Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1979 Full Moon

Chapter 1979 Full Moon
Tingting knew that the two of them should meet even if they broke up, but she didn't want to meet at home.

Tingting turned on her phone and called Zihan.

"What do you want?" Zihan asked angrily when Tingting called.

Tingting had already thought that Zihan would definitely not have a good attitude towards her. She was not the woman he liked, she was just a woman for entertainment.

"I don't want to do anything, I'm going downstairs now, let's have a good talk." Tingting said lightly.

"I'll wait for you downstairs!" Zihan said and hung up the phone.

After getting in the car, Tingting took off the bracelet given to her by the wizard and put it on Zihan's car.

"I know I'm not qualified to wear this bracelet, but I'm sorry I've been wearing it for a day and now I'm returning it to you."

Zihan looked at Tingting coldly, he knew that Tingting was about to break up with him, Huajing had gone far from his life, Tingting did this at this time and unintentionally angered Zihan.

"What do you mean?" Zihan asked while holding back the anger in his heart.

"Since you don't like me, there is no need for us to be together, let's break up!"

After Tingting finished speaking, Zihan strangled Tingting's neck excitedly.

"Let me tell you, unless you die, you will never leave my side." Zihan's eyes were so red that it was frightening.

Tingting didn't expect that Zihan's reaction would be so big, but Zihan said that he didn't like her at all, and had no feelings for her. Zihan at this time made her even more confused.

Tingting instinctively wanted to break Zihan's hand, but she couldn't.

Seeing that she couldn't break Zihan's hand, Tingting had no choice but to beat Zihan's arm.

Just when Tingting was about to die, Zihan let go of Tingting.

I saw Tingting panting heavily, and crying, "What do you want? You don't like me, and you have no intention of marrying me. Why are you doing this?"

Zihan knew that Tingting must have heard the conversation between him and the wizard, otherwise why would Tingting have such a big reaction.

"What did you hear? Let me tell you, change the door lock back. You are pregnant now and it is not suitable for you to go to the hotel. I will find someone to take care of you." Zihan said a little angrily.

Tingting felt that she was very wronged at this moment. She didn't expect that Zihan did something wrong, and even treated her like this without even apologizing.

"No, I said I don't want to be with you anymore. Let's break up. I'll go to the hospital to kill the child tomorrow."

"You dare! If you dare to harm him, I will kill you!" Zihan stared at Tingting coldly and said.

Tingting thought she was lucky enough to meet Zihan, but she didn't expect Zihan to treat her like this now.

"Who are you? Why do you order me to do things!" Tingting was very sad at this time.

"Is it because of this bracelet?" Zihan asked while holding the bracelet.

Tingting didn't answer when she didn't hear it, Zihan took Tingting's hand and wanted to put it in for her.

Tingting dodged immediately, "I don't want it, give it to whoever you want!"

Tingting is determined today and doesn't want to be with Zihan anymore.

"I want to give it to you right now." After finishing speaking, Zihan forced Tingting to put the bracelet on.

Looking at the bracelet, Tingting felt a little better, "Didn't you not give it to me? What do you mean?"

"I know what I said to the wizard, you heard it, I was just saying something angry, don't take it to heart, as long as you stay by my side honestly, I will not treat you badly." Zihan looked at Tingting and said .

Tingting was in tears at this moment, and punched Zihan a few times angrily, "You are too bad!"

Zihan hugged Tingting in his arms. What he fears the most now is losing. After Huajing got married, his inner thoughts actually changed slowly, perhaps because he felt that things were irreversible.

Maybe it was because he was about to become a father, and he was awakened.

He felt that he was a little stingy with Tingting. What his mother left behind was not worth much in the world of tree people. If it was something of great value, his father would not be willing to let the wizard take it.

"Who did you say the wizard was? Uncle?" Tingting asked curiously.

"You shouldn't ask less about things you know." Zihan said coldly.

"You are not allowed to like other people in the future, otherwise I will take the child to death!" Tingting said jealously.

"Okay, I'll listen to you in the future!" Maybe Zihan has lost a lot recently, and he doesn't want to lose Tingting beside him.

After all, in the human world, this woman is his closest relative, as long as she is always by his side, he will not give up on her.

After Xiaobai returned to the villa, he found that the villa was empty, so Xiaobai had to call Hu Xiaoxian, knowing that he couldn't get through to Shishi.

"Sister Xiaoxian, where are you?" Xiaobai thought they had already returned to the big world, and the phone was disconnected.

"We're at the Electric Valley Hotel, participating in Zhou Xiaoyu's full moon celebration!" Hu Xiaoxian said loudly, it can be seen that it was very noisy there.

Originally they planned to leave today, but Zhou Xiaoyu's full moon was chosen on this day. Zhou Xiaoyu, who was born on the first day of July, was not particularly good at having a full moon on the first day of August, so they had to make a mistake one day later.

"Ah, why didn't you tell me yesterday, I thought you were going back to the big world today!" Xiao Bai said dissatisfied.

"I didn't notify you when you were at Zihan's place. If you have nothing to do, hurry up and come here." Hu Xiaoxian then hung up the phone.

Originally they were going to leave today, but when they were all at home last night, Princess Jiuyao created a new group without Zihan and informed everyone of the news.

Princess Jiuyao thought that everyone would pull Xiaobai in, but everyone didn't have Xiaobai's WeChat account, and Shishi must have deleted it, so Xiaobai didn't know what happened today.

After Hu Xiaoxian hung up the phone, Teacher Ni came to the box with several people. Teacher Ni didn't expect that the big star Hua Jing would come too, and he himself always regarded Hua Jing as a goddess.

"Welcome everyone, Goddess Huajing, are you here too?" Teacher Ni asked excitedly.

"Hello, Teacher Ni, I have always wanted to come and see the child, but I have never had the time. Today I finally saw the child at the full moon." Hua Jing said with a smile.

"It's really an honor to meet everyone, and thank you for your love for my little girl." Teacher Ni said with a smile.

Originally, the child's full moon today must be held in an ordinary restaurant with the strength of the Ni family, but Princess Jiuyao gave them money. After all, Princess Jiuyao and others are watching, and they don't want to make it too shabby.

Many of Mr. Ni's colleagues came. When they received the invitation, they couldn't believe that Mr. Ni would give their children a full moon in Diangu.

After all, a meal plus drinks is not enough. As teachers, their usual salary is not too high.

(End of this chapter)

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