingting didn't expect that Zihan would come to her, she thought Zihan would not look for her again after reading that letter!
She didn't know if Zihan came here for the child in her womb, or for his mother's token!
The more she looked at this bracelet, the more she liked it, and after wearing it, it turned out to be a very suitable size, but Zihan didn't want to give it to her!She is still very lost!

(End of this chapter)

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